Bring back Masterlooter

And thank god it was only untill BFA god if i had started off my WoW gameplay seeing GDKP spams on the LFG or the Trade chat i wouldve never gotten any gear in the game yet alone had any gold to buy anything.

In my brief experience of the classic gameplay i found my self constantly broke and getting any gear in these GDKP runs was close to impossible now it was no longer about the skill or effort i put it and expecting a reward but about the gold i had.

“Not our guild, no raid”

Funny, that’s the side that you’re cheerleading. Let’s not get confused now yes?

I stated after it was on farm. Also why does it matter? Because the guy who was there for 200 pulls at the moment is the guy that you know is actually going to stay there when the going gets rough. At the moment, the guy who pulled it exactly 1 time is an unknown factor. Sure he could turn into another one of those 200+ pull players, heck you hope that he does! But if he’s going to leave over a single missed weapon drop
 then he isn’t. Period.

That’s why it matters. Now if this new player is head and shoulders better than the old player
 well then
 that’s an entirely different question at that point.

So you got it
 when no one else wanted it? Ok? Why does this matter? How about in the middle of the tier when the raid group was still pushing for CE? When their main raiders needed it for their progression? Would it not matter then either?

Even if it didn’t
 that still wouldn’t matter. Why? Because all people are asking for is the choice to use ML. If you don’t like ML that much, then that’s fine! I don’t want to force you to use it. Use PL! Stop cheerleading for the side that’s forcing me to use PL though.

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The heyday of GDKP was Wrath. It’s not a new thing.

It’s not the best looting system but PL is guaranteed fairness since Blizzard set the rules.

ML in the hands of players, who stand to benefit from where the loot goes is just too corrupt.


No argument anyone can present is going to change the fact that PL is the fairest system we can use in WoW. You can not abuse it. You can not change it. You have absolutely no control over it. And therein lies the problem that most proponents of ML have, they have no control over it. That’s just too bad. Their beef is with those that have abused ML in the past. As far as luck goes, see my previous post. Not getting into that craptastic discussion 'cause I’ll depress ya, trust me.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


This is you.

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What do you mean by “fill ins”? And what difficulty are we talking?

I feel like 75% is a decent middle ground. It gives some wiggle room in case core raiders cant make it for whatever reason and as long as it worked in WoD where it showed in the group finder if master looter was being used or not, people can make the informed decision themselves of whether or not they want to deal with the potential headaches.

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LOL as a progression raiding tank I get gear LAST. As it should be.

We needed people to fill the raid. Most were taking a break for shadowlands. Which is normal for most guilds before a new xpac

Like the only time I can agree with ML is if it is a 100% guild group and there is a check for ML before the raid starts.


Categorically wrong. Mr. Robot did a full survey of thousands of guilds when this whole debate started at the end of Legion. And in their data they reported the majority of normal guilds used PL, half of heroic guilds used PL, and 10% of mythic guilds used PL. This was the first time PL was rolled out. I have no doubt that those numbers would probably be higher if it’d been out longer.

At best you can say that ML had some cognitive sway, but to say that you didn’t have a choice when even on the hardest difficulty 1 in 10 guilds (of thousands of guilds) was utilizing that choice is just flat out misleading.

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What difficulty are we talking?

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Heroic. I’m not that good for mythic. But I would think my logic should stand for any difficulty level

No. Never. No thanks.

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Mythic progression guilds do not fill up raids with pugs, nor is it “normal” for people to quit and leave the rest of the team in the lurch.

No it isn’t. It’s guaranteed fairness on exactly 1 axis of fairness. Were you present when the boss died. That’s it. It takes no account for effort put in to kill the boss the first time, effort put in to farm the boss for months, performance put in, attendance put in, reliability as an ongoing player etc.

Again, imagine they assigned bonuses at your job as a lottery and the guy you know was consistently slacking off won it. You wouldn’t say that that’s fair and you know it.

That’s because evaluating what’s “fair” on a single axis is at best woefully naive, and at worst actively misleading.

Then. Don’t. Use. It.

It’s really that simple. Again, no one is asking for ML to replace PL. We’re asking for the choice to use it. That’s it.


It doesn’t. Because it’s a tossup on Heroic because you can get away with far more and still progress through the raid just fine. On Mythic under ML, you’d need to fine tune your raid to perform at its best because when you hit actual bosses with DPS/HPS checks you need to have everything at your disposal so you can properly progress through the fight and not have to worry about reclearing to try and get what you need.

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As a progression raiding guild you and 1 other tank have free reign over all the tank gear in the pool.

That’s not how loot tables, or gearing, work these days.

“tank gear”? What is this, vanilla?