Bring back Masterlooter

no thank you
k thanks


That’s not what I asked. Even then, what’s “screwing somebody over”? People not agreeing with the ML rules but, as you said:

they agreed to it. Agreeing to the rules is not the same as “being screwed over”. I hear more about misconstrued stories than people ACTUALLY “being screwed over” by ML. I can understand not liking the rules, but it’s a far cry from “being screwed over”.

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The “Blizzard is always right” angle is stupid if you just look at what happened to Covenants. And that was from feedback on the Alpha forums. Let me ask you a serious question. And I don’t want to hear a counter question I want a straight answer from you.

What’s wrong with players having the power to help allocate their BiS gear ASAP so it makes progression easier?


Does this ever work? When you are making a bad faith argument, you resort to “show me your main or you can’t talk no more!”?

Just curious. I know what I’ve done in this game, I’m qualified to ask questions and have an opinion, regardless of what character I post on to satisfy a random forum poster.

I asked for reasons why ML should exist and your response was “oh dear.” And also “because reasons.” Do better. I don’t mind having my opinion changed, but still believe that far more negative comes from ML than positive.

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Yep. People in General Discussion LOVED the restrictions on covenants before Shadowlands came out, specifically because it put the screws on raiders, M+ players, and others who play the game at a higher level.

Then Shadowlands came out and the same people realized that those restrictions bit them on the rear end, too.

And then - and this was the funniest part - some people tried to claim that it was Mythic raiders who wanted the covenant restrictions, all along. Good lord.


The fact you can’t realize it’s two different points is the first problem.

Ilvl restrictions
Wasted loot

There’s two reasons.

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Yeah, Blizzard had decided long ago that you could use the replicating software for multi-boxxing, once upon a time. Look how long THAT decision took, in order to change.

Same with Classic. How often we were told “no”, and now, it exists. Not every decision is permanent. Things change.

Well I guess Blizzard should have asked you before relying on whatever internal data they had available to them that prompted a change, since clearly the stories are simply misconstrued, and many. According to you. With no actual data. Just anecdote.

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It’s a shame embarrassment won’t make you stop posting here.

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Exactly, it’s ALL anecdotal. I agree with this person:

I mean, look at how Chromie Time works. They have a system in place to FORCE players to play content they want you to play. Especially, their end-game. NTY.

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Ilvl restriction (which I am in agreement with having removed) and wasted gear due to the ilvl restriction.

Same thing. One reason.


I mean I said it earlier, Blizzard has been blatantly wrong before. Covenants being a clear cut example of this being the case. Another one being the removal of PvP vendors. And the entire PvP community was up in arms because Blizzard did their usual song and dance of lies and misdirection to try and persuade PvPers that this was the best for the game.

They are completely out of touch.


Between us I think forum goers knows whose the more unreasonable one here in this topic.


And I agree with you wholeheartedly and probably in most cases. Not in this, however. It would seem that such a dramatic change away from a relatively enshrined system that had been in place for so long is somewhat different than covenants.

Apples to celery if you don’t mind. I have a hard time believing that the change was arbitrary, but I’ve been wrong before.

i vote NO.

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Even when equal ilvl there are certain weapon and slot restrictions that still make things not able to be traded. Say I’m running with my monk friend and an agil staff drops. He can’t trade it unless she already has a 2 hander at that ilvl even if he has two one handlers that are a higher ilvl.

Two reasons.


Good thing you aren’t paid to think because you’re wrong.

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And, speaking of this, it’s no wonder we can’t use Chromie Time post-47 (I say 47 because around here, is when the pre-current expac stuff, begins) because Blizz wants you to play their current expac. The only time you could use Chromie Time post-47 is a lowbie must be the party leader and assigns the group to a lowbie dungeon. The higher levels get a level squish and certain abilities are removed, when you play in lowbie dungeons. So, it’s not like this system doesn’t already exist. Blizz just wants us to play in their current expac instead of having fun, where we want to play. And, they force this extra unnecessary step/requirement, if high levels want to still play/mess around, in Chromie Time.

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I mean, this is some tinfoil hat thinking, I believe Blizzard told everyone a half truth. To me Blizzard couldn’t give a rats behind about toxicity in the game. For people who don’t believe me, and yeah this is going to sound wild, but go find a secluded place in the world away from players and turn off your language filter. See how many hate words and slurs you can say in chat and then remind me how quick they were to get rid of /spit when it came to “hurting” their paying customers.

Yes. I’m sure removing ML has reduced tickets but I also don’t believe it came from wanting to deal with toxicity but moreso on their era of constant layoffs within the company to save money. Because the Blizzard of today ONLY cares about profit over their consumers and even employees working in their offices.

No Brotato. It’s one reason. You are saying the same thing various ways to see if it’ll fit. I get it. You prefer ML because your echo chamber tells you that you ought to prefer it.