Bring back your favorite iteration of ONE spec

What iteration of what spec are you choosing and why?

I’m curious what specs people miss or would like to see return

Cataclysm/early MoP discipline priest. I miss shields for days. xD I quit halfway through MoP and didn’t return until toward the end of Legion, and I’ve never been able to get back into disc since. It makes me sad, as it was my main healer for pretty much my entire raid career before that…


MoP Destruction is peak Warlock.


Hpally, MoP, during the SoO raid era.


I started back in Legion.

But man I loved Arms during that, at the end of the expansion you’d have a Colossus Smash that would amp the damage 100%, Battle Cry for 100% crit, it was great.


I would just like to see them get rid of slice n dice or make it entirely passive.


i just miss my bfa boomie over this SL abomination.

Legion Affliction




Our core raid team for SoO had myself and a disc priest for heals. It was fantastic. So much win. Defense and heals for days

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Turret Elemental, also Totem Bar with long lasting totems.

Hunters just before they got rid of ammo. All specs/talent tree hybrids. Had so much fun in Wintergrasp!

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MoP fistweaving. It was fun being top heals and dps at the same time in 5-mans :laughing:. A lot of the healing spells were instants that made it possible, while the mana replenishment meant I could heal forever.


Wrath-era Retribution Paladin… very narrowly edging out Wrath-era Blood DPS Death Knight for me.

The Wrath Ret Paladin had (to me) a perfect mix of support abilities and good DPS, and relied more on choosing what spell was the best tool to support your group over sticking to a rotation above all else.

It felt like the first and last truly hybrid playstyle spec this game had.

I still hold a sad little torch for it, all these years later.


Mists era Demonology Warlock, glyphs et al.


MoP feral druid (with the glyph of savage roar)
WoLK frost DK
MoP demo lock (running and casting was fantastic!)
WoLK ret pally (talent tree, seals, and all)


Classic Shaman… maybe TBC, to a degree.

I just want to be a primary Support again.

Also, MoP Blood so I can top every meter again.

And WotLK Blood so I can top the DPS meter, specifically, as my favourite themed spec without the annoyances of tanking in the modern game.

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cataclysm combat to replace outlaw. I didn’t like combat that much, but boy do I love it more than outlaw.

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I loved Cata’s talents and how most abilities worked. I really miss rend+thunderclap on my warrior. Made AoE pulling more enjoyable.

I actually like the way druid has played for the last 3 expansions…it just sucks they kind of drain the class just to make them work with end game features/systems.

if they would just let the class settle, it would be easy to add to them with new talent rows or abilities, since I think it’s a fairly balanced class (minus systems).

whoever has worked on druids from fantasy to their abilities these past few expansions, needs to be a permanent druid class dev. I trust that person / those peoples and they’re doing a great job imo :100: