Bring back Masterlooter

I started in BFA when Masterloot never existed.

But from whatever i’ve seen the people who want masterloot back are only those who were actually the masterlooter’s themselves or buddies or the masterlooter.

Apart from the exception of some high end guild i dont see this system being any good for the casual player or Newer players and infact provides a massive roadblock into raiding for the newer and casual players.


That’s viewing the question at the bare minimum level of depth. It’s fair on exactly one axis of that question.

Player A and B kill Boss X and Player B wins Weapon Z due to /roll.

That’s as far as your analysis goes.

Now add in other confounding factors to the equation.

-Effort put in to downing the boss between the players. Player A put in 200 pulls to kill the boss and Player B put in 10 pulls after it was on farm.

-Effort put in to farm the boss between the players. Player A put in 3 months of farm to kill the boss, and Player B just joined the team.

-Performance (I know, no one likes that here, but it is something to think about). Player A was a top performer throughout progression (not just DPS, but mechanics, etc.) and Player B died nearly every pull becoming an actual detriment to progression.

-Attendance between players. Player A consistently shows up every night (>95% attendance), while Player B routinely misses the raid and sometimes gives poor notice of absences (~50% attendance).

Assume one or even all of those factors are now in play. You really going to tell me that it is entirely FAIR… that the BiS weapon goes to player B? Really? Turn the raid into a job, and turn the weapon into a bonus. You think it’d be FAIR that the bonus would go to worker B? Really?

I wouldn’t call that fair. Not at all.


Actually when the announcement happened, there was a PLETHORA of threads discussing the change. People who felt “vindicated” because they got to finally “stick it to the elitists” ran face first into one of the biggest complaints of BFA being wasted loot. And the amount of it that went to the scrapper.

The reason why there aren’t more threads is because Blizzard has dug their heels in and have yet again plugged their ears on trying to understand blatant issues with PL.


And nobody’s saying newer/casual players should do it. What people are saying is that progression raiding guilds should have the same options they had in Legion.


Then they can… be adults and be in control of their own gameplay experience. If you don’t want to play in a ML environment then… don’t.


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Even if they were that doesn’t really change anything because the issues being brought forward with PL are things that should’ve been addressed.

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The internet and mentality of people in games has changed. 10% of guilds may behave especially those at the very top. The problems will be in guilds that will master loot a month dissolve. Change names/change servers rinse repeat. I have seen it now especially now that most guild are based on discord not within the gaming framework. Point is if you trust folks on the internet you will have a hard road ahead good luck.

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And how does this affect the dude who came to the raid, used his consumes and did good damage? Why does the previous 200 pulls matter in the one pull that matters?

Edit: In BFA, my DH didn’t get unguent caress till last 2 weeks of the season, and by then most people in guild was taking a break prepping for new expansion, we had to fill people, and when they got the item, everyone congratulated them.

“They came to the raid, used consumes and downed the boss, on THAT PULL”

I couldn’t care about the previous 6 months you did content together, all that matters is the one pull. If you can’t get that, then you now know why ML is bad


You can’t dictate how players should play or experience the game.

ML allows for too much abuse of players not in the know.


trading should at least be brought back, gear that is supposedly “good” for you can be shown to be downgrade’s, nobody can force you to trade gear anyways.

I mean its not something that one can keep in check as if 90% of the player base is doing GDKP runs in the LFG and general chats how is a newer/casual player to get any loot ever.
In that sense i feel PL is way better.

And i feel creating another system for the high end players is just sad as there is literally the Mythic difficulty in raid which is completely tailored for the high end players.

Everyone gets the same chance to get loot, that is fair. Any reasonable person can recognize and acknowledge that. If it’s loot they can’t use, that’s just bad luck. That is an entirely different animal and conversation.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


If you actually think the one pull, that being the kill, is the only one that matters then I have to question whether or not you’ve done serious progression.

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No that isn’t the argument that’s being made wholesale. We’re seeing a whole bunch of ‘you don’t raid at a respectable level you don’t know what you’re talking about lawl ML should exist and PL should cease to exist.’ I mean make the case for case by case ML if you want to. I think that’s probably a better position than attempting to deal in absolutes at this point.

When ML existed, that was the system that was used. It’s disingenuous to tell people ‘WeLL iF YoU DOnT LiKE iT DOnT AgREe tO iT!’ People largely didn’t have a choice, and they were never aware that they were going to be screwed until they found themselves screwed.

It happened enough that the system as a whole was ditched.


It’s not “another system” it’s how things worked until BfA.


That’s the conversation that I’m having. Because it’s a problem. How is it fair as a teammate to not have a good loadout solely because luck wasn’t in your favor? It’s not good team building to just go…

shrug “Sucks to suck…”

…and be powerless to help out your teammates.


I’d be perfectly fine if master looter was brought back in organized settings. What do I mean by that? 75% of the group has to be from the same guild. No ifs. No ands. No buts about it. The minute the scale tips to even 76% of the group being pugs the loot rule automatically switches back to personal loot.

Make it 100%

Right, and now it doesn’t which makes it another system. An old, outdated and unused system due to the inherent flaws in the system and players themselves.

I mean, flying didn’t exist til TBC. Does that mean it shouldn’t exist? Taurens used to not be able to be paladins but now they can. Should that be different now?


Yeah, you can read my edit. My DH went without unguent caress for the entire season leading up to SL. We filled people cause a lot of us were taking a break. Does that mean the fills don’t get loot cause I’m in the guild and I did the pull so much more then them?

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