Bring back mage tower

LOL yeah I only managed to get ONE MT appearance and it was the one I got from the God Queen Sigryn encounter. The tanking one was a pain in my @ss to get cause I was constantly getting booted off the platform. I never bothered with the healing one cause I don’t play that spec and never have. But even with the guides and the macros set up…the Sigryn encounter was nigh impossible due to the stupid runes that spawned on the floor and having to find the hole in the valks that spawned above or below or to either side. I got super lucky to get the one I got and felt so happy when I obtained it…But yeah trying to get any of the other ones was extremely frustrating for me

I focused exclusively on the specs I actually play for the 4 classes that I play. I’m not a completionist, but grats to those who collected all 36.

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Once classic goes live those private servers are gonna die off pretty quick. At that point Blizzard WILL be issuing C&D orders and bringing their legal team down on those that remain


Private servers will never die off if anything classic will probably spawn the creation of even more. Also I dont think they will be able to touch servers in other countries.

Pretty hard to run a private server when you’ve been sued into the ground.

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Resto Druid became harder with gear, IMO. At least the last phase. One errant HoT and you’re going to wipe your own group.

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I sort of agree. (I got the holy and priest appearances and they were a huge pain to get so don’t tell me I just want an opportunity to make people feel less special.)

They can still be available and scale to be difficult. It would be nice to try to get some for classes I didn’t main in legion that add to class immersion.

They cant though. With the removal of legion artifact weapons many classes underwent major changes that would completely alter the challenge. Best to move on and make new ones

Would’ve loved to have tried that! I only did it at 890 so I wish I could have tried it then!

Well they weren’t properly balanced at the time. Disc priest was easy mode, Holy priest was a nightmare.

If they made recolors at some point I wouldn’t mind but I don’t like that I’ll never be able to get a werebear druid form.

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So why would they workd to rebalance them all on top of re balancing these new iteration of specs just to hand out something thats going to upset a lot of ppl?

Better to just make new challenges for people who play during the time then it is to invalidate those who worked for something when it was current. Not everything is for everyone and somethings go away

I get what you’re saying but I don’t think letting people get something far past its time invalidates some people getting it earlier.

I think werebear is a really cool piece of immersion that you just won’t see in the game as new players try out druid.

And i do, as do many people in this thread. My opinion is not the end all, and im not the voice for the masses. But it very much invalidates it for many people. My favorite items in the game are my CM weapons. They were hard, and they are rare. I will always cherish them because of the effort it took


Whereas I’m just never going to play bear druid because there aren’t really interesting forms for me to consider now that mage tower is gone.

Thats unfortunate. Sounds like bear druids not for you


Only because of cosmetic appearance, yah. Not interested in playing something that looks dull.

Well i hope they release a new CM in the future with a appearance you like. Hopefully if that happens youll jump on the opportunity

It really depends on if it’s locked behind an AP grind like mage tower was. I could do holy and disc (one much easier than the other) because that was my main at the time.

Yes pls want assassination appearance

I attempted the mage tower, but it bored me to pieces and I moved on from it …it served me no purpose…

What did you get out of it anyway? loot? gear? an achievement?