Bring back PvP Templates for casual BGs

Corruption stacking is some of the wildest dreams of any Twink.
Pretty much the most optimum builds we have ever had the chance to play.

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how anyone can defend any of these design changes made in the past 5 years is absolutely mind boggling to me

you have to seriously be braindead

I agree, lets stick to the original vision of this games roots.
Templates were never a part of what made World of Warcraft the greatest MMO ever created.

Your motherlode 12 means nothing if your opponents are all mythic raiders in premades with bis azerite, essences, and corruptions.

Nor was a power gap that gives a geared player 10x the hp of a freshly leveled max player, before the differences that azerite traits, essences, trinkets, and corruptions give.


The HP difference is self imposed, we are expected to do Entry level activities in order to achieve entry level “Viability” ie ilvl 435? 445. :hugs:
Time gating will remain, we can hope for more PVP options in SL.
If we are faced with an Expansion of endgame upgrades every season, the differences will work the same way.
Balance (Maintaining) between the low end and high end will be key, not templates.
Scaling, Gear can be adjusted.

Moving forward.

Why should the COMPETITIVE form of pvp not also carry templates??

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BFA PvP has been horrible.



I’ve played since BC in no way has PvP seen such a massive gear gap as it has today.


i always felt the pvp sets we used from tbc-mop were basically just templates that we had to earn

there wasnt much gearing diversity when we had to have resilience or pvp power. vanilla had some interesting gear choices but the honor system wasnt well thought out


That is correct.

PVP gear ilevel had a hard cap per season and budgeted for resilience. You are a valued member of the WoW community and good post. +1


Yes it does I am currently 474 item level most raiders are 5-8 item levels higher no big deal!

BTW, does that mean I don’t have bis azerite, essences, and corruptions too? LOL

Then how come this “entry level” isn’t imposed at all, because entry level is fresh 120. You’re literally making up stuff about what you “believe” just like other people who are against balance in this thread.

The Original game doesn’t exist anymore. I don’t understand how people don’t get this yet. '“Lets just go back to before Blizzard added MASSIVE power spikes every patch.”

They aren’t going to do that.

Surprised Pikachu Face

Guess we should just have unbalanced PvP.’

You shooting down someones idea without presenting a reasonable solution is useless.

Half of you don’t want templates because “muh power fantasy”. Splitting the queues by ilvl is dumb and will just increase queue times. If you’re anti-template, please give me a real solution.

I don’t like templates for several reasons. First, it exacerbated the bring the class system due to balance issues. Second, depending on my experience level and content I prefer different builds. Third, they didn’t work in WPvP. Finally, it removes RPG elements not to be able to customize.

The previous systems were far superior to this crap and templates. Even if they weren’t ideal it was better than trying to make WoW PvP into just another first person shooter.

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This is a hard one, and I’ve mentioned it several times. I’ll admit that I don’t really care about competitive PvP and don’t really touch it outside of getting to like 1600 in 2s. I think a lot of the people arguing for customization should have that in competitive play. You can choose your teammates, so you expect them to have put in some effort to maximize their character. I can’t tell you if competitive PvP is better or worse with Templates. But I can tell you that Casual BGs were fun and competitive at all stages of Legion, well outside of the random pub stomps you sometimes got.

casual bgs should be the place where you can take your uber geared chars and curb stomp people. templates in 2s,3s, and rbgs where you can set your 2 main stats and not like legion where blizz decided what stats you got would be the play. people can use their op gear and stomp on people and it wouldnt impact competitive integrity of ranked Qs

Eh not really… Balance is always an issue regardless (look at destro now lol). It’s just the nature of how many specs there are. League/DotA have lots of guys that are op and others that are useless. It’s just the nature of a diverse PvP game.

This is 100% the issue.

Easily doable now though. If you turn on warmode your template gets activated.

That being said I don’t want templates.
Bfa<<<<<templates<<any previous system ever.

There are reasons why templates are bad. Previous systems worked just fine. That’s our solution, anything from tbc-wod. Particularly wod, that was the ultimate adjustable template. Everyone had easy access to top notch gear and you could pick the stats you wanted to.

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What I meant was that you cannot adjust your stats so there is no equipment fix for underpowered classes.

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what can i do if pvp gear is trash
you take like triple the effort to get a 475 gear doing pvp instead of doing it on pve
i do enjoy have the best gear and wreck on pvp situation because of it, not have my status scaled down because of player gear / skill imbalance

no, is up your team to train hard as you or the other team to be capable of a fight, imagine telling about templates to mike tyson?