Bring back your favorite iteration of ONE spec

To be honest I wouldn’t mind still having ammo if they did it like the regent tab in the bank .

Fill that puppy up and still have all my character bag slots available .

Would you be actively enjoying a good mechanic or passively accepting a bad mechanic?

Above everything, Legion sub. Death From Above included.
WotLK Frost DK Tanking
WotLK Blood DK DPS
WoD Survival Hunter
Legion 7.0 Fire Mage

A lot of classes are actually in their best state ever for me right now, it’s just clouded by crappy half developed systems that ruin the flow.

MoP demonology was fun.

Gotta say WotLK Unholy/Frost hybrid spec. So OP, but so much fun.

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Legion resto druid

It was fun. I mitigated between shots and traps pretty well, which was possible with hybrids. I remember playing defense in WG. They blew open the front wall, but with me and a few others making the dream work, no one could get past. We held it to the end. It was a rush! I, personally, never ran out of ammo. :slight_smile:

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blood dps circa mid Wrath

Unholy DK MoP-Warlords, Disc Priest Warlords, and Cata MM Hunter.

Mop destro
Legion afflction
Delete demo it’s always garbage yes even wod don’t lie it was terrible.

i pvped as disc during this, it was so crazy i literally never had to stop moving, renew instant pom penance and shield. damn those were fun days

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MoP Ret Paladin.

Marksman hunter with the Hellfire Citadel tier set. Not a single castbar in sight. You love to see it.

season 9 resto shaman

A) all that is still possible now; we even have Wintergrasp
B) ammo was terrible and you seem to have trouble differentiating whether you enjoyed Hunters because of it or in spite of it

I want a true healing challenge like when, due to some item I had on a twink priest which I don’t remember, in 6.2 as a holy priest sometimes my heal would bug and I’d be stuck with a ridiculous cast time:

“[S]low casting” indeed. A true healer challenge.

My favorite spec of all time was probably holy paladin in late WotLK. I don’t remember exactly why, but I do remember having a lot of fun.

It’s also why I remembered the (twink) holy priest bug from a short time in WoD: I remembered a similar bug from either the Cataclysm pre-patch—or maybe it was just the Cataclysm PTR?—where the paladin 4-piece PVP set bonus that decreased Judgment cooldown instead increased it by an insane amount.

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Some people like the rpg aspect of it. Just the need to go into town and buy ammo makes the game that much more realistic

It’s not really a good mechanic imo, but it added another bit of roleplay to hunters

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I’ll go out on a limb and say current frost is my favorite. Tried it last expansion and wasn’t too thrilled. A BE frost mage was the first character I capped though. I am thoroughly enjoying this character (and hope the cryo-freeze conduit ends up baseline someday, what good is ice block if the mobs hit you and kill you the second it ends?). With my legendary I get about 8 fingers of frost procs, that’s a sick burn. Once every minute. I can’t really think of an iteration I cared for more, I mean I like it in TBC with the mana gems and management but I’d be silly to call that in any way superior to what I have now.

Last expansion I seem to recall that instant proc blizzards were good. I hated that (I dislike mousing), and was so glad to see it isn’t really a part of this expansion. It’s still there but who knows who uses it.

I looooved 7.0 Arms. Focus Rage for absolutely massive MS crits. The damage was spikey but those big hits were sooo fun

Cata feral druid. No explanation needed.