Bring back TBC era Classic servers!

Exactly what the title says! I love TBC and I know a lot of others do too!


I agree, after leveling through wrath again…I now understand why some people said …it’s not what you think it is…I played it when it came out in 2008 until cata launch…at the time I didn’t see all the changes that were made then and where it would all lead.
when they said they were done with cloning and wasn’t going to be available for tbc and forced to move on to Wrath? I think that was a mistake…look at classic era now…honestly Wrath is doing ok but not amazing. I personally would be happy with TBC servers…I would love to do hardcore on a TBC server.


TBC is easily the least popular out of the classic realms. Highly doubt we’d see it any time soon.


I would prefer TBC over Vanilla. Wrath was the best xpac, but I do not like the in-game culture these days


Wrath is.

Wrath reforged on the other hand is a shell of a game. I never imagined id quit my favorite expansion of all time, but here we are.

Not at you cauchy, but inb4 someone says how can i post if i quit, i resubbed to play HC with a friend. Havent touched wrath in months.


There’s zero chance TBC era servers would be successful. All the people that wanted to play it got their chance and are over it. Those servers would be dead on day 1.


Don’t think they would be. Especially if they did a season of mastery type thing.


One fresh TBC server would be an excellent idea (pve or pvp, whichever would be more popular). TBC is an excellent version of the game. Originally it had the highest population INCREASE for an expansion back in 2007-2008. While some of that increase was coming off of the coattails of Vanilla, the population grew throughout the two year period. The expansion must have been good to keep that population growth going for two years. It wasn’t until Wrath that the population plateaued, and it plateaued immediately after Wrath launched.

TBC retained much of the challenging leveling and individual class distinctions that characterized Vanilla, yet added in a few new wrinkles with a new skill and 2 new races that became as iconic to the game as the original eight.

A single server has a very good chance of being successful. It would be the only server I would play on. I’d bring along my 3 kids too :slight_smile:. There are numerous people here (forums) that have already shown an interest, plus I am sure people would play that can’t post here on the forums, and people that play on the unreliable private servers would move to a more permanent situation as well.

If anything, it would be a great experiment for Blizzard to see if a single xpack server can be a viable product. The development is already done, so the initial costs to Blizzard would be minimal and the costs to maintain it should also be minimal.

I really hope they change their mind. Even a minimal population would pay for the upkeep of it. Blizzard can only win on this one.


Are they the least popular because they’re non-existent? If i recall correctly, vanilla severs died when TBC classic lauched and remained dead until like 2 months ago…


It was really strange that before Wotlk there was a none option for TBC. At least 3 Realms …RP , PVE and PVP … where you could clone your characters.


I can envision a day where there perma Vanilla, TBC and Wrath servers to go with a restart (fresh) cycle where you can clone or otherwise leave your character on one of the versions forever servers or all of them.


I hope whatever “SoM” type thing we get is a TBC SoM, that’d be awesome. TBC Classic Era would be cool as hell.


What they need to do is run seasons of any particular old expansion. The idea of launching 50 servers and running it like the modern game is silly. They should launch and run a small set of servers, or even just one server, for any particular expansion, make it exclusive, possibly with a separate subscription.

So I guess they do this for vanilla and call it season of mastery. That idea, but a separate subscription is key. What people are looking for is an exclusive community.

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Only because you literally cannot play it. TBC’s got some things that it does better than vanilla or wrath…

Overall Vanilla is the best version, TBC is second best… Wrath is sorta the worst even if the classes are more “refined”

Heck there are things that Vanilla does better about class design than any other version also.

Overall if you were to make a single game out of the best of Vanilla, TBC, Wrath and Cata, you would have quite a game.

Like legit I get where Blizzard was going now with Class pruning in Cata, problem is they did it wrong, VERY VERY VERY wrong.

Something good about Wrath is Raid wide buffs, and no debuff limits…

Something good about Vanilla is the classes are so crazy different, the pace of play is a little slower and in some ways better. Also the PVE world content in Vanilla is vastly superior to other versions.

Cata has better raids than the others, tho MoP has some of the best PVE ever… so there is that.


Yeah having played through all of them again I can really say it is as easy as 1-2-3. The gap between TBC and Wrath is way larger than the gap between Vanilla and TBC. In hindsight, Wrath is kinda crap.


Yup its kinda a crappy expansion, I thought so back then and now… The only reason people really liked it IMO was that it was new and “litch king story”:

The worst part about Vanilla is all the RNG resists in PVP, the debuff limits in PVE, and the classes needed a little refinement; not a lot, not like TBC gave. Mostly what vanilla classes needed were talent tree refinements and like 1 or 2 base skills added to improve them… Not really all the crap that they added in TBC.

As for what could have been done, I could write a novel on that and I doubt anyone would spend the time to both read it and truly comprehend it.


I quit wrath months ago as well. I like the expansion, but i despise the culture surrounding it.

Id definitely play TBC Classic again, over wotlk or vanilla. Even if there was 1 single server, that would be cool.


I don’t think I’d play tbc standalone, but if they redid the vanilla to tbc progression I would love to do it again. Classic blended into tbc in a way that felt really satisfying. I would love to do vanilla fresh again then go into tbc once more progressively.


TBC is not a good game. you all have poor taste :expressionless:

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Its insane that they didn’t learn from the past. We had to go to private servers to play the original version of WoW and some how they assume we don’t want to play the best expansion they made for the game. TBC is what made people want to buy WotLK, and then they never sold as many copies. There should be permanent TBC servers.