Bring back Masterlooter

Seeing as I’ve never been in control of ML and have only been on the receiving side of it in a mythic progression scenario… Oh no… I’ve seen the downsides as well. My point is that those downsides… are NOT downsides. At all. I missed out on a piece of gear because the guild was corrupt? What do I say to that guild? THANK YOU! Thank you for letting me know the type of players you are. /gquit

It’s like a crazy girlfriend or boyfriend actively showing you upfront how crazy they are. Why in the world would you not want to get that upfront?

Let me stop you right there. Wow is not your job. You may think it is, but I assure you, it isn’t.

So stop comparing it to a job. If you don’t see the difference between Wow and a job, that you need to experience what the real world is like.


Ding! Ding! Ding!

This one gets it!

I think this would be the fairest system to use. As I recall, someone in this thread mentioned a friend getting shafted a bunch of times and they couldn’t help them. My question is of course, why isn’t it like that? And that leads to the question: Can we change it?

Well, can we?

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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You just agreed that they are downsides and then did a UNO flip and called them not downsides without any explanation well i guess thats how UNO works.

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Darn you old folks! Though thank you for your service! :slight_smile:

The point still stands though. When you weren’t retired. Would you be happy if they determined your salary based on a lottery /roll? Or would you think that that’s probably unfair?

In the strictest sense it is fair, but only on a single axis of determination. The second you start to account for other factors in the equation you can see exactly how unfair it is. The same can be said in this situation.

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you dont need to trade it, you just want it faster.

You’re the old person asking for an outdated system TBH.

WoW can be whatever people want it to be. And if you’re part of a serious raiding team, it 100% feels like a job. Especially if you’re raid leading or have any kind of responsibility outside of showing up.

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Some people can hide it better.

Plus you never know when someone is going to stab you in the back until it’s too late.

Did you not read what I said?

Also at what point did I say there were no downsides to ML? At what point has literally anyone said that? There are downsides to it. The point is that those of us who prefer ML accept those downsides and those risks. I’m willing to risk having a guild ninja loot from me or mistreat me.

The upside that I UNO flipped was that… them stealing my loot just told me exactly the type of player they were. I don’t care about the loot. I care about the player I’m playing with. I’d rather they show me upfront what type of player they are, so that I know whether to continue playing with them or not.

If that was true, I would’ve taken all the loot during Antorus for myself during Mythic progression. Since my previous tier was better for me unless I got full warforged gear. So your argument is dumb.

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.
Karl Marx


It’s an analogy… I assure you that I know that WoW is not my job. I do assure you that if I put 50 hours of work into something and watch someone else put 10 minutes of work into the same thing, and then see that person reap all the rewards of my hard work… I’m going to call that an unfair situation.

You can use whatever analogy suites you to get that point across.

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Pros are that the pros get their items faster cons are the rest of the player base can suffer by a toxic chain system as a result of it.

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I’m just going to relink this part since false arguments keep being made about this.

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I’d rather give them more opportunities than less. And if we go around assuming that everyone is just waiting to stab us in the back… well… enjoy being alone… forever.

I’m perfectly fine trusting someone with my internet game pixels. I’d rather find the person who’s going to actually be a friend, and this is one tool that I find works routinely well in this game. The best friendships I’ve seen built are the ones from guilds that operated under well run loot systems. Why? Because they actually cared about the guilds health and considered players efforts. The ones that I saw who ninja’d items or geared their friends… I thanked them for the experience and /gquit asap.

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I didn’t do it for the money, and I ain’t that old. Okay, I might be that old, but I can still run circles around people a third my age.

However, in answer to your question, as far as my profession was concerned, I have to respond with this question: Who would be stupid enough to anger people that are thoroughly trained to fight wars?

Now, I know politicians and lawyers aren’t the wisest people in the world, but on average, they are not entirely stupid.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Your arrogance just showcase why people like you should NEVER get master looter back, thanks for the case study! Wasn’t asking for that much.

I don’t have to answer it, it was already answered by the people who actually took the decision.

Whether you like it or not (or believe it or not) is irrelevant, those were the reasons and they outweighed ALL of the arguments you are pushing forward now because they are the same arguments other people, just like you, brought up back then.

The only people frustrated by this are those who think (legitimately or not) that they are better than others and KNOW that they would have gotten their pieces faster than the “casuals/noobs/scrubs” if only they could have dictated the loot distribution “for the health of the group/progression”.


Again, the data came in at the end of Legion. Most normal guilds used PL, half the heroic guilds used PL, and 10% of the mythic guilds used PL after PLs first incarnation into the game alongside ML. If you don’t want to use ML, then don’t use ML. We’re only asking for a choice. That’s it.