Bring back Masterlooter

That’s actually not a bad idea. If the vote is explained to everyone who takes part and they are told that to take part they need to accept the ML toggle on, then I really cant see why it would be an issue. And if some idiot couldn’t read or wanted to cause trouble you just have to boot them, put them on a global ignore and look for someone else.

LOL This here, this is why ML will never return.
It’s theirs. Even if they want to DE it, vendor for gold or for mog… It’s not for YOU. You don’t get to decide if another players needs it or not.
Good riddance.


Got to make the trials pay the loot toll there Forceful Sentry?



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Im sorry i believe in once bitten and twice shy i dont need these internet especially WoW players as friendship and if that makes me forever alone that’s cool with me i can go out in the real world and make friends.

I dont even want to talk to a raid leader or a officer about this topic

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Guilds should have it because gear can go to the right people first for further progression, not just randomly to people who get stuck with 1 or 3 tier pieces and handicapping the guild.

It should be back. Either that or let people trade gear with no restrictions in PL.

There is zero reason to not have it in guild groups. If you’re in a guild that doesn’t give out loot fairly, then leave and find one that does.

Oh? How do you account for players like me then? I want ML back and have no desire to sit on a loot council. I also don’t particularly like systems that heavily favor performance (if performance is THAT big a discrepancy than the player should be helped via guides/tutorials/mentoring… and if that doesn’t work then unfortunately replaced).

I personally favored ML systems that looked at how big the upgrade was for each individual player, the players attendance rate, and (only in extreme situations, brand new vs multi-tier player) how long the player had been with the group. I myself fought against being given a BiS raid trinket in firelands as I had only just joined the raid team, even though I won the /roll. I also gave away the roll on a mythic weapon in Nathria as it was a bigger upgrade for our other hunter (I had 220 and he had a 213 weapon).

How do you account for players like me?

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So you think that you’ve gone through it, everyone else has to?

It’s “mine” but I’m not allowed to trade it because it has a higher ilvl than my current item despite it being better for the group in someone else’s hands or even worse being worse objectively stat wise. Pretty shaky logic.

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Its one reason I generally dont loot bosses. I dont like to be nagged and even if I did want to there is often no time to do it until the end of the raid because of the run-run between bosses in a large group. It isnt that Im greedy, its just that its often fiddly figuring out who won it, where they are, etc. So to avoid any hassles or abuse etc I just wait to get whatever I won in the mail.

Only except is things that drop off mobs along the way, I always try to loot anything I kill just in case.

In TBC classic I volunteered to go last to receive tier gear. I happily raided 8 weeks and did not receive a single piece of loot, because we funnelled gear to our Mages, then Warlocks, then Hunters etc etc.

According to Blizzard, yes you do. You know, the people that own and write the game. Gear belongs to the people it drops for. period. You are not in a commune. you are not in the Borg. WOW is not a cult, although you certainly appear to want to be in one.


Then. Don’t. Use. It.

Why aren’t you getting this? I’m not asking for ML to replace PL… You know that right? I’m asking for Legions system (slightly more strict too…). Where to use ML you have to be in a 100% guild group, otherwise you can’t use ML. And even once in a 100% guild group you still have the option to use ML or PL depending upon what the group wants.

If you’ve been bitten and don’t want to risk it. Don’t! Just stop making that decision for me as well.


Sounds like their goals and guilds goals arnt aligned and they would be better served in a different guild.

Actually it’s the snarky follow ups to your “points” that I’m talking the way I am. You calling me arrogant is a pot meet kettle situation because the way you’ve conducted yourself is in no better light than me. And just because you don’t like factual statements being thrown your way about your experience doesn’t in any way, shape or form make me arrogant. So dry your tears.

Yeah. The same people who told PvPers that they weren’t going to bring back the Vendors because casuals would have a hard time finding it and then also lied in SL about there being a Ripcord sure does seem like solid people to listen to. :roll_eyes:

If you have no argument you can just say that.

NOW. You can say I’m being arrogant Ben.

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No? What part of I’m asking for ML as a choice to return did you not understand? I want Legions system back (even more strict against ML btw…). If you don’t want to “go through it” then don’t! I would like you to stop cheerleading for the side that makes that choice for me though…


This isn’t just about me or you. It’s also what other newer players could experience.

How likely is someone to keep playing WoW if they get their loot ninjaed from them the first time they raid, or if they run into someone who takes all the loot for themselves and dissolves the group?

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And, is this something that they said, or are you projecting?

I’m not in a “cult”. I’m in a “guild”. Guilds have their own set of rules. Blizz cannot force guilds to take people they don’t want.


Wait… we’re believing Ion, now? With a proven record of lying?

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argument is that you are the raid leader and are one of the reason why ML shouldnt be brought back.

If you didnt understand that then you’re blind sighted.

Ah that must be why wow failed to maintain a solid player base in the time of master loot…