Bring back your favorite iteration of ONE spec

Wrath Ret Pally, Holy Power ruined ret.

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They have never had a single dev devoted to any class

man i was a frost dk tank as my number 1 alt in wotlk. The only time i ever really enjoyed tanking. I dont even bother anymore

Bear’s not in a bad place, but Legion Guardian…

I really miss the Armor Pen Dual Wield frost build from ICC

only one? oh jeez… either legion mistweaver monk, or WoD enhancement shaman. those two were exceptionally fun back in their days, and i’ve missed playing either of them ever-since.

There once was an AOE drain life ability. That came in hugely helpful for running legacy content.

i never played dps on my frost dk untill they broke the specs into defined roles, and that kind of killed it for me. I didnt enjoy blood at all, and I wasnt too fussed on melee dps back then. Maybe if frost tanking was still a thing I’d actually have made a decent tank, since i was passionate and enjoyed it, only second to my resto shammy of the icc era.

but i still stand by legion frost mage as my personal bring back. Mages dont need 2 2-button specs. Arcane already exists

wod enhance, mop elemental, wotk rsham, cata affliction

Fury was at its best twice for me - the first time in ICC and again in SOO. ICC was simpler so I guess that would be my final choice.

Mop 5.4.8 DK as a whole (tbh mop every spec and class)

And to cheat and add a second! Gladiator stance for Prot warriors

I guess MoP just felt like they did since none of the classes were bad

Maybe Blizz was just trying back then lol

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WOD Feral Druid. Claws of Shirvallah was aesthetically pleasing. Could bring it back with a glyph.

WOD Gladiator Warrior. The game hadn’t seen anything like this since Feral tank and Feral dps both shared the same Druid spec. Bring this back as a talent pleeeease!

The expansion itself might have been trash, but WOD had some of the best playstyles the game has ever seen.


I really enjoyed WoD holy pally. Give me my Denounce spam back please!!!

Shockadin was very satisfying until they decided that it should be some weird vicinity melee class. Its like they saw Mist liked fistweaving then took that away from them and gave it to pallies instead.

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I miss when balance druid had a bar that moved between lunar and solar empowerment. I actually liked having to adjust rotation based on where I was on that bar. Now it just feels bland to me.

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Same. Burst AoE that could (literally) light up the room. I so want to import that into a modern M+15 just to see what would happen.

As much as I loved MoP classes, I think they missed the boat on Sub rogue PvE. The AoE was so bad you just didn’t bring Sub rogues to any kind of PvE content.

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A lot of specs feel bland now

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i wanna do WOW classic mage of fire , is best , is abit easyer , lotta pepole love it , fire bold fire bold fire bold fire bold fire bold then u do alot of that , get alotta fire bold , did u try , is gooder then now dont get pepole alot confuses


MoP BM hunter.

MoP Survival

* runs out of ammo * I’M HAVING SO MUCH FUN!!!