Bring back PvP Templates for casual BGs

Sounds like you don’t like to admit when you know you are wrong. Got it.

The fact is templates means this game isn’t World of Warcraft anymore. Even Ion said that they were a mistake. They are never coming back because they were the worst thing ever put into this game and even the Devs admitted it was a mistake. They were massively hated by the majority of the playerbase and this minority that loves them doesn’t love RPGs.


Wrong about what? i didnt even read that walltext you posted and have no desire to. the ramblings of a barely coherent madman are not interesting to me. this patch is bad and anyone who likes it is wrong. the end

The only thing that was separated, was using the XPoff feature within XPon brackets.
All of that gear which created strong characters is still very much in the game, that patch actually buffed gearing options for lower levels.

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Thats why you do templates with a pvp vendor that lets you customize the template.

Want to stack haste? Buy the pvp gear that has haste on it. Want to balance vers and haste? Buy the vers/haste gear.


So the people with the 400 item level teammate should just be punished why? What about their motivation? I grinded to 475 just to have 7 teammates that are 400 ilvl and 2 that are 300. Meanwhile the enemy team is average ilvl of 450. This isn’t about the individual, this is literally about everything those individuals hurt.

Gear also still mattered in templates, you got 1% stronger per 10 ilvl, it’s almost like, omg a progression system?!?! I much rather see 40 ilvl = 4% stronger than literally doubling my power in PvP.

This comment is such a joke. Please reread what you wrote over and over again till you understand the point you’re making. “Brackets that promote fair PvP” “Nothing wrong with the same character level 1 shotting someone”. I believe in you to get it eventually.

You also call BFA the worst launch of any expansion, yet use an Ion quote to defend your stance. I don’t think the guy in charge of the “worst launch of any expansion” opinion matters much.


Yes that is the nature of an RPG game and that player needs to level up. Always been that way when PvP was the best in the old expansions like TBC/Wrath.

Don’t worry about your team at least you will own it up. You do you because getting bad teams is part of the game since it’s an MMO.

No it didn’t. You couldn’t gem, enchant or stat the way you needed. It removed the importance of a BiS upgrade which meant there was no reason to play the game anymore. I remember getting a PvP on use trinket that didn’t work in PvP and I uninstalled that day and said NOPE!! This isn’t World of Warcraft and I played my other MMORPG where gear matters.

PvP is fair if you gear up and if you don’t it’s also fair that you get 1 shot. That is balanced. This game is balanced around HAVING MAX GEAR.

It matters because he is going to keep running the show and with that Templates will never return again so that quote is valid. Templates were the worst thing ever put in this game and the majority of the community hated them. So they were removed and are never coming back.

It’s the minority group that doesn’t like RPGs that wants Templates. They are trying to ruin WoW for everyone. Which is lame.


In old expansions I could kill a Sunwell geared Warlock on my TK/SSC geared rogue. That’s like someone in BoD gear having a chance, so lol.

Don’t worry about YOU having fair PvP, you’re going to lose and probably not actually get to play because the enemy team is grouped as 10 on Komogu and you can’t do anything because your team can’t deal damage but at least it’s fair gameplay! :sunglasses:

You are completely delusional. This is a team game, my team needs to be viable for their to be a chance. A fresh 120 is as strong as a 119, but you wouldn’t want a 119 in your BG because they aren’t the same level therefore it’s not fair. But you also say that person should just level and gear anyway, so it is fair. BUT NONE of that matters, because this isn’t about the individual, this is about low geared players ruining BGs for the people who put in the effort. If you can’t seem to understand that, please leave this thread, I’m done replying to you.


Well you can do RBGs and have a min item level requirement because that is what they are for. That is your solution to having an undergeared team. Again fixable by you.

This idea to make Random BGs so watered down, boring and generic while giving everyone templates so they can compete in an RPG game is what is delusional. It’s horrific thinking.

This game is about GEARING UP and if players don’t do that they should get 1 shot. That should tell them that they need more GEAR which is the reason we play an RPG.

These template threads amuse me sometimes because I never understand why some people play World of Warcraft if they don’t want Gear to make a huge impact. Since templates is literally the most Anti-WoW system you can put in this game. Stop trying to ruin what this game is about please and thanks.

Templates = Uninstall

Just have Gear be Gear so we can enjoy the game.


And we could go down a balance between both concepts.

Templates with gear that matters.

Flat HP/Main stat via templates. Secondaries based on the gear with some basic gear with no HP/Main stat found through a pvp vendor.

You still get to customize your character and pvp gets a little more balanced.

Or we can just go back to the best PvP we ever had that didn’t have Templates or Scaling. These new systems are bad for the game.

Not sure why that is hard to see from this template crowd. There is no need to recreate the wheel because we know what amazing PvP looks like. We had it in TBC/Wrath. The Devs goal should be trying to give us that again.

There is no wiggle room for discussion on this Template system because it ruins the game. Remove scaling too. Just have Gear be Gear again. Anyways so glad it’s gone so I can play the game. Templates = Uninstall.

8.3 PvP is the best PvP we have had since WoD. At least there is some fun to be had and a lot of build options with corruption.

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I feel you, but it ain’t happening for the same reason.

Agreed I had a DH with 60k hp the other day in our group vs a group of people all with over 600k hp and insane corruptions.

BGs and arena’s should have pre-made characters. All the gear with different stats unlocked, enchants, gems, corruptions, trinkets etc. Build your character.

The only thing that pvp rating/play time unlocks is transmogs, mounts, titles, and different spell graphics or something.

Watching the high rated arena games was so boring. Stack vers, use mythic trinket, requeue.

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The power gap is getting pretty bad. It especially becomes noticeable during BG week and if you’re Alliance.

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all i’ve noticed is all the undergeared horde alts in bgs this week. horde seems to be having a rough time, i’ve won probably around 75% of my bgs since tuesday.

even had a 9 min queue as alliance for some reason

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I had our only healer in a Komogu be an 90k Health Priest after Fort and Food buff. Enemy team had two healers. He was out healed by 5 of our dps. We lost like 200 to 1500, 13 minute queue.

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Only did 3 Bgs today but won all 3. Even had more undergeared than Alliance in one of them.

They do, yes. Easy wins in casual PvP are a reward for raiders to get more free stuff.

Nope, they can’t. People who used to subscribe to play them have been going away, probably forever.

I hated templates in Legion. My spec (guardian) got none of the stats I needed. Implementation was horrible, which is why so many players wanted them gone.

I don’t trust them to make half an effort. But putting well-balanced stat templates into lower brackets and casual max level PvP would make it playable again for those who aren’t in the bis crowd. Better gear could give a small advantage, just as it did in Legion. And they could even let twinks play again.

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What about an allotment system? Everyone has a flat 500 in all four stats. You have a Greater, Regular and Lesser Allotment slot, you can choose between one of the 4 stats. It increases that stat by a %. Greater say 200%, Regular 100%, Lesser 50%. That way you get to choose when you have 1500, 1000, 750, and 500 of. Every ilvl increases the base stat of all 4 by 1.

As an example, if the base ilvl is set to 300, a 475 ilvl person would have 2025, 1350, 1012, and 675 stats. This is about a 35% increase in stats for 175 item level.(On par with earlier expansions).

To compare that to live. My current shadow priest at 420 has 3285 stats, my warriors at 475 has 5678 stats. Or about a 57.8% increase in stats for 55 item level.

As far as health, the original Legion Template system would be good of giving us a buffer base line(say 300k) and increasing it by 6k every 10 ilvl.

While these numbers are literally made up on the spot, it would make freshly geared toons a lot closer to geared toons allowing more competitive matches for pugs, while gear still giving advantage. I understand that most complaints about the Template system was classes not getting what they need, if you get to choose the allotments would that help?

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that just means role playing game, doesnt say anything about gear

legion and wod were role playing games where gear didnt matter much. tbc-mop we had pvp sets that didnt allow for much build diversity at all

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bring back resilience, theres no incentive for gearing up to PvP since there isnt PvP gear anymore.

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