Bring FlameReaper back

Ok left wing activist, I just said that you can ignore the post. You don’t have to bark at any comment you disagree with. You do this on streets as well? Someone says something that you don’t agree with, you start an argument?

There is no irony here, it’s just that specific people on forums target specific post to give their opinion. 100% they are the same opinion. I didn’t say that a disagree with you, I just said that you don’t have be rude , when OP didn’t had any intentions to be rude. And yea your comment is rude, you’re not a Villain as well. You’re just rude.

Yea right

Hey, no reason to bring politics into it. I’m left-leaning myself. Just ignore instigators.


Yep. You’re done. Not even reading further after this nonsense.

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See that’s how you do it. You don’t like it you don’t read it. Plain and simple


It’s reference for one extreme to another.
Left wing and right wing complete opposite sides, but both extremists.

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You can do that without the limited time stuff. I mean considering you said you used to work with those types of promotions, one would correctly assume that also know there’s promotions for items that don’t have a limited time offer.

Jesus, calm down. I’m not holding you at gun point. You can literally just ignore it if it bothers you. :laughing:

…Because nobody who explains can ever be at fault for poorly explaining things, it must be the people who don’t get it! /s :roll_eyes:

…Again, that can happen without limited time events too.

…You know, i’m starting to notice a pattern with these reasons you’ve giving me, these are all can be done or already bought to the table without limited time events. :thinking:

You say this isn’t rocket science to figure out why, :point_down:

But when you give me things that can be accomplished without it, well let’s just say i came up one thing that limited time rewards bring to the table that non-timed ones don’t. It puts pressure on getting those things.

And i also seriously have to wonder how this benefits players.

Just because i don’t consider things valuble because their rare, doesn’t mean i don’t collect stuff. Old PC games like Mall Tycoon, i don’t consider to be super rare, but i didn’t get it because it’s rare. I get it because i really enjoyed Mall Tycoon back in the day and i still do to this day. I don’t fly off the handle if one day it’s on steam–

Infact, Yes! Actually, put it on Steam, give it new life. 1080p and 60fps support. Put it on Switch even! Do the same with Cabelas Dangerous Hunts 1! the good one!

But their not the actual qualities of the item. There’s a reason why i bought up Playstation Fanboys. And speaking of, i had fun with Spiderman on my PC just a month or two ago. I didn’t enjoy it because it’s a Playstation game, i enjoyed it because… shocker, i had fun with the game what it had to offer. I didn’t felt like wasting $400 to $500 on a completely new system just to experience it.

First off, where do people keep getting this contradictory idea where if it’s so common, nobody will use it?.. It sounds like an oxymoron tbh… Like saying if nobody has it, everybody will be using it. I don’t care how common an item is, if it’s good, then i say it’s good. If it’s bad, then i say it’s bad. I mean this Mog i’m wearing is so common and yet i’m wearing it. So that idea on the face brunt of it is just incorrect.

Second, why do you care if somebody who gets it, uses it anyways? They can do whatever the heck they want with it.

Thrid, what i’m getting here from this aleast is the seller wants to make a ton of money from selling something rare… which isn’t the point of collecting you’ve said amoment ago is to collect it because it’s rare?..

From what i’ve seen so far in my personal experience, yes.

But objectively? I’ve not played over MMO’s to say for sure, this is the case. I mean a few FF14 players did told me they do put limited time stuff on the store to sell so technically it’s still in there, you just have to pay money for it, which—


I can’t say her first comment was insulting, it’s just more dismissive and unreasonable.

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IMO FOMO is bad regardless the reasons, it’s a dark pattern and should be avoided. That includes things like this. I know there will be people who disagree with that because they want to feel somehow special for the digital thing they don’t actually own. It’s a game and telling people “Oh you can’t get that because you weren’t around then” always feels like crap. Just let people play the game and have fun. Removing content and rewards just removes gameplay.


I’m perfectly calm! Just have no intention of debating with you and figured I’d tell you that up front so you knew. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I mean you say that, but your posts here speak otherwise. A calm person wouldn’t open with a post like this. :point_down:

It’s also very suspect that you said you wern’t going to debate with me, but then respond to me on this… :thinking:

You can just do that without letting me know. That’s a thing you can also do. That’s a thing that everybody else has done and continue to do. That’s like the most calmest thing you can just do, just leave it well enough alone if you dislike it.


All limited time in all of life does this. That’s the point. And it’s what draws people in.

For me, limited time being relegated to just challenge mode PvE and elite PvP is fine. Anything after that is overboard.

I rather blizz add another challenge like mt in dragonflight with a new weapon appearance.

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How? The MT that rewarded the item in question here was brought back and thus the gameplay still exists. The raids that give AOTC mounts still exist, PvP which gives by far the largest amount of time-limited stuff continues to exist.

I guess your point works for like, the legendaries from MoP and WoD but I don’t think anyone really cares about those. They want rare cosmetics. Nothing to do with gameplay at all.

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ff14 brings stuff back too, like the black car mount from a crossover promo they did years ago, they brought that back last year in game, no $$. instead of players getting mad it could be obtained again, htey instead had parades with the mount!

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And what’s to stop blizz from just leaving it as a reward?

And? Gameplay includes collecting, removing the ability to collect is still removing gameplay.

Again you missed my point, I don’t care about someone’s need to feel special they can feel special when something is current. After that they will have something new to feel special about. But FOMO is a dark pattern and as at least one poster that responded to me admitted… they fall for it. To me FOMO is incredibly disrespectful of the playerbase because it’s basically going “SUBSCRIBE AND PUT ALL YOUR TIME INTO THE GAME!!! OR ELSE!!!” which is just dumb.

IMO blizz should stop using dark patterns and just trust their game to not suck. If they can’t do that maybe they should look into making the game not suck first.


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Since you collect games then you know what is valuable is the original physical disc of the game. It does not matter if they put it on steam or not because that is not were the value lies. All collectors buy things that they enjoy but that enjoyment has nothing to do with the monetary value of it. The issue with digital items like mage tower appearance is that there is no difference between the old mage tower appearance and the re-released appearances. Sure it may not matter to you but you are not the only one who plays the game.

Rarity has to do with actual qualities of item. Honestly I don’t get what you are talking about here. As a Playstation fan I buy the console because the game library is more to my liking and the consoles look very nice. I have them displayed on bookshelf along with a wii, wii U and switch.

It is not really contradictory idea but human nature. Do people want the looks because they look nice or because they are rare? If you want them because of rarity then once they become common people will not use them. Just because you don’t understand it does not mean it is an oxymoron. It goes back to the nature of collecting. People that collect comics or Superman items want that Action Comics issue 1. You can get reprints of it but the value is in the original.

Also I never said I cared if people use it. That is just something you made up to argue with me about or an assumption you made. Sellers and collectors are different so sellers are also collectors but sellers goal is to make money not collect. I sometimes sell pets but that makes me no less a collector. I just sell my extras and the rare ones go for top coin. Me selling on of my TCG pets does not make it less rare. There is still on a certain number of them in game. Now if I made dupes or if Blizzard put them up for sale again that would mess with the rarity.

lots of posts about the mop and wod removed questlines, lots of people do care

Which is just dismissive and unreasonable. Again, why post if this bothers you then?

Nobody has said that but you.

So… you’re here not to contribute to the discussion to be had and just laugh at it?..

Thailla, i don’t agree with him saying it’s insulting, but he literally did not imply or try to say you’re the villain. I think we should check who’s doing the twisting before you make such an accusation on others.

Literally nobody but you think that. It just sounds like to me you had a bad take and you’re upset that people dislike your bad take… :confused:

I mean this is coming from the same person who they themselves said to me that they no intention of debating.

To be honest, Shad was less chill about it to a point where she’s getting her subjective feelings in the way and making claims without sourcing stuff and then turns around and accuses OP of doing exactly that.

Well when you put it like that, it just sounds like you perceived slight and just think you’re “matching somebody’s energy”, by throwing civility out of the window. Just because a few people are toxic towards you, doesn’t mean you should.

So what are you doing in this thread then if you clearly can’t handle the opposing viewpoint?

Yeah, that’s kind of a mistake to do.

I’ve made my share of snark at the beginning sometimes, and i can tell you, it seldom works out if i then became polite about it.

…There’s a reason why i dislike self victimization over having a take that disagreed upon people. :roll_eyes:

You seem to think people telling you to calm down is insulting you, when it’s actually giving you advice, as well telling you to just ignore the post if you dislike it. When you start doing this “No u” non-argument here, i think maybe you should reconsider your actions here.

…Why you’re bringing politics to this? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Her acting that way isn’t even exclusive to left wingers, EVERYBODY has the capacity to do this.

And both do similar things, like self victimization.

Huh, what do you know? It’s almost like what i’ve said about Tiresia’s “If everybody has it, they will not want to use it because everybody has it” comment! :open_mouth: :open_hands: :rainbow:


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What I mean by that is that you don’t ever really see anyone saying that the questlines should remain removed. Most people that advocate for skill-based time-limited rewards to remain unobtainable do not care about WoD or MoP questlines or even the legendaries attached to them.

I agree that they should bring other colors or maybe a new appearance for the artifact weapons like they did with the Guardian Druid fel werebear form. That way, the original skins/colors still hold their “value” and players who missed out on them can at least get something and we won’t see these threads everything time a new player finds out they are unobtainable.

This would be an easy win for blizzard but we all know they like spending all their time on pointless systems and taking L’s. One thing they never learn is that players care more about the shiny new transmog stuff and not confusing systems. Same reason why mage tower was much well received than torghast.


That would be one nice solution for sure