Bring FlameReaper back

Like Video games. :slight_smile:

And fanboys who like their stuff to stay exclusive.

cough Playstation Fanboys freaking out over Spiderman going to PC… :sneezing_face:

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Hah, don’t get me started on console exclusivity. That’s a practice that has no benefit to anyone at all except for Sony / Microsoft / Nintendo as incentives for people to buy their consoles. Yeah, it’s business and it makes sense for the companies wanting to make more money, as they do, but it’s not very consumer friendly.

And this exclusivity racket has just led us down the path of needing to subscribe to half a dozen streaming services just to watch their exclusive shows. Such an unsustainable market.

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I’ll never understand people who stick with one thing for years and years.

I constantly change, and I have severe issues with change. Because something new always comes out. I bought the Enchanted Fey Dragon cause I thought I’d never use a different mount. Then I did the same with the Vulpin, and then the Cat. Etc.

I’ll use them for a few months, then change. Just like my armor and weapons. The only exception is the Mage Tower skin for the Marksman Hunter because it’s pretty and gives me a quiver. Though right now I’m not using it cause it clashes with my mog.

Well to be fair, there is a small number of Glaive transmogs. Heck DH have a small number of mogs as is if you just consider class sets.

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I am glad that more companies realize in order to make more money, you put it on more platforms, because not everybody is gonna go out of their way to get $500 of weak locked hardware for 3 or 2 games. :smiley:

We are not talking only about Flamereaper anymore, idk if u got it, but as Hezzlocks said:

“Letting other people have access to these appearances holds no sway over your personal value of said appearances, unless your personal value of said appearances are purely because of the feeling of superiority you get from having something many people do not have. Which, as I said, is the worst, most selfish trait of collectors.”

And i totally agree with him, with the exception things like season pvp appearances, unic items like cata mount, anquiraj.

But mage tower? Azzinoth Glaives? Come on, this is not just to pamper selfish people, this is to make player feels like a prisoner of the game, and subscribe again just to take a appearance because blizz launched a timewalk event and now u can take the transmog u wanted before.

The game have to maintain its subscriptions because its good, not because it locks you with somethings, and they are fixing these type of things with Dragonflight for the god sake.

This because i not started talking about new blizz players, yeah, those exists, i coundnt pay to play in blizz early, now i can, and now i cant get things i had before in pirate servers, like anquiraj mount, azzinoth, im ok with anquiraj, because i understand the plot behind it, but i cant agree with azzinoth and other things.

Blizzard have to pay attention to new players too, not only old ones.

PS: Sorry the bad english, im not fluent.

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edamann 10/10

you can always puch to bring it back

As Community council can you communicate to the business the community wants these back?

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No. Some stuff needs to stay locked or it devalues time players put in. They said it was limited time and should remain that way.

You should be asking for more content like that

Not like some people who buy carries for limited time stuff. Not specifically just the Mage Tower cosmetics. So while if only those who put in the time and effort had such things I would agree to an extent, but sadly there are those who have paid to obtain such things before.

I think they should bring them back. Blizzard has all but stopped making spec unique weapons and armor. Some of the cosmetics like the paladin flail and the druid skins are options in a very small pool of things to choose from for druid players or people who like flails.

The truth is that Blizzard isn’t going to make anything like those again, that was at their peak, and we’re three expansions later and haven’t seen anything up to that quality of spec fantasy.

They should add them to the current mage tower. Lot’s of people have voiced the opinion that it’s more difficult than the original, so there’s no “it’s not as hard excuse”.

The only complaint people make is exclusivity for time based rewards, which is an argument only made by people whose self perception is based solely on pixels. I have no qualms about people getting the elite sets I have after the season ends, or slime cat, or the AOTC mounts. I’d rather collectors, completionists, transmoggers, casuals be able to enjoy the game as much as anyone else and feel and look cool in a sick mog.


You can wait for classic legion if you want limited time mage tower items so bad otherwise I suggest you invent a time machine.

Where did I say anything about people paying for a carry?

It as a limited time. It should remain that way.

Never said ya did lad. Was bringing up the point about how ya believe that should what is gone, should come back would “devalue” it. And I mentioned how some pay others to either do such things for them, or carry them to obtain that which they cannot do themselves. Which conflicts to when one earns it by putting in the time and effort.

I should have been more clear about that so fer that I do apologize.

Sure, I unlocked this appearance when it was current and would have absolutely no problem with blizzard making it unlockable again.

How about anyone who completes the havoc spec Shadowlands mage tower gets the legion weapon appearances too? It would literally be WAY more challenging than it was in legion.

Exactly, this would be a great idea…

Or perhaps, blizzard makes something even cooler than the legion mage tower weapons for people to obtain?

the only reason there are so many threads like this is because there hasnt been anything even remotely as cool as the legion mage tower weapons added since BFA.

I mean, I’ve literally been using this same Elite PVP set on my DH since legion because there hasn’t been a new DH set that looks anywhere near as good as it, which is kind of disappointing… this set looks great but it really gets stale after awhile…

same with my druid, shaman and paladin MOP cmode sets.

Why do you even care if someone wants something that was removed? It would not effect you in any way whatsoever. (especially if you don’t have it).

If these threads bother you so much, I would recommend that you don’t read them :slight_smile:

Actually, don’t you think that the fact that there are so many these threads shows that the majority of the player base doesn’t want things like this removed? If I were blizzard, I would listen to what so many players are saying.


Tons of people were buying MoP challenge mode runs. There is no prestige associated with any of those items. People just don’t want others to have something. It is what is is.


Eh, I mean if what is gone comes back, then cool. If not then oh well in my opinion. At the end of the day only value I find to take away from this game are the memories I gain. As well as some screenshots and videos from time to time.

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Regardless it was a limited time and single player… you can’t be carried. That’s all the more reason it should not come back. Something different? Sure

There are websites (To which I will not list here) that did in fact allow some players to pay others to do the content for them lad.