Bring FlameReaper back

WHy in the world would I do mage-tower if it werent for the cool cosmetic reward that should have been at the very least recolored like Druids got.

what is a flame reaper

Artifact appearance.

And yes they should bring back mage tower skins.


I personally hate FOMO style content, where if you’re not around for something you can’t get it again. It absolutely sucks, especially for new players who join the game late and thus have no chance at getting some things from previous expansions because they didn’t even have an account when that stuff was current.

I can’t speak for everyone, but when I see a cool transmog in-game, I inspect the player, see what they’re wearing and then I’ll search for a way to replicate it. What dungeons do I have to farm? What reputations? Do I need to do an old raid for transmog etc, and sometimes that actually gets me doing content I’ve never done before on a character because I really want the look that I saw, but I’ll never get it without doing that content. But what really -really- sucks is when I look at someone’s transmog, then search for those items and find out that they’re no longer obtainable for whatever reason, either because the expansion it was available in is no longer current or it was a reward for seasonal content and became unobtainable with the new season.

It also sucks when the removed content is story critical, all because there’s a reward or title offered at the end that is now completely irrelevant as far as the rest of the game is concerned. For example the legendary quest chains for Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor which have key storybeats in them that are now completely missed by new players because they weren’t around.

IMO Blizzard needs to learn from this absolute failure and remove FOMO from their game. Let players obtain rewards at their own pace, even if its multiple expansions later when that content is trivial. Guild Wars 2, one of the competitors of WoW in the MMO space, tried the FOMO route with their first ever post-launch story content, Living World Season 1, and it was received so poorly that they promised to bring it back to the game so it could be done repeatedly and the rewards could be earned and now they’re doing just that and getting praise from their community for doing so, along with a renewed interest in very challenging content such as the recently re-released Tower of Nightmares.

If Guild Wars 2 can do it without issue. World of Warcraft can as well, and IMO they should.


A flame that reaps

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I used to be on the side of recolors but after the sheer amount of people insulting any of us who want the time limited to stay that way, I gave up trying to compromise in earlier threads.

I have missed out on a lot of things, which is why I did all 36 of the mage towers and why I did the Visions for the title. I came back too late for Veilstrider and have accepted it’s not going to happen.

I don’t particularly like fomo but I do want Blizzard to keep their word, they said it was time limited and it should stay that way.

what does it reap?

Flames, I guess

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As someone who unlocked all the mage tower weapons for every class and almost exclusively uses Thalkiel for my warlock… I agree with this sentiment entirely.

I don’t care if other people can get these appearances now. I don’t care if they can literally just walk in and 1 shot the boss. I didn’t unlock these weapons to lord over everyone that missed out. I didn’t unlock them to have exclusive stuff no one else can get anymore. I didn’t unlock them so I could have something “rare”.

I unlocked them because they are cool. I unlocked them because Mage Tower was (mostly) a cool fun challenge. I unlocked them for my own personal sense of accomplishment that is not affected by whether or not other people can get them or not, nor is it affected by if it’s super easy to get now or not. Just like Green Fire. That’s super easy to get now but I did it back when it was a challenge and it was fun. No one will EVER take that from me.

So yes. Let everyone get access to these weapons. It doesn’t bother me in the slightest. No reason not to let people get them as far as I’m concerned.


God bless you for not being selfish.

Time bound cosmetics are just a dumb a way to make some selfish players feel a little special.

Oh, look at me, i have flame reaper, i play since legion. Kids… game is about to have fun.

Ok, if blizz want to make this as hard as it was(i disagree but i can accept), but dont, just dont make it impossible to get.


Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Problem with this line of thought is that in “real life,” a collectable item has both value to the individual as well as actual monetary value to others! In WoW, a digital item only has intrinsic value to the individual! What’s more, no one actually owns any of these items that they value, and as was shown with the missing store transmogs, they can be “taken away” at any point! Trying to use “value” as an argument for why items aren’t brought back is silly in this type of environment, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

Shoulda played in Legion.

In seriousness though, there has been a severe lack of challenges and rewards lately Blizzard, gimme more transmogs for hitting my head against a wall for 400+ pulls. I’m starved!

It is silly to think that digital items have no value in this type of environment when you are arguing to bring them back because people value you them for either their collection or transmog. People want the items because they hold some type of value. This is nothing new in the realm of digital gaming with limited items being available across the board and having values outside of monetary assigned to them.

The real questions are how good for the game is having some limited items and/or which group should be catered to. I am a fan of limited items when they are known to be limited in advance and is not overdone. Limited items and removed items are not the same thing. I am not a fan of just randomly removed items at the end of xpacs. That happened to a lot of things when Cata came out, from quests and dungeons.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. I said the items only have value to the individual, should try reading! The point was trying to compare them to the real world as an argument for them NOT to return is what is stilly, haha! The only actual value these things hold is whether or not the individual thinks they look cool, using a real world comparison is rather silly when you don’t even own said items!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

Digital items can carry value as well, this is true. However, most of the rare and exclusive stuff are soulbound and unable to be traded, and these mage tower appearances are amongst those things that are soulbound. Therefore the only value they carry is personal value, or maybe if you decide to sell your account entirely, which is against ToS. In light of this, the only value in these appearances is purely selfish, something to make yourself feel superior over those that didn’t get them. Which is the absolute worst trait collectors have and really shouldn’t be so proudly boasted…

Once again, I have all the mage tower appearances and I say let people earn them. Let them one shot the boss, even. I got the weapons while they were current and I had fun getting them (at least most of them were fun…) and that can never be taken away from me.

It seems you don’t understand how comparisons work or the concept behind them. Value of collectibles is something that collectors mostly create. The concept behind that does not change when you are looking at collecting as a concept. Now if you don’t understand the concept of collecting and how value can be created just say so, no need to call it silly.

Value is not just based on if you can trade something or not. You can say that things are of a personal value but generally that is how collections are made. People sometimes do hold the same thing as valuable and that holds true for digital collecting. The value of the collection is how rare it is which is why limited skins sell so well n other games. We also can remove the shaming language of calling people selfish because both desires are selfish in nature. People want them to stay gone because of rarity and people want them to come back because they want them. Both sides are selfish but collectors are more open about it because it impacts the value of their collects.

Now lets talk about value, it seems that people want to use this definition of the word.

the monetary worth of something: market price

Which is okay but it has more than one meaning and since we cannot trade the item I am using this one.

to consider or rate highly: prize, esteem

People see limited time items as prizes and rate having them highly in their collections. Frankly I don’t have any of the mage tower appearances and I am fine with that. Sometimes you miss out on things and that is life, it is nothing new or game breaking.

if something is rare in real world there is always way to get it, so if u want to compare to real world, then mt weapons should be obtainable some way

Hello, I see you replied to my post. I love the irony of someone trying to say I don’t understand coming from someone trying to compare real world value to items in a digital space that we as players don’t even own, haha! Thanks for the good laugh!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

You can have personal value on an item that is mass produced and in every household. I have souvenirs from Japan and New Zealand that hold personal value to me despite them being cheap mass produced junk that anyone could get, they could even just order it off ebay if they wanted to. But it holds personal value to me because of the personal experiences I had and the memories they hold.

Letting other people have access to these appearances holds no sway over your personal value of said appearances, unless your personal value of said appearances are purely because of the feeling of superiority you get from having something many people do not have. Which, as I said, is the worst, most selfish trait of collectors.


I unlocked Outlaw Rogue artifact appearance from MT when it was current. Like you, I got them because it was cool. I couldn’t give a crap if someone today were able to get them.

One of the complaints you see is ppl saying there’s no content at max level outside of the 3 pillars, well gee maybe because some big brain over at Blizzard is hellbent on removing it regardless if it is legacy.