Bring back PvP Templates for casual BGs

By what standard? Classes being complete themselves vs were gated to artifact. Currency and vendor was basically a template that allowed secondary stat allocation vs secondary stat determined by template.

By gear standards. Like now, if you have a fresh toon they are rendered “useless” just the same as wod. Legion did not have that big of a power gap that existed in wod and now. From a class wise perspective, sure classes were more gutted in Legion than wod. However, classes were more gutted in wod than mop. Mop and Legion were both better than wod by a long shot.

If you can see that classes were weak in WoD without gear (which lasted for 2 hours) how are you unable to acknowledge that BfA is horrible for alts and those who do not like PvE?

I never said it wasn’t. But I did say you can gear up before even joining Bgs.

And even if you do the conquest grind, your gear is still like a raid tier behind geared PvEers, and they also have better trinkets, optimal essences, optimal secondary stats, more sockets, etc.

The power gap is ridiculous even when you’re in full conquest gear.


Always is at this point of a season.

Right. That’s why you’re doing rated and wearing so much PvP gear :roll_eyes: the top end PvP players with access to top end PvP gear are still at best wearing 3-4 items from PvP.

We get it, you like your handouts and don’t want to bother having to earn your PvP power by pvping.


The 2nd place toon is wearing more pvp than pve gear. Probably will be more toons like that as the season progresses and they get bis stats on pvp gear drops. One change they should make is the cp cap reward should match what they get in their chest. So instead of 2400+ players getting 460 gear, they get 470 or 475, w/e the reward is.

I’ve never felt this weak in PvP before on a toon that’s been keeping up with the weekly conquest cap.


What are you playing? Messing around on my 443 balance Druid was fine.

And the guy below him has only one PvP item on. Do you seriously think if we went down the list the top pvpers they wouldn’t be wearing on average 3-4?


Bring templates back with customization, how does that sound?


I’m sure some are, but that might change as the season progresses and the RNG/chest gear drops better stats for them. As I said, allowing the CP cap reward to scale to the gear level that’s in the chest would fix this problem.

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The vast majority are :roll_eyes:

It won’t. A lot of them already have max ilvl items with the correct stats. Additionally the busted stuff like geti/claw/drest/bike/vodoo/raden are all going to stay just as busted :roll_eyes:

This would help. Wouldn’t stop people from still rocking those busted pve items. Additionally I can target the correct stats from m+ easier than my conquest half the time. For some reason 3/4 of my conquest gear has crit on it.

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Well yea, they could just disable pve trinkets from pvp. Obviously they won’t, is what it is.


It’s amazing how people rewrite history in their minds.

Yes Ashran was a good source of gear, if you got into a winning group. You bring up the last season as easy to gear but don’t you remember launch Ashran?

It was a mess. Alliance farming the road, Horde farming events. Hours long queues. Players afk’ing at the base.

Even after a dozen patches it was still bad. Premades that afk’ed in base till max buff. Solo players farmed for hours and forced to requeue for hours, hoping to get a winning game.

Let’s not forget the bis trinket was a rng drop.

There’s a reason it’s hated.


Its amazing how people take things out of context to push their own agenda. When did I mention Trashran at all? You could gear easily and have fun in random battlegrounds throughout WoD. Win or lose you got currency.

Even if you experienced a bad luck string of losses in BGs it was still fun since you had a well rounded toolkit that allowed for some diversity in build. Now classes/specs are too one dimensional due to pruning.

Can you honestly say you prefer the current iteration of class design compared to what we had in previous expansions? Each expansion has gotten worse in regards to class design and the general PvP experience.


Well it might happen in the future that you can gear up through pvp, but right now you can’t unless you’re willing to put in serious time at the hopes of scoring some 460s.

Or you can do 1 +10 or +12 or w/e it is a week and gear up every week like everyone else.

And classic is a great example, because some people will bot and just afk.

Even more you can do a M+ with friends/guildies and get funneled gear. Making it far superior to the sh!tshow PvPers are stuck with.

Sorry but I guess that’s the price of entry right now. It sucks I know.