Bring FlameReaper back

Please bring back FlameReaper as unlock-able appearance for DH’s.


The Flame-Glaive? :point_down:


Another “give me challenge mode appearances I wasn’t around for” thread? :yawning_face:


Go ahead take it. I don’t care if other people have it, I barely even use mine anymore.


On one hand, giving DH an option that isn’t literally Glaives of Azzinoth sounds great. On the other hand, the only reason anyone wants this is because they can’t have it. As soon as they can, they’ll go right back to warglaives.


whatis a flame reaper

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Confidencyo’s comment was deleted, so this reply to him is no longer relevant.

And for that one person who thought it was in reply to Sentenza, you either ignored your first reply in here or purposely twisted your argument. Please pay better attention next time to who is replying to who. Thanks!


Yeah, cuz I’m the “harasser”

Glad you enjoyed your own energy and medicine


This is the one

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I mean sure, i don’t mind if people get it. I think it looks really cool. :man_shrugging:

It is just cosmetic at the end of the day, and rarity doesn’t define value personally.

I’m guessing you think the likes she gets on her posts don’t exist then? :thinking:

I don’t agree with her either, but this is just a silly thing to say to that instead of just saying “I disagree and here’s why”…

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Another I have it so I dont care what you think post :slight_smile:

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i hope they do

That’s right. :axe:

in fact the Demon hunter lacks a lot of variety of things like being better Warglaives design that does not look like big Boomerangs from The Legend of Zelda, disable for all races this class as well as the use of Warglaives that is not only DH, but for classes that use 1H weapons.

And not forgetting that the DH once used Daggers before 7.2.

Fun fact: I absolutely don’t have it! :smiley:

And you wont ever :slight_smile:

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And I’m totally happy with that! Those that have it earned it and I respect the time they put in to get it. :slight_smile:

I didn’t get the Mists CM Druid set that I really really wanted, either. I would’ve loved to have that. Every time I see someone with it on, it always makes me happy to see they got it and still sport it. I usually whisper them and congratulate them on having it. Because it’s awesome! I don’t come to a forum and ask for something, just because I couldn’t or didn’t earn it. I just respect those who have it and know I’ve got tons of other stuff I could use.


Mage Tower appearances are not coming back and should not come back


Gonna be a no from me. Time sensitive means time sensitive. We were told it was going away. It went away. It should remain away.


Why do druids get theirs then?