Bring back Masterlooter

That’s the difference between Mythic progression raiders and others, though. For Mythic progression raiders, if an item drops for you, but giving it to the Rogue is a bigger DPS gain for the raid… YOU IMMEDIATELY OFFER TO GIVE IT TO THE ROGUE. Mythic raiders don’t have to be told to do it, they just do it because it’s best for everyone. Including them.

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Have played all of TBC classic. Have seen exactly zero ninja scenarios. Literally not one.


Next you’ll be telling them Santa Claus isn’t real!

Agreed. We should have more options, like the OPTION to purchase flight as soon as we’ve reached max level OR do pathfinder. Options are good.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


I’ve said it before but the real reason ML was removed was to make raids last longer.
Think about it, if a guild has to spend another month on heroic to get people geared up for mythic raids,that’s more sub money for Blizz.

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thats what mate you all just are the elitist who never experience these problems you only see the pros of master loot but the cons very much out weigh the pros in this scenario

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I hope that your job figures out your salary based on a /roll system. I’m sure you’d be perfectly fine with that too right?

Why not? It’s fair. You all showed up and are employed there? Surely we shouldn’t account for any other factors in how much you get paid right?

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I agree. I do like the idea I saw somewhere else someone had, I think in another thread though. If you didn’t want your loot you had the option to have other players need/greed on it.

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Thats the point this is not a job its a game people play for fun.


What if two rouges were there? Who decides then? It happened to me before, I parse lesser than the other person. But also have the same characteristics, I show up for raids, I consistently do m+.

Does logs now dictate who gets loot? Maybe in mythic prog, everyone wants to do it better. But for me a heroic raider, I feel like if I deserve it, a system generated number deciding for the rouges might cause less hassle

“Wut about clasik” is such a non argument anyways since it’s way different from how the ML system worked before it was removed. If you’re going to talk about retail ML, use examples pertaining to retail ML.

In our guild, they just /roll at that point. It’s not a big deal, as I keep saying.

The item not getting used by ANYONE because of personal loot sticking it in somebody’s bags who will never use it and cannot get rid of it… that’s a big deal.

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I believe this as much as your “numbers” because “they said so”. :rofl:


It will never cease to amaze me that people think comparing WoW loot to someone’s salary is a good analogy.


This one knows!!! They laid off a bunch of CSRs soon after this change.

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I’m retired. Can you guess from what?

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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you dont need ML to raid.


See this is the part that I have a problem with. Is there someone with a gun to their head telling them that if they don’t do it they’ll pull the trigger? Because here’s my counter to this problem.

If they’re going to treat you this way over loot, then they weren’t going to be a good fit for you either way

Making a system to try and force people to be nice all of a sudden isn’t going to make them nice. They’ll still treat you the exact same way. So lets just cut down on time and just move on to whoever’s next.

Also, and I wish I could show you our old logs but WCL is being dumb and I’d need to sub just to look at them, I took a loot cut during Mythic progression during Antorus. Also, Hi! I was the Raid Leader! During that tier BM Hunter tier bonuses was so bad that it was actually better to use the previous tier unless we managed to get a majority of our gear and it at least Warforged.

So you know what me and another Hunter did?

We decided that what was best for the team was to be the very last ones to get loot. Because it was what was best for the team and the progression of the team. And guess what else? I never got it even when I was fighting the last boss.

That’s the type of sacrifice people who parade around the “trials deserve loot” can’t understand or get behind. Doing what’s best for THE TEAM rather than what’s best for their personal interests.

in my guild, raidbots would decide.

If it’s an egregious difference, sure. If it’s within the margin of error, not so much.