Bring back your favorite iteration of ONE spec

The range survival hunter was by far the greatest hunter spec.


Would like to take back my big demon form for demo lock that demon hunter stole


Wrath combat rogue

And wrath death knight every spec


MoP MM hunter
WoD SV hunter before nerf


I like the one where I didn’t have to choose. I could put points until I reached a bottom of a tree and then points in another tree. That one.

I miss the old hemo rogue of vanilla.

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Mop affliction. Cata prot warrior.

Cataclysm Warlock Demonology. The Glyph that made it into a tank, and that it had multi-target Drain Life.

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Cata ranged Survival Hunter. Explosion shot DoT Weaving was insanely fun and rewarded you with better dps.

MoP destro lock.


Legion disc. In my opinion, for PvP, Legion disc was the most fun the spec had ever been. Power Word: Shield being powerful but on a cooldown meant bubbles outside of cooldowns could be useful and mitigate properly, it had good damage, Light’s Wrath was a great ability to use, and discipline’s overall performance was just wonderful. I genuinely miss Legion discipline so much.

Cata Disc Priest. Because it was freaking amazing. The pinnacle of DPS healing.

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Oh damn, I remember how crazy combat rogues where in TBC when they used mace specialization. Getting that random 3 second stun proc was insane.

Legion havoc demon hunter would be nice.

Legion Guardian Druid

Legion Vengeance.
Man that even just sounds good.

Here is a pool of options, pick any one (no particular order)

Gladiator Warrior
OG survival
Combat Rogue
Cata Arms Warrior
Literally any MoP spec

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MoP destruction


miss hybrid specs
miss hemo spec for rogues. - why did clueless blizzard got rid of it,.

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WoD Shadow Priest was peek for me. You could go DoT spec or pure raw damage. It was smooth, neither spec was overly complicated and they both had different optimal builds. Very much my favorite iteration of Shadow Orbs and any resource building spec.

I am not a fan of Shadow becoming Void. I also absolutely loathe the current look of the form.

Awhile back, For a long time, almost every expansion at the start of the expansion would start with a spec people loved. Shockadin, the Holy Paladin turned DPS. IMHO they really need to make a fourth spec which is a caster DPS for paladins. Shockadin is one of the most beloved specs in the game, even though it only ever briefly gets time to shine.