Bring back Masterlooter

I will because it’s true.

That would imply I lose an argument.

I definitely have never lost one to you :joy:

Ok. You say whatever you need to keep fragile self happy.

I got work to do now.


Actually, from my perspective, he’s right, you are being unreasonable.

Ya see, hoss, you’re not looking at things from the other person’s point of view. If you were, you wouldn’t still be arguing that you’re right, and he’s wrong. You would have realized that not everyone plays the same way as you and perhaps ML is not right for them and would have admitted that the current loot system is the best we’re going to get until human nature changes.

You see, you can’t fix greed and ML allows greed to run rampant whereas PL does not. Prevention is the best medicine.

When I raided regularly in my old guild, before PL, we used ML and there was never a problem. I didn’t have a problem with ML then, and don’t now. What I do have a problem with is people being unfair, PL eliminates any unfairness.

Or maybe you’re still arguing because you want to stir up trouble. Doesn’t matter, I’ve said my piece. Now, how do I ignore someone again?

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


PL creates more unfairness. When as a tank I loot a weapon off Painsmith that procs when I’m behind my target, and is therefore useless to me, but BiS for the DPS, and I can’t trade it to them? That’s unfair.

When DPS trinkets drop for me that are inexplicably on the tanking loot table, which I will never use, but I can’t give them to my friends? That’s unfair.

When people with 4-piece get a 5th piece that they won’t use because it’s horribly itemized, but they can’t give it to their friends because they don’t have tier in that slot already? That’s unfair.

When somebody gets an INT mace they can’t trade even though their INT staff is better, simply because the game things they have to have a mace? That’s unfair.

Here’s what’s perfectly fair: You play your way, and I’ll play mine.
Here’s what not fair: You decide you get to dictate how I play.


Your beef is with Blizzard.

They set the rules for trading not us.


Says this.

Hides behind blizzard when presented with a cogent argument.

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You’re cheerleading it, though, and I’m explaining why you’re way off base.


This is easily solvable with one thing. Bring back “need”,”greed”,”pass” rolls.

No other form of looting. No personal loot, no ML. You let the game decide who gets the loot.

Everyone in the raid group wants you to pass on an item? Nah I’ll let rng gods decide.

If it’s a fully happy fun guild group? Everyone passes and the one person who wants it needs it.

You want the item in a raid, but guild master is forcing you to pass? Say yes until the last second, need it. That way it’s a coin flip who gets it

The players also set their subs. Which if we’re being honest with each other I’m not sure where the game is going to be at when Wrath Classic is over.

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And your experience doesn’t invalidate everyone elses.

This system has to be fair for everyone and ultimately benefits Blizzard since you can’t get stronger more quickly.

No, it really doesn’t. If you’re a reasonable person, you understand that everyone having the same chance to get loot is fairness in action. That is literally the definition of fair. If you can’t see that, check the actual definition of fair, somewhere in that definition it will say something like this “without undue or unjust advantage”.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


Fair is when the loot that the boss drops gets used.

Unfair is when half of it doesn’t get used because it’s soulbound on people who don’t want it.

It’s a trash system.


What’s not fair is watching someone on your team get unlucky drops and having literally no power to help them during progression. This is a team based environment. Why am I not allowed to help someone with their gear progression in this scenario? Because Timothy over in his Normal Raiding guild didn’t get the big shiny on its first drop? That’s just BS to me imo.


I’d say you cheerleading the side of the argument that seeks to control how people other than yourself play the game is the epitome of unfair.

If you didn’t like ML, you didn’t use it. It really is that simple. I played in two guilds in Legion, a mythic prog guild and a heroic casual guild. The mythic prog guild used ML, the heroic casual guild used PL. Why? Because that’s how the guilds chose to run themselves. They had entirely different goals and contained entirely different people.


Observation I’ve noticed generally, people that raid want ML. People that haven’t stepped a second above LFR don’t want it.

I don’t even know why half the people that posted in here even care about something they won’t even do considering that fact.

I guess “sticking it to elitists” is a popular circle jerk shrug

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What we’re seeing in action in these threads is the enormous gap between team-oriented players (who want to help their teammates and have the team succeed) and selfish solo players (who only care about themselves and don’t even have a team).

Blizzard’s mistake is forcing the same rules set on both groups of players.


Same could be said for Master Loot, since some players will feel some form of animosity since they’ve missed out on loot.

It simply creates too much drama in groups across the board.

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Your weapon isn’t causing your parses. You making excuses doesn’t validate them being one way or the other.

Talk away! It’s totally fine!

I was talking about Paws, I’m not casual sir =p Also I understand the difference between actually having an argument, which you don’t; and just being a giant bastard when you are neither good enough nor smart enough to be one.

For the content you’re currently doing, you are either average or below average in almost all encounters. Which means you aren’t as good as you think you are.

No, your opinion doesn’t have more or less merit than anyone else’s lol. Only in your mind is that the way things are, it isn’t actually the way it is. You are four lockouts in and producing mostly blue and green parses. You’ve peaked already. When people catch up to you in gear is where you’re really going to start hurting.

So again. You want so desperately to be an elitist that you think that by clinging to an argument commonly made by them that you are galvanizing your place amongst the elite. You aren’t. You’re just coming across as a nasty dude.


It’s one thread. This thread type isn’t super common, they seem to pop up a few times per season and they are always the same. People who want to be able to dictate to others, and people who don’t want to be dictated to.

The change to master looter happened for a reason. Continue being intellectually dishonest if you want. I’m willing to bet that ML doesn’t come back regardless of the few times a year people demand ML back.


You nailed it Sam.

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