Bring back Masterlooter

Yeah 100%, but ok.

looks like it is working exactly as blizz wants it to. YOU have a problem with untradable gear, blizzard doesnt. If they did they would change it. here we are chewing each others livers out and blizzard is sitting back and laughing. Its not like you have quit over it.

I would like to see a fixed ML system.
100% guild only
2 day cooldown on new guild invites.
a popup when you enter a ml instance(you cant say you didnt know)
toggle on ml at start of raid and it cannot be toggled on or off once the raid has started(if you are a ml guild that will be great)

no surprises this way

Blizz had problems with ML yet did nothing to fix those problems. they did their standard “quick fix” and killed it. If they would actually have a dialog maybe we could come up with something better than either?

ps:raise the drop rate. right now it is just water torture waiting for enough people to have some gear


So you don’t want someone dictating how you play the game, but you also want your group to decide together how best to distribute the spoils of your teams hard work.

Fixed it for you.

well said :clap:

Are you in a Hall of Fame guild?

Does it matter?

No, but I stayed in a holiday inn express last night.


Yes it matters.



Same!!! Keep it down please.

Then you don’t understand the major issues that PL has.

Item level restrictions and slot/spec restrictions are major issues.

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Well, I haven’t raided since SoO and I left my guild weeks into the raid and pugged the rest. Maybe I am out of touch, but the reason I ask is because if you aren’t in a Hall guild you aren’t competitive in the first place and pretender guilds don’t need to dictate loot for their members. My opinion.

Are you in a HoF guild?

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Remember the days of 1H vs 2H mattering for weather or not you could trade weapons?

I can thrive in either system. I am pointing to the hypocrisy of the Personal Loot side’s reason for not wanting Master Looter to exist.

True, but this doesn’t take Blizzard off the hook completely.

I have not been in a progression raid group since Legion. Not because they changed the loot policy, but because the story and raids have just been underwhelming. Blizzard will find a way to drive people away from the game in some manner.

Seems reasonable. Doesn’t make up for the children screaming about how bad Master Looter was, nor the fact that they enjoy Blizzard pulling it from the game for their own sick pleasure.

Blizzard has problems with people whining. Blizzard has problems with betting on the wrong horse. Their insistence on making the game for “everyone” has driven away more players then they have kept. This doesn’t seem like it will be changing anytime soon, and I agree with your statement that they should have more dialog with players. Somehow, when they do have dialog its always with the wrong players though.

You would know more then I, seeing as I haven’t raided since Argus. I came back as a request from our old Guild Leader to heal Mythic plus, so I may not get a chance to experience this torture for myself.

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Is trash. Just because people aren’t in a top 100 guild doesn’t mean their preference is invalid.

So? I haven’t played retail since Nathria. I play BC classic now as my wow retirement, where we currently use ML
 TBC is an utter joke in terms of difficulty, and I still prefer ML to PL. This has nothing to do with progression or difficulty. The progression side of things has been debunked via math above.

This has everything to do with how I prefer loot to be distributed in a team environment. I would like a human element involved, with all of the pro’s AND con’s that come with that.

And I’ve never been on the LC or a LM for a progression guild. So no
 I don’t want to be the one controlling that distribution.

Ok that’s an issue for sure. Had that situation where I couldn’t trade because it was “upgrade”

Your opinion has been trash all thread long and you certainly invalidate others based on their tier experience. Take your medicine.

You are an incredible hypocrite and need to rethink your entire post history in this thread.

Hall of fame is a bit high. Leaving it at regular CE is enough of a bar.

Still does from my understanding. I asked my monk friend if he would run some keys and trade me a pole arm (for survival) and he couldn’t because he had two one handlers.