Bring back Masterlooter

Says the guy who didn’t even read what I had to say. Again, if you have no counter argument you could’ve just said that. Or are you going to just blindly hate someone without even knowing what they did.

If by now you haven’t realized that your good nature is few and far between than I have nothing else to say than that I wish that it keeps going like this for you for the rest of your life.

If the majority of people were like you this thread wouldn’t exist.


Different times.

Things aren’t as new or exciting so players find other ways to entertain themselves.


Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

I am not a raid leader and never will be.
I am the newest person in my guild
I am a healer

I am the lowest priority to gear by all metrics.

I want master loot back as an option for groups of like minded people who want to use it.


again you miss the point of you are the raid leader i dont need to read further.

I want to see the thoughts of the player in the LFG looking for a raid or trials and new players not the 1 in 200 player has to say.

If having a single negative experience on the game causes them to run for the hills… Then they aren’t prepared for the amount of negativity about to absolutely set them ablaze with when they get involved with the only version of content where I see ML being a real contender… Mythic CE prog raiding.

If they’re doing Mythic CE prog raiding… They’re not new players. And if they have what it takes to get CE, then something that trivial will in no way break them. If it does… then they don’t have what it takes to get CE. Period. Particularly not in a rank oriented team.

Meanwhile for the entire rest of the new player experience, ML has literally zero effect on them. No effect on leveling, no effect in dungeons, no effect in LFR, Normal, and most of Heroic raiding.

Finally… At some point. People do have to grow up.


Good so that makes a total of 5 people then.

It’s not shaky logic. Personal loot may cause annoyance but it will never result in loot being stolen from another player. PL overall is far superior to ML when it comes to the player base as a whole.


And this is exactly part of the problem. People who wish to remain ignorant and latch on to hate rather than be informed and come to a conclusion afterwards.


Literally m+ rating for 3017 and you want the ML back because youre the casual player right?

The sad truth is… we’re actually not that uncommon. You just hear about all the bad apples, because that’s what our brains naturally fixate on.

It’s why I actually prefer ML groups. It lets me figure out who those bad apples are much much faster. At least when it comes to loot.


No it makes everyone in the last 3 guilds I have been in.

We used loot counsel in all of them for all tradeable loot and there was no drama that I can remember at all. People are aiming 4 sets and telling the loot officer to give it to someone else so we can kill more bosses.

If you are finding yourself surrounded by ‘toxic’ people while others of us say we don’t see any of that perhaps it’s time to look at the common denominator.

What people describe on the forums is not a wow that I recognise in the slightest


Rubbish. You can’t account for every new player experience not running into someone that’s going to abuse ML.


so all the 3k io players you mean?

Did you bring anything new to the table that wasn’t stated back then when they took the decision?

What you’re doing is insane, you won’t get ML back by using the same arguments that lost that debate in the first place.

Blizzard may not always be right, but they do own the game.
What makes you think they want you to progress easier?
Keep subscribing, keep raiding, keep hoping for that drop you want.

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SOLUTION: Increase rng by 80-90%

Listen at 1:05:15 Ion says why ML isn’t changing.

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I’m a pretty chill dude. I’m not blind though.