Bring back water-walking to the Water Strider

I think what blizzard hated was that a good chuck of players put one mount on their bars, the water stridor.
Until they can fly.
It is their own fault for making it in the first place. They did try to take the water walking affect away once and ppl raged.

we did many, many errands in order to obtain the strider… and now we have to keep going back and forth for no reason other than “because”.

we already evaluated the time prior to obtaining the mount.
we decided it was worth dedicating the time to having a mount which walks on water.

they’re unique.
you can’t buy more than one at a time.


Hard NO. I’m so sick of seeing that mount! During the leveling phase of the expansion it was nearly the only mount you saw. At least with the change they made you more have a choice

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How many alts do you constantly play? Are you deleting them when you hit 50 alts and starting over again?

The hyperbole is pretty strong, here.

Yes, you “evaluated your time” and after 7 long years, things changed. How many hours do people put into getting their raid sets each expansion, only to have to start fresh with each new Tier?

How much time do you spend doing the same mog runs and not getting the targeted items you want? How often do you revisit Pandaria to attempt to get the world boss mounts?

This isn’t some perpetual motion machine, and frankly, if you have the time to play all 50 alts on your account, you shouldn’t even notice the few minutes needed to fetch the item per character.


I don’t even know how to get mount equipment. If it’s in the AH, I have no idea what to search for.

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There are four craftable items. The Blacksmithing one does Water Walking too but is a lot pricier than the Pagle Vendor one.

Here’s the items to look up! As of 8.2…

  1. Anglers’ Water Striders Water Walking - Nat Pagel
  2. Light-Step Hoofplates +20% Mount Speed - Enchanting
  3. Saddlechute Slow Fall - Tailoring
  4. Comfortable Rider’s Barding Anti-Daze - Leatherworking
  5. Inflatable Mount Shoes Water Walking - Blacksmithing
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Wow, thanks. I didn’t even know what the other options were. Unless you are a DK or shaman, why would anyone use anything other than water walking?

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I think that’s why it’s so pricy. It certainly made Island Expeditions slightly more bearable. I personally am fond of the slowfall, but then I can be somewhat reckless when getting around pre-flight unlock. Heck, I still haven’t quite done it yet for BfA… gotta spend some more time in Mechagon and I dragged my feet in Naz because of how tight and condensed it felt, hated that zone, despite loving the lore behind it. I’d rather be back in Vash’jir, lol.

i only have about 7 “constant” characters.
there are a lot of people who do the cap/delete, but i’m not one of them.
…but i’m not understanding how the amount of alts is relevant, when the mount was account wide, and could be used by all of them, at no extra cost.

ask those people… i stopped raiding after wrath… when i went 2 expansions without bis bracers.
as once again, i evaluated my time, and decided to devote my time to things which weren’t raiding.

i have a bunch of alts camped on top of warbringers… i still need the last mount.
otherwise, i’ll only do the bosses if i see them while i’m on the way to somewhere else.

is there meant to be a point to this line of questioning?
…because it kind of sounds like you should visit the “portal thread” so you can see how people feel about having to spend a couple of minutes traveling.

This necro was a “micro thread”.
If you’re not understanding the issue, people have discussed their concerns at length here:


Holy crap, it was necro’d! I didn’t even notice.

But hey, it’s okay to disagree. I just think, as obstacles go, this was a fairly minimal one compared to the multitude out there, and I overall think we gained way more with the new mount system than we lost. I was so happy to take that ugly mount off my bars!

Yet another imposition top-down by devs called a compromise. Why? They tried to nerf the mount for Warlords, and were stopped then. Waterwalking existed unchanged until now, when they brought out mount equipment, their second assault on our ownership of waterwalking. Every person who dares call it a compromise is helping them steal the ability from us next expansion. When new mount equipment can be released, and we don’t get to waterwalk until they say we can.

I’m stocking up on waterwalking potions until Shadowlands goes on clearance after flying is available.

The cost is the equivalent of pocket change. You are talking about like 50g when most people have at least a few thousand.

Blizzard isnt going to put a portal in for every single zone because people’s time is too important that they cant be bothered to portal to the Jade Forest and fly one zone over, and yet they can spend days grinding rep so they can get across water faster.

Besides, you only have to do that 5 min trip one time. Hardy worth the complaining.

so you’re happy to agree that the people complaining about the removal of portals are nothing more than complainers?
people weren’t asking for portals to every zone… they wanted to see the removed portals return.

but not the point here.

unless i want to swap it out for something else… then it’s a constant back and forth.


You have a serious temper problem, and I recommend working on that. I’m more than happy to be critical of Blizzard choices… this just isn’t one of them. Try growing up and realizing that you’re not always right, and that opinions aren’t facts, buttercup!

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I agree with the OP 100% We worked very hard during MoP for that mount! and I too would like it returned to it’s original water walking ability!


No, people acting like the trip to buy the equipment is such a huge inconvenience are the complainers. People complaining about portals being removed wasn’t even relevant to this thread so Im not sure why you brought it up in the first place unless you were suggesting that there needs to be a portal for every zone.

And if you are choosing to swap it out every day then that’s your decision and whatever inconvenience you suffer is your own fault. There is no need to do it that often. You could just get the water walking equipment, equip it, and act as if the change never happened.

It’s something I didn’t have to do, and chose to grind out and pay thousands of gold for the mount that meant I didn’t have to do. Portals are relevant because it’s something else removed with no benefit to any player.

You don’t decide how often someone needs to swap out buffs. You don’t decide whether or not it’s more than inconvenience for anyone at any time. I had something I ground and paid for. Now I get to pay for it again, and again, and again.


This change benefits players because they can now choose what mount they want to use on water, or even if they would rather have something else instead. There was never a portal to the anglers and whether removing them has a benefit to players or not is a seperate discussion.

And youre right, i dont decide, its their choice. And as the choice falls on their lap so do the drawbacks. But Bliz isnt forcing them to do it. As i said, they could just get the water walking, not trade it out, and it would be like the change never happened.

But it did, it negated all our work and gold, and we are reminded of it every single time we create another character or need to use a different buff. If you really like the anti-daze buff, then you’ve entirely lost waterwalking. Just as you’re about to, as soon as Shadowlands launches.


It didnt negate it, you get the price discount. You are making the definition “have your cake and eat it too” argument. You can either not partake in the system and suffer no drawbacks, or benefit from the systems flexibility and pay in a little extra. You arent entitled the all the benefit with no downside.

Also, the mount is from 3 expansions ago. Can you imagine telling Bliz they can never do anything to overwrite players invested time? This game does that constantly, from new raid tiers, to outdating legendaries and artifacts, to making old patterns and rep irrelevant.