Bring FlameReaper back

Keep trolling :slight_smile:

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I’m not trolling because I’m pointing out something.

You said: “Please bring back X.”

People have said: “No. Do not bring back X. Time sensitive means time sensitive.”

You then tell those people to do your homework for you and go ask other people what they want. That is not their job. The burden of proof is on you. You made a claim the majority want something. You should provide information to that fact. It is not on anyone else to prove your claim.

And then you tell people that they’re trolling when they disagree, provide reasons why they disagree, inform you as to why guardians were an exception, and you do not like that.

Muting this thread man, you keep on keeping on, but this isn’t gonna do you any favors in life or on here.


You said this People have said: “No. Do not bring back X. Time sensitive means time sensitive.” noone else

How so? Can you give us a source that tells us how it’s healthy for MMOs? :thinking:

Here’s the way I look at it - when you are starving, you start looking at your neighbor’s bowl.

Blizzard simply needs to put more food on everyone’s plates so everyone has their own goals to focus on. We need more M+ mogs, we need more solo-prestige-challenge mogs (IE Mage Tower). Give people things to work for on their own and they’ll stop begging for other peoples stuff (mostly - the “doesn’t play WoW” types will continue to beg for stuff they just want given to them for free).

Its logical. Why remove challenges?


And what’s wrong with what she want? What is objectively wrong with her wanting… and let’s be honest, a cosmetic? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Maybe it’s just me, but i don’t tie my value with the challenge items or any time limited stuff to it’s rarity, because having attachment to something only because it’s exclusive, but then hating it if more people get to have it is silly. This post of yours is no less comparable to a Playstation fanboy losing their crap over their exclusives going over to PC and trying to justify reasons why it should stay, or why it’s quality will be lower if it goes over to the PC.

If more people get more time limited stuff that you do, i don’t see how that affects you and and any effect you perceived happening to you, is just merely subjective.

I get you worked hard, but so did everybody else.

If this bothers you (and this goes to you to Thailla), why did you posted then? :confused:


Hmm, that’s nice. A passing mention of “toxic, gross elitists” is too much for Blizzard, yet not said elitists’ trolling and passive-aggressiveness. Nice job, Blizzard. You created a cesspit where the underdog can’t defend themselves.

Anyway, bring it back please. A recolor would be nice too.

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You know what’s weird? I’ve never once see those people who say that, say why they followed that pretty loyally. Or never once give us reasons on why time sensitive or exclusivity is better that doesn’t dive into perspective.

They just follow it without question, and think anybody who dare opposes it must be the enemy. :tea:

good to c the usual ‘u werent theree!!!’ crowd showed up like :fly: on :poop:


You must not collect things in real life. Exclusivity and rarity are things that at value to items. Take for example pets in WoW, the ones that are harder to get therefore rare command the higher prices, the easier pets are super cheap or vendor trash. So what people want to do is reduce the value of rare items and then everyone has it they will not want to use it because everyone has it.


Marketing. It brings players in. This isnt rocket science. And no, I’m not getting dragged into a debate with you. Comprehend it or don’t. I used to work with these types of promotions.

Limited-time events open the door for creativity and offer ways to reward a loyal player base for sticking around for so long. Or sometimes, they’re just a nice way to get people to swing by for a quick visit.


It’s forums. You don’t like it , you don’t read it.

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It’s forums. I can comment wherever I want. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


If it were up to me, I’d have given everyone a recolor with completing the rereleased Mage Tower.


Literally nothing in my comment was insulting or looked down on anyone. It’s a basic “look another of these threads” comment. Like so many people have said in so many other of these MT threads.

No one’s a villain here. Calm down.

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u were being condescending especially with ur yawn emote, u know darn well thatll ruffle feathers


Imagine not having flamereaper

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I didn’t call you a villain, but if you already saw many of these post why don’t you ignore them? I have specific subject that I just don’t read or comment. If I can’t recognize them by title, I open the topic to see what’s about and leave.

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Nope! Just snarky, because these MT threads always amuse me. :slightly_smiling_face:

Twisting what I’m saying, attacking me for a bit of snark, because “OMG we can’t have people disagree about MT!” is absolutely trying to villainize someone. They did the same to Shad, too.

Y’all can be toxic, snarky and hostile towards people when you don’t like their opinions, but when we voice our opinions or give our snark, we’re the worst!

The only people being hostile or toxic in here are the ones who can’t handle the opposing viewpoint. I made one snarky comment at the start and very politely explained my viewpoints after. But god forbid! I’m the worst!

Y’all need to take a steo back and calm down.

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