Bring FlameReaper back

Well. I can’t fix that but it’s not justification to bring back a limited time item.

The correct answer is to ask for something new.

What about scarab lord, black Porto, deaths demise… it is not fair to bring that stuff back.

I am up for new stuff. As mentioned before matters not to me if stuff comes back or not, life goes on. Would love to have the mech suit Mekkatorque uses, or perhaps Wrenchcalibur. That weapon would be awesome to equip on me Gnome Warrior.

No one needed a carry for mage tower in legion…

Here’s how I beat the havoc challenge in legion with full antorus gear/tier:

Scenario starts, I used eye beam, meta which stunned Xylem and I literally did enough dmg to enter phase 2 before Xylem even did any abilities.

Phase two: I didn’t even have meta or any cds ready, I still beat the encounter before two pools of darkness were dropped and only one set of adds spawned.

what about the ice reaper???

Can you inform the dev team of the concerns the community has?

what are u talkign about