Bring original Dungeon finder to WotLK classic

I love how Blizz is taking a tool that was in the game, at that time, that made it accessible to people who probably started the Game during Wrath just to finish the story that WC3 started, out of the game.


Thank you for pointing this out, Zaalg! This is exactly right and it will be a shame when they all just go away.

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totally agree asked for wrath not something different and everyone swears wrath best expac why change it them. they keep changing things around i’m just going to pass on it i had enough of tbcc and the misery it turned out to be.


ilvl is the basis of qualification. THats pretty funny given the ease wat which gear is purchased.

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if in the end the decisions of making modifications in the game are notheless a hangman game between to opinions in different places but mainly this forum, i will left that even ff xiv suffers from automated group maker, by not being immersive, not contributing with community sentiment, being the downside people that wont be willing to play so much to rush content. But these people, like me, is the solid playerbase, the “vet” that will be playing more time in its own community.
i’m in favor of separate realms by having or not this so called feature, that zeroes the pillar world is the main character.

in the troll side, im in favor of blizzard only permit wotlk to be downloaded by people that not played retail last three years.

I never seen the polls, because I wasn’t looking for confirmation bias.

Players that are disgruntled because they’re not getting their own way will obviously go looking to air their grievances. While those that either don’t care or are content won’t bother. This is all confirmation bias by a vocal minority of mainly retail tourists.

What happened to #nochanges?

Why #changesnow?

Because blizzard knows that this is the last classic experience they can sell… no one wants to play the beginning of the end called “Cata”

And you blind sheep with no thought process of your own are like “Yeah, I don’t want RDF because”

lol sheeple

Interesting that you’re advocating for RDF which came out just before the beginning of the end called “Cata” and wasn’t a part of the game until 3.3 when most people were already done leveling and only used it to farm the ICC dungeons. Following that the game has been in a death spiral ever since.

you are so fully ignorant on the history its mind-blowing.

Go research how long it was out before Cata… it was such a huge success that Blizztard thought Raid Finder was the right move… thats how overwhelmingly positive RFD was to the stagnant state of finding dungeons.


The population stagnated basically as soon as it was released and it was only around so long because the game was in a content drought for ages waiting on Cata. The population literally never went up again following it’s release.

It’s their IP and they have the freedom to do with it what they see fit. If you don’t like it that’s your issue, not theirs.

You are in 100% control to create your own group within your guild, friends or family that you play with. Some changes are neccesary and I am all for QoL changes in the modern age of gaming.

If you want to play a game with absolutely no changes then happily grab a time machine and hop back to the mid 2000’s.

There are tons of people that enjoy all of the different expansions for their own reasons alone. No need to rag on the company because you feel like an entitled slug.

People have the ability to form their own thoughts on if they do or dont want RDF and in no way are they sheep or “sheeple” for having an opinion. You are just mad because big daddy blizzard hasnt responded to your crying about one tiny aspect of the game so you make 100000 different posts pertaining to the same cry wolf topic.

The ignorance you have is that of a brick wall, impenetrable.

I am willing to bet that you’ve used RDF/LFR on retail HUNDREDS of times for varying reasons. Dont act like your innocent and stop badgering people.

Grow up and enjoy the game, even the parts you hate.

“Trust me bro. Despite all evidence to the contrary, I’m the majority”

This is you


The game maintained its all time high of subs till the first patch of Cataclysm.

The downward spiral certainly couldnt have been any of these things in Patch 4.0

  • Talent Trees Changes
  • [Reforging]
  • Flexible Raid Lock System
  • World revamp

Your opinion is worthless because your premise is so flawed its ridiculous. You dont even have a sold grasp on the Sub counts, timeline or massive changes that lead to the destruction of the game. Your opinion that this is a bunch of retail tourists is asinine.


Comparing the complaints of anti-RDF before the announcement to the complaints of pro-RDF after, there’s a stark contrast that tells you that anti-RDF wasn’t the majority.

However, I still prefer the realm-locked RDF compromise.

No. No. No. Stop repeating this.

RDF came out in 2009. Nearly half the expansion was RDF. This nonsense about “end of the expansion” is LITERALLY provably wrong. December 2009 was RDF. Please stop repeating that nonsense.


Why did they need to remove something that so many people have been looking forward to ever since vanilla Classic was announced? Manual group finding still exists for raid groups. The sense of ‘community’ is still there.

This new system is awful, and at this point, they’re just trying to reinvent the wheel. Its RDF with like three extra steps. These extra steps? They give people control to be toxic and gatekeep. Not to mention, for many, they make dungeon finding something to dread, rather than something to look forward to.

There’s a reason it was implemented the way it was. Can’t wait to look for hours for a leveling dungeon or be denied to a casual max level group because of my class.


All me and my friend group did in 3.3 was level alts. It was extremely fun with the RDF. Its how we met. Ironic, considering their reason for removing it was “community”. We’ve been talking about reliving that experience for years now, and are incredibly disappointed.


Great for you that you managed to pool together with other player from across servers in a time when it was impossible to interact with them in any way within the game world. I can assure you there will be many more people finding players they can interact with without the RDF.

Yes, and these ‘many more social interactions’ will go something like this:

You click Request to join the dungeon group on the dungeon finder.
The host of that group sees your request. They type /who yournamehere
They see they are not a tank or healer.
They click Deny.
Such interaction. This is how it will be for most people. This, 30 times, at max level. At low levels? There won’t be groups to click Request on after the first week of the fresh servers. Or literally ever, on non-fresh servers.


Why would you apply to a group that only needs a tank or a healer as a dps? lol way to try and pigeon hole your argument.