Bring FlameReaper back

Why you must assume based on something i do after i told you i’ve never done that for the rarity, but only collected for the item’s actual quality, is beyond me on how you misunderstood that comment you are quoting in your response.

Yes it does actually, because now it’s on a modern platform, getting updates to an older game, and it will garner a fanbase they will enjoy it, and fix it for many more generations to come. And maybe, even mirasiously, Take Two can even revive the francise. Though the chances of getting a crappy remake out of it, might be huge… so… You win some, you lose some. :man_shrugging:

Yeah your right, the enjoyment comes from enjoying the thing not because it’s rare.

Correct me if i’m wrong, but i’m not sure if saying “i don’t see the difference in between those items in game from then and now” helps the point you’re making here. Yes, digital stays the same for the most part. You can copy files over to a USB, access them 20 years later, and it’s still there as if you left them. That’s the beauty of digital. Physical meanwhile, you have to exactly put some degree of effort to ensure it’s fine for the next 20 or so.

If you’re trying to imply my opinion isn’t the majority because there’s other people who plays the game, neither is yours by that logic.

:laughing: No, it doesn’t.

Insomiac’s Spiderman was Awesome when it’s on the PS4, and it’s still awesome on the PC… prehaps even more so since i can mod in Bully Maguire. :rofl:

Oh don’t start using this cliche with me when you comprehend what i’ve said perfectly… :roll_eyes:

Like come on, i get you disagree, but can you at least say that, instead of pretending to suddenly lose the ability to comprehend? And i know what i’ve said, but i’ve not made it complicated for anybody to follow what i’ve said there.

I mean the consoles do look nice, but not $500 worth of nice to me personally. And being honest, Sony has like a few exclusives that interest me, if not like couple or even one. Which to me, it doesn’t make any sense to get the console for just 3 games. Even if the console is 4K 60fps, because i much rather wait for them to be on PC, even if it takes years.

And you do have my condolences for the fanboys (which are different from the normal fans) for all the ruckus they caused over the exclusives leaving the console.

I mean it’s human nature to build nukes, but it’s not exactly a correct idea you should be having.

If the looks is bad, they wouldn’t even care about it. I mean if it’s just a common gray bow, how many people you think their going to care about it realistically?

Again, where do you get this contradictory idea? If anything, where do you get the idea where common things won’t be used?.. i mean, isn’t that’s why it’s common? Because it’s being commonly used?

By your own design, you didn’t even attempt to explain why it’s not contradictory, you just said “It’s human nature” as if it answers anything.

And most likely the reason they do that is to read them. Not just put them on a shelf to say “look! i got all of this!”…

If i were going into collect comics, it’s because… i want to read them. I don’t get why you think it’s a forgien concept to you here, that you don’t think people get stuff just to use stuff. Do you buy expensive and rare toasters just to look at them? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

…Why you’re saying (and i’m paraphrasing) “if it’s common, people won’t use it” then? That’s pretty much caring about how somebody uses it.

…Okay so what?

Yes, putting it in MTX and cheating to get it is bad, but if Blizzard just put this behind certain hard tasks that isn’t limited in time but skill in this game, ala high level torghast, or mythic raids, i don’t see how this messes with the rare–

Don’t Blizzard put RNG behind these things?.. Invincible, that’s still like a rare mount to get for that reason. Along with Rare BoE mounts and so on. Half of the stuff from Visions are still hard to get because of the timer within those instances on top of the RNG.

And isn’t the most expensive materials are rare to comeby, which is why the mounts or cosmetics made by those materials are expensive? I don’t know about you, but that sounds rare to me.

What, do you not get stuff if there’s no r–Why you’re wearing that mog?.. You told me “If common, everybody wouldn’t use it?” Glasses are like common like water and yet, you’re using it. That boots, that overalls, that shirt, common as dirt. And yet you’re sitting here, telling me “if it’s common, nobody would use it”.

It doesn’t bother me and I’ve had a reasonable conversation in here. But those who disagree were called harassers, trolls, toxic gross elitists and there were claims that those who want it can’t defend themselves because of the cesspool.

Thats called villainizing. No matter how you want to defend it.

I have contributed. But we’ll just gloss over that, because it doesn’t fit your narrative, hmm?

Yep! You’re right. I had no intention of debating the subject of marketing with you. And I haven’t. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’d like for you to point out to me where I haven’t been civil. I’ll wait.

And no, one amusing snarky comment is not being uncivil. I’m not the one slamming people, insulting others, etc. But keep defending those posts. :+1:

Again, it’s okay when others do it, but suddenly now it’s not? Yeah no. Snark is not toxic. It’s just a silly quip.

No one has told me to calm down but you and I never called that insulting. Anything else you want to make up?

Once again… I’m not the one pulling this crap:

But sure, I’m the problem. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

I’d like for you to point out to me where I can’t handle the opposing viewpoint. I had a completely civil discussion with the OP, who then turned around and called ME a troll.

Your views are so twisted I don’t know how you haven’t broken something at this point.

No one self victimized. Learn to comprehend sarcasm.

But seeing as how you’ll never stop, because you’re worse than a dog with a bone once you get your claws into a conversation to try to trash someone, I’m putting you on ignore.

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So, after typing my name in the search bar, I don’t care if you put me on ignore. You’re already on my ignore list, and I wasn’t talking to you anyway. Bye bye.

At least, I think you were talking about me.


Typical GD, arguing for the sake of arguing. Never change.

ya, someone makes infllammatory comment then gets mad that people call them out on it, its great


I have never met a collector that does not know the value of their their collection even if it is a rough estimate. It is just a basic of collecting to know how much you paid for something and the going rate if you need to replace it or just want two. Or make sure you are not being ripped off because you want something that is a “collectable”. I could go on and on about this because I am from a family of collectors but I digress…you also want to know the value for home/ renters insurance as well…okay I am doing to let it go now.

So I am not going to get into the quote wars because I can see that you have removed context from the sentences you pulled out to prove your point which I find dishonest because I explained my reasoning in the parts you left out. When we are talking about the realm of collecting, as I pointed out before, physical copies matter more than just the ability to play the game. If you are talking about it from a gamer stand point then yes it is great that it is on steam but those are two very different points. My whole post is from the view of a collector, one that values rarity of items. What you did was cherry pick the parts and ignore the explanation given with them so you could do a rebuttal without having to use the full context. Then you added in things never said “if it’s common, nobody would use it”, where did you pull that quote from? You are a dishonest person to have a conversation with and then you tried to call me out.

Let me say this about myself, I am never going to say I don’t understand something when I do. That is just not the type of game I play, really did not understand the point you were making.

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Thats the hilarious part. I’m not mad, y’all are. The sheer amount of irony in this thread is astounding. :rofl:

Look in the mirror and read the post I chose to respond to. I was simply being as rude to you as you were to the OP. Self victimization at its finest. Be a jerk, don’t like when someone is back.


I’m not sure if saying that over and over would make it true… :thinking:

Ehhhh… Not what anybody would typically call reasonable… :thinking:

Their only calling those people that because they were being unreasonable and dismissive. Not because they disagree. You can disagree politely. It’s a thing.

That’s not villianizing at all.

I mean your first comment was literally the thrid comment and… we all know how it went in your comment with you being pretty dismissive.

And the first person who responded to your comment, is pretty neutral here. :point_down:

…And instead of giving a straightforward response, you’ve decided to go with this… :point_down:

Thailla, what you did to him was much worse then his comment by gaslighting him. And i disagree and think what he said was stupid. But you took it a step too far with that comment over… what? something that happened on the other thread that you are holding a grudge against?

Snarkiness is seldom contribute.

What the hell is your problem, mate? Did you get the Pawzer virus? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I question if you truly know marketing if you’re just going to say that…

Pretty much nearly all the posts you’ve made here, including your first comment.

Moving the goalposts much? :roll_eyes:

Being dismissive and unreasonable is no where near being civil Thailla.

…You are literal doing that to me right now. Please stop with this fake victimization for Thralls sakes… :roll_eyes:

I’ve never said or implied that.

Infact, i even defend you on a few occasions on this thread, but i guess you didn’t see those.

Being dismissive isn’t a “Silly quip”.

I said “you think”…As in your acting like that. I’ve never said you “called it that”. This is why i tell you to calm down, because you seem to act like were attacking you by saying benign things that every other person wouldn’t even bat an eye to.

Literally just said this to him, calling him out on a dumb comment he made. :point_down: :laughing:

That’s again because you Thailla can’t learn to just ignore this poster if you have a problem with what he said on the other thread.

Are you surprised they called you that after you made your dismissive “quip” and your terrible response to Confidenceyo’s first comment?

PBHT. Even one of the people you’ve qutoed and positioned to be bad said this. :point_down: :laughing:

Pretty much this comment you’re giving me, but i guess you’re still going to deny it instead of actually taking responsibility for your actions.

Yeah, because you were being an unpleasent person to her from the offset and atferwards.

What is twisted about my views exactly? I keep it relatively simple.

And yet you’re still contining to show how bothered you are and trying everything you can to defend yourself while victimizing yourself while denying that last fact.

"It’s just a prank bro! :crazy_face: " :roll_eyes:

You at this point, you’re giving me strong Talonel Vibes with all of this self victimization you’re doing, so nothing at worth is lost at this point.

Nice edit. Not even gonna say my name when you’re clearly talking about me (since i’m the only one who responded to Sentenza’s first comment) after you harassed somebody into silence by overreacting and self victimization instead of just ignoring it. You can’t get any more lower if you tried. :roll_eyes:

I’m starting to see why Confidenceyo made that comment and why you were upset over it.


Yeah, i got to be legit, its kind of sad that she hasn’t learned her lesson the last time she pulled this stunt…

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their names familiar, is that the one who made giant forum thread saying sorry for being mean on forums and they were leaving?

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Only if I can get the demo one back.

Naturally, a spec I hated is now one of my favorites.

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I’m convinced that that happens so often. Hate it one expansion, love it another. Sometimes it even changes in a patch. I’ve gone from loving Enh Shaman to hating it and back again, depending on the changes. Keeps us on our toes, I guess?

I have the cm set for rogue and I only played it in SL s-1 since Legion, lol.


… I… don’t… know. :neutral_face: :point_up:

Uhh… what??

I’m sorry, but… is me getting old video games because i find them fun at one point in my life is… werid to you? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m not angry, i’m just fascinated on why you keep on assuming i’m a collector just merely collecting when i told you it’s because i enjoy playing with them. I.E using them.

Need For Speed Underground 2, a great game 9/10, they don’t make 'em like this anymore, i got it because i loved it back on the PS2 and i want to re-experience them on the PC. It’s an awesome experience especially with mods. I didn’t buy it to just have it sit on my shelf.

Hell if i didn’t like it, i wouldn’t even be telling you that… it’s almost like i don’t care if an item is rare or not because it has nothing to do with the actual quality of the item or why i liked something that i’ve enjoyed decades ago… :open_mouth: :open_hands: :rainbow:

The Taxed Largely; Didn’t Rent, version of all that if you dislike reading is… the value comes from the enjoyment i had with the game because i played it and had fun with the objective merits the game has.

Ooooooooh… :thinking:

Correct me if i’m wrong in assuming your thoughts here but,… you probably think i’m made of money here and that’s why probably you think on why i have the opinion on them as i do, you think that i don’t see them as rare because i can afford it.

While i’m not for eating bread crumbs for dinner, i’m not exactly living Kayne’s lifestyle either. I’m smack dab in the middle in terms of finance and budgeting and i do want to try to get the cheapest option if possible if it comes to old games or… hell any game that matter. There will be times where i will overpay, but that’s often balanced out though the incredible sales i get sometimes.

I loved the The Sims 1, But i’m not going to pay… /inhales


One hundred and Fifty Four Bucks… with Taxes and Shipping and Handling. Fuhgeddaboudit!! I mean jesus, this is why i would like games to be on Steam, because we can avoid crap like this where prices just go astronomical ranges that it’s the equivalent to a new low end GPU card, to a point where you’re better off asking Robbie Rotten to help you out on that one. This isn’t even going off the fact that these games don’t install well on modern machines and are stuck on 30fps for the most part. (They do play surprisingly well on Windows 10, you just have to keep an VituralBox with an XP install in handy as well a shared folder)

I mean… Who else but Collectors are going to do that?

That’s different because that’s something you actually need in order to … well live. Like medical insurance, or medical related stuff at all. It’s essential stuff, or more essential then video games, or comics, or… idk, rocks. Whatever is typically a collectible by collectors.

I’m going to stop you right there.

I quote to keep in the context. Which you are doing as well. And i also respond and give thoughts to individual comments. Which is also what you’ve done as well.

This is not an exclusive thing with me, and i don’t know why anybody thinks it is, as if quoting and responding to that piece of quote that is still connected to the rest of what you’ve said, let alone explaining why they disagree or find that particular idea wrong, or why it doesn’t work as a whole, as if it’s an alien language to them. Have you heard of “Death by a thousand cuts”?

Is the proper way to communicate to you is just paraphrase in a messy unorganized fashion? “To A, here’s B, and to C, here’s D, and etc”… Because to me, that’s a good way to take anybody out of context, and yet …you have no problem with that when you do it…

If i were to say “You’ve said kicking gnomes is fun and i think you’re a bad person for it”, we both know you will be asking where you’ve said that… which is why i quote people. It’s there to protect you, to not take you out of context.

And when you do ask me when i do paraphrase, i’l gladly provide.

Well tell me what parts i’ve left out if that’s an issue then, then i’l gladly respond to them.

If not, then it’s not a problem by your own admission then.

You don’t not understand why i’ve used the gamer stand point, do you?

Gamer, plays games. I know, shocker. And games has objective merits, like playing the game to experience a story, to kick butt, to relax, to be creative, so on and so forth that it gives value to the video games from a gamer. Sure, subjective value, but value none the less. And there’s a lot of good games that are good by it’s own qualities, and not because their rare or exclusive.

As i’ve said, the rarity has nothing to do with the objective quality of the game and i’ve focused on the actual qualities of the game.

Now take all that, and apply it to cosmetics. It’s nearly the same deal. Hell apply this to anything, Cars, Makeup, Sport Cards, Crosses, Computer parts, Guitars, Movies, Books, Vinyls…

I mean… doesn’t a collector understands that not everybody will think that rarity is a value that they will care?

Going back to cosmetics…

Sure, fine, Art’s subjective. But time limited or not, do you seriously think people, like a majority, without would actually care about a common simple bow… ?

Or …would they care about… … A bow that is made out of a tree branch, with vines wrapping around it, and even has flowers popping off, along with a noticeable handle, that is called… Wildrunner? :point_down:

But rarity doesn’t objectively equal to quality. That’s a subjective value you yourself have given it.

It’s fine to find subjective value in stuff because it’s rare, but objectively speaking, it’s seldom the reason why people like the item/game.

Then tell me the full context. Give me quotes what i’ve missed. Saying “Ugh, you just don’t get the full context” doesn’t help, when you don’t provide the full context that you perceived i was missing.

First off, i literally just said “i’m paraphrasing” in that comment you’re talking about that in that quote. :point_down:

For somebody telling me i’m ignoring certain parts, you’ve ignored this certain part.

Second, This was the quote i was paraphrasing… :point_down:

You’ve literally said this. I’ll forgive the wonky grammar on your end here, but even if i included the entirety of your comment here, it wouldn’t really change what you’ve said here. You still said “If you want them because of rarity then once they become common people will not use them.”. (your words, not mine. Unless you want to say what you’ve said here is wrong now)

And you still assume i want them because of rarity when i’ve said multiple times that was never the case. And yet you call me dishonest or say i’m ignoring certain things. :man_facepalming:

If you honestly, genuinely don’t understand what i’ve said, then i only invite you to go back and read the comment slowly, There’s no rush. You don’t need to publicly announce to the world that you didn’t understand… Or at very least ask what i mean and i’l gladly explain my points. :man_shrugging:

cliff notes version

Should add new colors as rewards.


I want them to make discontinued stuff available again just for the chaos of it all.

Taxed Largely; Didn’t Rent version…

Rarity has nothing to do with the actual merits of an item nor it affects it objective quality like how good it’s designed artwise, whether it be games, cosmetics or whatever you may apply it too. The value you’ve (Not you Felleynd, in general) taken only because it’s exclusive is not only subjective (value is subjective atfer all), but often subject to change for the worse for the person who has that value and it’s not exactly loving the item for what it is.

And people should stop thinking quoting people or noticing some wrong or questionable details that build their entire argument, is being out of context, when it really isn’t. It’s a normal person thing to do in a debate, especially when they do it themselves.

Also i collect old games to play them to have fun with them, not to stare at them.

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