Bring original Dungeon finder to WotLK classic

Can you please replace Brian Birmingham? You clearly understand wrath better than he does lol. The realm lock caveat is key. Cross realm play was the breakdown of the community. That’s when I could not longer run a dungeon with someone then run into them doing dailies and then end up queued in another dungeon with them.


I was under the impression it was still one boost per account. Did that change? Or are people really dumb enough to pay for subscriptions on multiple accounts just so they can also buy multiple boosts? Lol

He’s even gotten hung up on the “3.3. was the last patch so it wasn’t really Wrath” nonsense.

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With one coming in Wrath the abomination there will be 2 available total right, a 60 and 70 Boost. I could be wrong, wouldn’t be the first time, but I believe that will be the case. Just take 2 per at what $40 each I think times say 300,000 accounts let’s say. That’s $24 million reasons to not have RDF.

They may end the 58 boost pack, but given that they’re gearing up to allow unlimited boosts per account, I doubt that it’ll matter soon.

There’s a reason we haven’t heard about the Deluxe Edition Wrath Classic. They have to lay the groundwork for “Boost all your characters” first, by making levelling painful while hampering non-Blizzard boosting, and ensuring that you feel the need for extra boosts by not allowing faction or race changes.

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Now they are taking away quest helper UI, I’m done, this company is a joke. I’ll go back to ff14. Looks like I’ll never relive wrath.


I really thought the outcry for RDF was an ideal time to make a couple mega servers that people have asked for since the start of vanilla classic. On those they can use the new system the developed and give the rest of us RDF on the regular servers.

I hope they change their minds but I don’t think they will :frowning: I was really looking forward to the RDF.

If it’s a really big deal with community, they should change it so it’s server specific. Say you’re on benediction and you queue, you’ll only group with people from Benediction. Nothing changes besides the automation of the group being put together

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RDF wasnt the problem. The toxic community has always been the issue. People doing jerk things in runs with strangers was always the issue. The downfall of this game has always been the players and the constant push to sociopathy based on some misguided sense of min/maxing.


Nice double standard.

Agreed, mob ninjas, loot ninjas and intentional face pulls were around long before RDF.


If they don’t include dungeon finder, this might be the most blatant ignoring of the desires of the playerbase in the game’s history. Because, my God, I’ve never seen a topic so heavily slanted to one side. The side that Blizz is ignoring.

Whether it’s here, the regular forums, Reddit, mmo-c, YouTube comments, twitch streams and everywhere in between the substantial majority are pleading for dungeon finder. The playerbase has never been more unified. Every poll is like 70-80% pro-lfd. And we’re talking tens of thousands of votes. It’s not an insubstantial sample.

So for Blizz to ignore all that is a pretty straightforward statement of, “We don’t care what the players say or want.” I feel like that attitude didn’t work too well the first time around.


LINK CHEEV or no invite


Don’t forget, you will need current raid gear to get an invite too


Honestly this statement right here needs to be plastered everywhere and made its own post… because its 100% whats going on.

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We tried the community thing with Vanilla and TBC. Some, like myself, put up with it with the hope that Wrath would be rereleased in its original form.

There is no community. There are gdkps, and excessive gatekeeping for almost every group activity. The item you want in a heroic dungeon is very likely being reserved.

Que up with good ol’ random dungeon finder and everyone has an equal chance to get in. Sure it has its problems, but the good groups always outnumber the bad ones. Sometimes you’ll even keep your group and que up for multiple. Or…don’t use it at all and play like you normally do when screaming the sky is falling over it.


The people that are happy with this change are not coming to forums/reddit/youtube/twitch to complain about it. This thread has 76 comments and your post has 5 likes. You cannot claim to be a majority. What you are seeing is a confirmation bias by the loudest people in the room. There are hundreds of thousands of players you got liked by 0.001% of them.

The casual masses who this change will most drastically affect negatively aren’t coming to these forums. They don’t make long posts about topics like this. They simply silently quit. Which they will.

By the way, there are polls with tens of thousands of votes about dungeon finder and they sit around 70% pro-lfd. This is not confirmation bias. This is reality.


Don’t forget Twitter. I don’t really use it but I’ve read several times the backlash on Twitter has been enormous.


After you get your foot out of your mouth, you may want to check the dozen other threads about RDF and the ratios of likes and responses of anti-RDF vs pro-RDF. It’s overwhelmingly pro-RDF.

In addition, there are clear, articulated reasons being posted in support of RDF, but only vague, unarticulated reasons being posted anti-RDF. I keep looking for real reasons against it, but it’s the same troll or rose-tinted rhetoric about community with no actual facts to support it. Such as polls or overall support for anti-RDF. Every poll with thousands of people I’ve seen is pro-RDF by the numbers. I wish MicroActiBlizz would host an official poll and only take one vote per account so we could get an accurate number.

But I do think they don’t care about player wishes as much as making maximum profit for minimum effort in Classic.