Bring back Masterlooter

Because you probably don’t raid at a level it matters.

This tier alone having people get normal
Tier and then not be able to trade the heroic tier they got in the same slot because reasons.

The only people who don’t want masterlooter either don’t raid or don’t understand how the system works.


I don’t know it seems fair to me.
Way better than having someone else decide where it goes anyway.
Now everyone gets to ML their own loot once in a while. Thanks, you’re very good at explaining!

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At a certain point, people don’t realize they’ve been had til they’ve been had. I still think that people who want ML back are the same people who mostly want to use it to screw people and hide behind bad justifications.


So don’t join a pug with master looter. Hard concept is hard.

Well you’re either clueless or trolling.


Your beef is with Blizzard not me, they’re the ones who decide if we get ML or not.

I think it’s restriction is wise since not everyone who isn’t Snozh can’t be taken advantage of.

If you think no one is going to try screwing over someone else for loot through ML, then you’re sadly mistaken.



Not everyone is you Snozh. They don’t have the exact same experience as you do.


Blizzard has screwed themselves because of WFR and trying to regulate loot trading.
So everyone suffers.
But they have just as bad problems with personal loot anyways as was clearly shown with this new tier set (lets be real it’s just talents stuck to armor).
So guilds are still just buying armor and “master looting” it by cheesing the personal loot system anyways.
Congrats. You have an appearance of a fair system for WFR. Meanwhile all the normal raiders deal with terrible loot distribution because normal people aren’t buying bucket splits and pushing meta groups while benching unlucky characters and playing multiple alts for better RNG…
If you didn’t understand that you shouldn’t get a vote on master loot being brought back…

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk


Master looter was removed because people like you weren’t smart enough to know how it works.

I’m glad you don’t have any say because you clearly lack critical thinking.

Only stupid people get taken advantage of.

Never said that wouldn’t happen. That’s why if you join a pug and see master looter you then leave.

Again, you are showcasing your lack of experience with proper loot progression. Last time I did Mythic progression was during Uldir and it was straight up stupid that nobody could trade our Warrior the weapon that dropped from the first boss for 9 weeks because of idiotic loot restrictions. This is a single player loot system within a team based environment and that’s just stupid.

So please. Educate me on me and the rest of our players not being allowed to give this warrior a Mythic weapon is good team building.


Again only dumb people get scammed.

No, it causes guild drama, guild break ups, and headaches for gms.

Fact: A lot of the time the “gms wife”, “Gms gf”, "RLs wife, "RLs gf, “gm/RL real life friend”, or “girl or guy pretending to be a girl sending nudes and erping higher ups for loot” got preference for loot.


I’ve raided at every level this game has to offer, so while I appreciate that you want to be snarky; I’m genuinely asking for genuine reasons as to why it’s a better system. The ilvl restriction is a good reason, but it’s not enough to sell me.

You’re making a lot of assumptions in your posts and saying things like “because reasons” as if that’s an actual argument. It isn’t.

Maybe petition for ML to be a thing at whatever arbitrary “level of raiding” that you want the standard to be and not attempt to force a known bad system on the population when the current system….is….working?

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Thank you.

ML was removed because people who knew how it works could scam people who didn’t.

This community as a whole isn’t mature enough to use Master Loot properly.

You could try to educate people but calling them stupid might not be the best way to go about it.


Why cant u just trade after?

If your argument is WFR, then yea I guess I’m not qualified to vote as I don’t care about WFR and the game shouldn’t be designed around it. Period.

I pugged into a raid during Cataclysm and wasn’t allowed to win loot over the RL’s guilidies. I bailed so fast. Master Loot be damned.


Have you raider in the last two expansions at a respectable level? You have been given multiple reasons. If you don’t understand them then I doubt you have ever raider at a respectable level.

I already spelled out one of the reasons. So you’re either trolling or blind.

The only people who think it’s a bad system aren’t raiders. It’s the bad anti social players.

The system isn’t working and is echoed by people that actually raid.

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Way to make an enemy of yourself.


It’s actually not scamming. If you joined to raid with master looter you agreed to the loot rules by the raid leader.

And the people crying out against it the most are the people who don’t raid.

I educate people worth educating. You aren’t even close to worth the effort to try and educate because you don’t have a clue

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