Bring back Masterlooter

That is probably a fair assessment and probably the most correct one, but it seems to fall in line with the point I was making.

Enough reports were being generated to warrant action from Blizzard. Whether or not they did it from a position of altruism or frugality; the reason for the change remains the same.

Enough people got screwed (or felt like they did) that enough reports happened that blizzard took action.


I just have something you lack.


Others players who arenā€™t close-knit happy raiders or M+ dream teams also play this game and they have been easily mistreated by the way ML works and is likely the sole reason youā€™ll never get it back.

That and Blizzard wants you to keep playing longer :grin:


Master Loot was horrible. I saw the argument ā€œthe loot belongs to the raidā€ pop up, and while convincing at first, seems to forget the overwhelming amount of scenarios such as:

LFM ICC25, [Deathbringerā€™s Will] on reserve.

****] like that is why Master Loot was removed, and for good reason.


Yeah. I believe thereā€™s now also an in-game reason as to why they want to keep PL the way it is. Being that they want to slow down the progression of the playerbase but moreso the top end guilds who do Split runs in a need to try and keep players around longer.

My issue is that with the issues presented with PL, there has never been a middle ground set on how it should be changed. The same people who are coming forward saying they hated being forced into certain loot systems are hypocrites. Because theyā€™re not completely fine with endorsing a system that forces everyone into a loot system regardless of whether or not they like it.

Donā€™t worry too much about Snozh. Heā€™s green and blue parsing all over the place and coming here with the air of an elitist.

Heā€™s clearly not a bad player, but heā€™s either average or below average for the tier of play heā€™s engaging in. He ainā€™t special. Donā€™t let him upset you =p


Yes it does? If I get loot then its mine?


But under ML you didnā€™t get the loot until it was given to you. It was on the boss to be distributed.

No you donā€™t.

I have perspective.

You do realize I pug a majority of my keys right? Keep making excuses.

PS. You donā€™t need to be in a close knit group or dream team to understand how masterloot works.

You also fail to realize master loot is ONLY in raids :man_facepalming:t3:

The people being mistreated arenā€™t actually being mistreated. Their lack of understanding how ML works is a personal issue.

Literally have been playing all patch with a 246 weapon and still parsing 90s.

Just got my NW gun last night.

You clearly donā€™t understand how parses work.

You keep thinking that.

Iā€™d rather let players think for themselves, instead of bullying them into compliance with your actions.


Pugs filling in will be rewarded by the glamour rubbing off the guild members who got gear.

Thatā€™s because of the esports attitude that blizz has worked so hard to inject into the game, that if somebody deserved that thing theyā€™d have it already. Blizz has worked really hard to remove generosity from the game. It seems to be working. Blame Blizz.


Blizzard clearly stated when you join a raid group youā€™re agreeing to the loot rules.

If itā€™s master looter you canā€™t actually be ninjaed or mistreated because you agreed to let the master looter give out gear.

More proof you donā€™t have a clue. Learn what RC Loot Council is. Most guilds wonā€™t bring you to raid if you donā€™t follow the rules.

Right. Clearly we only look at normal parses and not the heroic or mythic ones. Iā€™m still seeing a whoooooole lotta blue in them normal parses too =p Seriously though. You arenā€™t making any actual arguments. Youā€™re just on here picking on casuals dude.

We get it. You think youā€™re good at the game, and therefore you think your opinion means more than that of others.


But thatā€™s not what always happens and hence it was changed

Once more, not everyone plays like you Snozh.

Nor should they. If youā€™re having to coarse people into getting ML back then youā€™ve already lost the argument. Maybe consider your opinion isnā€™t always the right one.

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The idea that every guild that ever used master loot since 2004 was perfectly run and no favoritism ever happened is just silly.


Further proof you donā€™t understand how parsing works.

Of course someone with a 246 weapon isnā€™t going to parse as well as someone with 278 weapons.

All of my parses were done with a 246 bow as I just finally got a weapon last night.

So yes try and talk crap about my couple blue parses and Iā€™ll ignore youā€™re grey ones.

I mean you donā€™t even know what casuals actually are as I havenā€™t said anything about casuals.

I pointed out two people. You and paws here that donā€™t raid any content thatā€™s respectable. Great reach claiming that Iā€™m talking about ā€œall casualsā€ when you both are clear solo players.

Actually I donā€™t think Iā€™m good at the game. Above average probably but not good.

And yes my opinion as a raider has more merit in master looter than two solo players that donā€™t raid.



Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


More people play like me than they play like you.

RClootxouncil is a very common and basic addon that almost all guilds require.

My opinion isnā€™t always the right one. However in this conversation it actually is.

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You keep believing that.

Iā€™d hate to play with someone like you. Must throw a fit whenever you lose an argument.