Although I personally have 30 / 36, I’d love if they brought back the challenge appearances. This MT was harder and less rewarding.
Maybe if we had an incentive to do it more than 7 times we would have more to do during the event.
EDIT: I’d LOVE to also have new content with new rewards… but (1) that costs more money so it’s unlikely, and (2) MT is good content, especially scaled since it can last forever.
Nah. I don’t like that idea at all.
Instead they should create new challenging content with equally unique rewards.
I’ve wanted this for a long time, and was disappointed when they didn’t come back.
They should bring back artifact weapons with brand new skins in 10.0. Farming weapon skins in Legion was so fun, much better than farming Azerite power and grinding Covenant.
yeah, I spent all of Legion just collecting different weapons skins / druid forms. I did everything, WQ, PvP, Raid, M+… all for the sake of Xmog. This time around, I was a lot less invested.
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I wished blizzard did bring them “back” as in “inflatable thunderfury” form
That way everyone can get it back but never a transmog
that’s just dumb. At that point, why even bring it back?
Best of it was all the guardian druids losing their minds over that bearform… showed enough how people only wanted the weapons back but somehow blizzard could not recolor each of them… no don’t come with your “it’s a unique model” - all of them are in a way. Don’t care if you use a monkey skeleton or a bear one for a form.
i like the shield from mana tombs looking good
do you not know what a rhetorical question is, or is the inflatable thunderfury really that good in your eyes?
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I could not agree more. Since BfA I feel our work in game revolves mostly around numbers (AP, renown, etc) which will be completely meaningless once we get a new expansion. Whilst appearances stay with us forever - and looking at the pretty ones feels a lot more rewarding than looking at a number, in my opinion. 
Hopefully they don’t bring anything else back given how so many players acted when they gave in and brought it back.
Answering your rhetorical question: so that people stop asking for it back.
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When the sub numbers are low enough and blizz needs a low effort gimmick to help bring the numbers back up I’m sure they will bring them back.
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I stand behind my possible solutions of “add a second level of difficulty - make the harder difficulty award weapons and the easier one award the transmogs” or “lock a 36-weapon ensemble behind the 36-challenge Feat of Strength”.
It’s probably the most valid one since the cat was already let out of the bag with TW MT already being hard and awarding only the xmogs.
i don’t think they understand the real end game which is mount collecting, pet farming, mog farming, playing dress up. removing rewards is pretty dumb imo especially if your going to bring back the content we got it from after removing it.
to me it’s like they are going 1 step forward then 50 back. i got the ones that i wanted at the time but outside of that i mean it doesn’t mean i still don’t want to get them for the other classes. if i had to pay for it via cash shop i would but i rather it be implemented via MT TW.
idk about you but business wise you know how much money they could easily milk with the MT weapon skins being on cash shop? a LOT… it would spark rage at the same time though so i mean take it as it is. then again people always gonna rage about anything and everything in general.