Bring back PvP Templates for casual BGs

You are ilevel 475 with a trash 1500 rating so you’re opinion means nothing.

Just because you can only win by outgearing people doesn’t mean anything other than that you just aren’t good at PvP.

Says the guy hiding behind a classic alt :roll_eyes: everyone’s opinion means something. I don’t agree with his opinion but it doesn’t make it invalid lol


means that some one that put the effort on finding good gear doesn’t want to be with lazy people that just magically match up. is like teaming a football team and not train and expect a handicaps

Most PvPers of a spec ended up with the same exact set of gear/stats because it was optimal. I don’t know if that’s really considered RP or customization.

Um, I have a dozen or more legion movies full of 1v2, 1v3s etc. It was easier to 1vN in legion than it is now due to corruptions. Even bad players with good corruptions hurt.

If you weren’t able to curb stomp people in Legion with the templates, then that might have been a “you” problem.

As we’ve reduced the number of stats we’ve also reduced the ways we could customize. For example, I used to optimize my spirit based on if I was running OOM when I needed it. As my gear improved I needed to cast less spells and could lower it, point is I changed it based on content and gear level.

I guess it’s like vers, it’s not the best throughput stat unless you’re an MM hunter or DK tank. so when I heal I’ll work in vers over other stats until I have a baseline level of survival.

I personally didn’t run the 4 set for like half my toons.

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I’m with you. 95% of the time I just want to play BG’s / Arena, would love to see a instanced cross server WPvP focus aspect to the game added where you could pop in/out as you liked. The rest of the game has little interest to me. Sure I can appreciate a good story line, and running a raid/instance a few times but after that, PVE loses it’s interest to me personally. Then again I don’t think I’m Blizzard’s target demographic either.

Me either! Stop it man… It’s weird lol

Maybe the sheep? I had two different sets that I’d play regularly for multiple characters. Especially in wod because you could cap out easily and then buy and mess around with different sets.

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Yeah, the sheep who try to maximize their best two stats for PvP.

There’s multiple ways to maximize. Always has been.

You post on the arena forums so I don’t know if you remember sticki? People used to make fun of his bote build. He has some pretty good success with it and I’ve seen it in arenas sometimes. Do you think any pros use it?

Same thing in previous expansions. Yes there will be a safe build and a more popular one but there was always different set ups. My buddy in mop was ret and used some of the pve set for the set bonus because he preferred that.

Templates aren’t the answer

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I used to like to mix 2 piece bonuses. Sometimes on my healers I’d have the 2-piece healing bonus, 2 piece dps, and the 2 trinkets for resilience.

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This happened all the time with WW. 4 set would give tigereye brew a 20% dmg reduction, but if I just ran 2 set and use the off set pieces with vers on it. I had 42% vers at the end of WoD, season before that was 35 and before that was 30.

I figured a 15% dmg reduc all time was better than a 20 some of the time.

These are the people that look at the top and say “that’s the only way”

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