Bring back your favorite iteration of ONE spec

I miss WoD Shadow Priest with Clarity of Power. It was such an incredibly fun playstyle, I miss it dearly. I hate the void eruption style we have going on right now.

MoP Disc priest. But honestly everything from MoP was my favorite iteration.

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Wrath Boomkin before adding the solar/lunar mechanic.

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MoP warlock.

I know you said spec but I can’t pick 1 spec.
The entire mop warlock class was UNBELIEVABLY well designed.


Definitely hemo/mace stun in TBC and Black Arrow survival hunter.

Wasn’t MoP when each class had its own dev devoted to it?

Honestly I don’t recall, but I loved just about everything I played back then.


I will never, ever forgive for that. Ever.

MoP/WoD DestroLock (I enjoyed both of them)
WotLK Frost DKs for tanking (I miss this so bad)

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MoP destruction
MoP demo
Legion affliction

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Legion shadow

i dont remember exactly what period it was but hemorrhage orc rogue was a blast at some point. it’s been a long time.

felt like it was specialized to get rid of high armor targets easily. and the -stun duration stacked with something else i cant quite remember - was strong.

Cannot agree more!, I’m a Warlock Main, Mists-Early WoD was the absolute best and fun for Demonology, god I miss it so much.

MoP was the expansion I hated purely because I struggled which Warlock Spec to play, all were amazing, but I settled with my usual Demonology!:grin:

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mists hpal

Druid where tranq felt like it was one of the most powerful raid wide cool downs.

WoD Glad Stance Warrior. Best Dps spec to ever be in the game. Nothing is better than Dps with a Shield. It was the only time I ever did raid progression and PvP was the most fun by far with the big 1 shot Shield Slams. Long live the best Dps spec in WoW Glad Stance.

WOD ret is best ret. Imp divine storm, divine purpose, and final verdict was the most fun I’ve had in this game along with the first tier set from BRF.

Emp seal was also very fun.

I have to go with MoP enhancement shaman. I dabbled with it in TBC but not enough. I used the spec as a main in MoP and loved it and kicked @@@ at everything. IMO the WoD tune killed it - I have tried each expansion since but it just doesn’t speak to me.

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frost mage from legion cause it was fun, for me at least. I guess i liked ray of frost and glacial spike in the same build, its so much more engaging than just frostbolt/icelance. Which is why i do not play the current cookie cutter spec

Range Survival Hunter. MoP era

It was a great utility spec . It was the spec that handled adds by being an excellent kiting spec as well as having real good aoe and dot damage. Contrary to what people say it was nothing like MM hunters . Saying that is like saying a Sub Rogue is exactly the same as an Assassin Rogue or a Frost Mage is the same as a Fire one and a Destro Lock is the same as Demonology .

The only mistake they made when they changed it was They should of done it like it was before the removal of the melee slot in Cata and made it a primarily range spec with melee abilities .

So instead of pressing a button and a cross bow comes out , press a button and a melee weapon comes out.

I think if they would of done that , there would of been a lot more playing the spec then there has since Legion .

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