Bring Back pvp/ rp-pvp servers

Just the people who were tired of 40 man raid group zergs crashing small scale wPvP events, the majority of which aren’t roleplayers just trying to annoy people doing organized PvP events.

ED hemorrhaged RP-PvP players for a reason.


No, the stated reason for War Mode was to make it so that people wouldn’t feel forced into playing on a PvP server just to play with their friends, and other similar reasons.


I would say what happened - what you describe - was that ED hemorrhaged RP players who were not RPPVP players.

The whole purpose of having RPPVP servers was to roleplay an in game reality that Horde and Alliance could attack each other freely. Horde that were attacking Alliance were, from the Alliance perspective, roleplaying perfectly, whether those Horde intended to roleplay or not.

The appropriate in character response is either to marshal superior forces and defeat those Horde, or retreat into a safer area, such as an Alliance capital.

If that wasn’t the kind of roleplay you wanted - where there was always risk of a Horde PVP attack messing up your plans - then a RPPVP server was probably the wrong place for you in the first place.

From what I understand:

  1. Impossible to stream on a PvP server due to “Griefing”, they want to have their cake and eat it too.

  2. They have an unrealistic idea of gear progression, where the gap between a geared player and an ungeared player is bigger than ever. There’s already hidden scaling on abilities in pvp(you see a 100k crit, they see 80k), because “dragons don’t care if you do more damage, but people do”. But even with that, the power difference is enough to make the game unplayable for most players.

  3. and this is my personal hypothesis; it would make boosting matter. Right now, if you play like me and just gather and trade on auction house, gear is literally irrelevant. You can just be level 90 forever and have the same advantages as a 120 with best gear. In warmode, a 120 would just 5shot the 90. Which is apparently a problem? I’m not sure its a problem.

Idk they definitely turned PvP into a minigame rather than a fundamental part of the world, a war for resources.

Not really, the problem with what happend on ED is that people looked at RPPVP as RP/PVP. Many RPers were fine with the PVP aspect however the elements that came to ED were not interested in RP at all.

In theory yes, in practice this really just did not work. Those ‘elements’ that came to the server were not the kind to just crash RP events, I am talking SUPER toxic people: Rage whispers, death threats, exploits, server crashes, general harassment, weird Twitter drama and even cases of people getting SWATTED. I come from about 5 or 6 different PVP servers before I went on ED and NEVER seen anything like it.

Its all been documented and while its sad what happend I guess thats just the kind of condition’s that kind of environment gets made in.


And speaking as a PvPer with friends on a PvE server, on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, I don’t like having PvE players around in a PvP environment, either. The moment I slap someone who’s just there to get their things, and they give up? I just leave them alone - that’s not a fun fight for either party involved.

I want to fight people who’re actually there expecting a fight, and disregarding the XP bonus, War Mode comes very close to achieving this goal. Not to mention, I can actually engage in wPvP at all while also playing with my friends on the same PvE realm.

Before, I had to make alts if I wanted to get my World PvP fix - and that sucked.

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This is lame. Warcraft used to be a fight for resources. Gear used to matter because it was relevent to gathering things on pvp servers.

If you want your pvp fix with people expecting pvp, you have battlegrounds and arenas, that not only match you up with people expecting to fight, but also actively try preventing better rated people from fighting lower rated people.

As it stands, anchor weed, platinum, so on, are all absolutely worthless.

I don’t mind fighting over resources. Just - again - I want to fight over said resources with PvP minded players.

I want them to fight back when I jump them for said resource, not run away because they were never there to PvP in the first place. I don’t see what’s ‘lame’ about that.

Yeah, World PvP’s never gonna be balanced, but at the very least I’d like everyone taking part to be on the same page.

But I like killing bots, even if they don’t fight back.

That’s totally fair, but I’m talking about players. Actual players who’re at their keyboard.

Bots are always going to be around - I’d always condone hammering them into the dirt, but when it comes to World PvP, I’d like the players present to be on the same wavelength. It’s just more fun for everyone involved, and leads to more fights.

Make server transfers free, and then you might have a leg to stand on. Until then, deal with War Mode which is infinitely superior to being trapped on a PvP realm.


Yes, the consequence would be that gear would be relevent in the open world. Right now, a lv90 is on even footing as a 120. Often even at an advantage based on their racials.

Personally, I enjoy having my lv90 highmountain tauren mining, but I do wish there was a reason for me to level it up/gear it up other than cosmetic. Even though it’s against my interest, I think it’s something that makes sense for the game.

Okay, you’ve completely lost me, here.

Are you saying you want a 120 to have an advantage over a 90 in gathering resources? That you want a reason to level them to gain said resources? Surely the fact that you won’t go splat in 3 seconds would be enough.

I was merely saying I’d like PvP Realms, War Mode, or whatever alternative might be coming in the future to be populated with people who’re actually interested in fighting. I’m not quite sure where you’re going with this.

A ‘war for resources’ implies that you could, in fact, win that war. You’re also assuming these resources are so invaluable as to make them the center of server conflict. If it got to that point, where one faction was literally denied the ability to attempt content because the other faction had a stranglehold, then it would snowball toward the dominant faction very quickly without outside intervention.


This is an important distinction, too - there’s a reason they can never have a fulfilling conclusion to the faction war storyline, and this is quite literally it. Nobody can ever, really win.

I’m all for making wPvP more interesting - having objectives and resources to fight over that make it more than just a gankfest, but I’m not sure if it’d work at all with the current faction system and its 15 years of baggage.

If War Mode were fought between the 3 covenants, though? Or separate factions you could join? That could be an absolute treat.

Yeah it’d be a mess, but it did make the world feel more alive.

Did it? More perilous perhaps, but being relentlessly and repeatedly ganked with little or no recourse isn’t making the world feel more ‘alive’.

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What they did to RP-PVP servers was a great tragedy.
:cry: :cry: :cry:

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I long for the day I can finally decouple racial choices from being locked on a faction.

The rationale is that some players were “forced” to play on PvP servers so that they could play with friends, even if that’s not how they wanted to play the game.

Warmode was supposed to offer the flexibility of choice, but due to the poor sharding balance it doesn’t work as every warmode shard is dominated by one faction with the other in the grave minority.