Bring FlameReaper back

They didn’t. They got an alteration of the one from the MT and the reason is because of animations and skeletal use.

Nothing like werebear exists in any other form. It was brought in as a recolor for druid specifically because it is a 1 of a kind skin with a 1 of a kind rig / model and skeleton.

Your warglaives you want do not fit such criteria, there are many to choose from, and you lose nothing unique (keyword) in this exhange. Druids did lose something unique and as a result, were made the exception, not the rule.


You just come to troll its ok if you dont support it but it doesnt make any sense.

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Thallia isn’t trolling you because you fundamentally disagree with their stance. I am of the same mindset. I do not have CM weapon mogs from WoD. I’m happy for the people who got them but I did not get them. I did not put in the effort, and I took a small break during WoD. Thus, I do not deserve them.

On the flip, I completed all 36 mage towers because not having the WoD weapon models told me I would be annoyed with myself if I didn’t do them.


A recolor of the glaives would be fair but we dont have anything of the sort either just like druids dont.

No, you do.

Again, you’re misunderstanding something. Werebear is a unique model, skeleton, rig, and animation set. That is why it is the exception.

The warglaives you want are not a unique skeleton, rig, or have unique animations. Thus, you do not fit the criteria.


How is it not a unique animation?

My point of view being different from yours isn’t trolling.

It makes perfect sense in my opinion. Limited time challenge modes were limited time and a few limited items is actually healthy for MMOs. There’s boatloads of other appearances to use. You can find some that make you happy and let others be happy that they have their stuff.


Because every other warglaive provides the same attack animation. Werebear was unique in what it provided druids.


Doesnt make any sense allowing druids to get the awards and no other class.

Yes it does, because you have been provided the answer. You simply do not like the answer, thus you are claiming it doesn’t make sense.

Druids are the exception. That exception was stated on these forums by the developers. The logic behind it makes sense in that werebear is a one of a kind model, not capable of being employed anywhere else, and thus they were given a recolor with notable differences to compensate for it.

Your warglaives, nor any other mage tower reward, does not fulfill this criteria, and as a result, is not an exception. It is sound logic. You just don’t like it.


They didn’t get the rewards. They got a bad recolor of an extremely unique rig/form, because they only have one model that’s reskinned.

You’ve got hundreds, if not thousands, of different weapon appearances. They’ve got the same bear in 5 different colors or a werebear if they’re lucky enough. That’s it.

Im a developer myself and the business is what drives what makes sense or not. If majority of players want some version of the FlameReaper to come back then it should be returned to the game.

Thats fine

Time sensitive challenge rewards should remain gone

What should be requested is recolours of said rewards (like shadowlands mage tower giving an elite pvp set recolour which was fine)


You have zero statistics to backup that the majority of players want something, and you are talking out of your rear when it comes down to ‘the business’ making the most sense. Developers can have a course, and stick to it, especially (let’s be real) when they’re as big as WoW. Caving into every desire of the community would be asinine, and has been proven to be a failure more than once.

You do not need everything. Neither do I. You have no statistics to backup what you want. The forums are not a sizable pool and the people who complain are often the loudest. Unless you can provide actual statistics with reliable sources involving what the majority want, you shouldn’t talk like you know what the majority wants.


I would be extremely happy with a recolour, but we have no comparible warglaive to compensate.

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Yet! I think pushing for recoloured rewards instead of the actual retired reward would get a lot more support overall tbh

I also missed the CM sets and would love a green variant of the blue paladin set :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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Ask 1000 demonhunters who dont have the appearence if they would want a recolor or some version to come back and get back to me.

That’s not my job, you go ask those 1000 demon hunters, and go to various websites, and go through multiple channels, and get your name out there as a community figure.

You want something. You made a claim. The burden of proof and the capability of providing a means of that proof is on you. Not the people telling you to backup your own comments.


Why do you think I made this post , for my own health?

I think you made it to beg for something without any backing.

This says nothing. It just says what you want. There is no proof other people would like it. There is no proof the majority wants something. This is completely lacking in context. You made this post to beg for something, not much else.