Bring back your favorite iteration of ONE spec

Cata Marksman, no contest.

Otherwise MoP Enhance simply due to the fact i slept on how broken it was. Stormblast being a 50% execute in PvP was neat

My answer really has very little to do with ammo. It’s more of a time stamp. I liked ammo, but for the purposes of this thread, it was the talent tree hybrids that I enjoyed.

Pre-Legion Survival/RSV.

I wouldn’t mind any iteration of it that existed between WotLK and WoD. But Cata/MoP would do it.


I played it continuously from WotLK - WoD, it was the spec I had the most fun with in all types of content that I focused on.

Having said that, a past iteration of that spec wouldn’t do well in the modern game, but would need to have things added to it to better suit modern philosophies.

This is what I imagine it to be like if brought back for the modern game:

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Honestly? I miss the TBC version of Arcane using 2pc tier 5 and 4pc tier 6 bonuses. I liked having to swap from my Arcane Blast to Fireball or Frostbolt to regen mana. I liked the fact that unlike Fire or Frost mages, I valued the spirit stat and used Mage Armor instead of Molten Armor. I loved having Druids innervate me so I could cut loose.

Ah the good ol’s days! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

mid-late wrath era dk blood dps hybrid spec

MoP Holy Paladin.