Bring back Masterlooter

I’m not bad nor anti social rofl.

I’m in a guild and have multiple people I play with out of guild.

Sorry you can’t handle the truth.

I don’t know man, there are people working at Blizz taking those decisions and you’re just a guy in the forum. If your “superior comprehension” was that hot, you wouldn’t be in here whining about it right?

A system ironically implemented because some people couldn’t play as a team in a multiplayer game. People did this to themselves…

You get to re-clear the content on a weekly basis with those same friends/teammates and forge memories together of those times where you tried so hard to give this warrior his mythic weapon. =)



I have been given ONE reason. The ilvl restriction.

Refer to above

I think you’re conflating raiders with the handful of people who come to the forums or Reddit once a season with this complaint. I’m not saying that they don’t have a case, I’m saying that they don’t have a good enough case.

Refer to the above. Just because people agree with you doesn’t mean you’re necessarily on the right side of the argument.


I know bringing it back will only benefit raiders like you while crushing the less successful player more.

You lack perspective for the whole, it isn’t just you and your raiding or M+ buddies who play the game.


I like ML, and I don’t control how the ML works. I agreed to how a guild runs it. I’m a “forever” trial because I can’t always make it, to the raids. Why am I entitled to the gear more than the people who make it to raid, all of the time, more than me? Because we all killed the same boss, together? LOL


What a role model.

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For you maybe, however, that is not how it ends up in the majority of the groups, especially groups that pug people. It might be different if the game was still server based. Word would get around pretty quick if people were stealing the loot from others. But this is not the case.

In my experience (been raiding for 12 years) ML caused more problems than it is worth. Someone always feels it is not fair that specific people get the gear and they do not. This leads to internal issues that often the GM isn’t aware of.

Then comes the fact that the majority of raid groups are now pugs, and ML gives one person 100% control over who gets the loot. Perhaps you weren’t around when people were ninja’ing the loot and disbanding the groups. It is one of the reasons why it was removed. A cross-realm pug system has no room for ML because there are a lot more jerks who steal the loot than you realize.


I see. Of course if ML is the only option, it would make sense that people who want to raid would agree to it.

Know what I think? I think that this situation is and has been far less common than people being screwed by ML. Which ya know…is why they changed it.

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Here’s three different examples.

That’s your apparent uninformed opinion.


What are you suggesting? That I should apply to Blizzard and put myself in work conditions that’s apparently okay with cube crawlers? To work under a Game Director who was happy to lie to everyones face about “Pulling the Ripcord”? Who then also said that they removed PvP vendors because casuals would have a hard time finding it?

Is that your best counter?

Cut the rose tinted goggles BS. You know that’s not how this goes and why that’s a bad take. Because if PL was so great, people wouldn’t be kicking and screaming about not having their tier after 3 weeks of the raid being out.


I’d rather than just remove the trade restrictions. Then guilds can use it like a ML if everyone agrees but it’s also impossible to ninja anything.

Also, and this may be unpopular, but I feel the drops from the boss loot table should be selected BEFORE deciding who gets loot. It then selects people with the appropriate loot spec as the people who get an invisible roll at the drops. That encourages bringing a variety of armor and weapon types rather than the current system that encourages stacking armor and weapon types.

I’m not here to be a role model and hold your hands because you lack critical thinking.

I’m also not going to sugarcoat things because your feelings.

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A quick check of your feats of strength shows that’s not true.


Dude. Don’t call people stupid when you make the same point to me three times said three different ways.

It all boils down to the ilvl restriction. That’s literally what every one of those posts says, but in more words.

So I have been given one reason.


No. Master loot was always bad. In the era of paid carry’s it goes from bad to worst.

Said it before, saying it again. ML should never come back. Ever.


It’s a shame that bullying other peoples opinions won’t bring ML back.


Right, because I only have one account.

The lack of him understanding how personal loot works also have it away lol

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Can you post on your other account, then? Just to show us.

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If you want to reverse an already thought out decision made many years ago…Yeah actually, that’s what you should do, any less is just pointless noise.

Really thought you would catch the sarcasm there with your “superior comprehension”, my bad!