Bring back mage tower

Nope i hope it stays dead for good.

They should make new ones. Bringing back the old ones wouldnt work

So you are saying that if you could obtain something that you dont have you wouldnt try for it? If you answer no I wouldn’t I’m going to have to call you out. It would do nothing more then allow the player base that didnt experience it or have the chance to do so.

I know what you’re talking about, I’ve watched the video a very long time ago and I know what I’m getting into.
Which is why private servers exist. You don’t want to be trapped by the limited time events, then you simply have no choice but to not use the product, and go for a different vendor. You can’t go to Blizz and ask for special treatment, or to get them to change their ways, because it’s the business practice as you know it.
We live in the present, doing content while it’s current and a fair staging ground for all. Redoing the content isn’t the same as the past, it’s like how everyone already knows what’s going to happen to the people on the hype train for classic, saying it’ll be better than the grind today (lol).
Time sensetive rewards bring past glory/achievements in a material form, which is much more pleasant. Diminishing it will upset many.

God i hope they never do that.

Im not selfish though. I dont want what others workd for just to fit my needs. I didnt get the MoP CM armor sets and i hope they never bring them back. Those players deserve that reward for their efforts. Not me

Honestly I agree I dont even care if they were different appearances I think it should be brought back.

If you don’t care about the rewards being different, then why… This doesn’t hold with what you’ve been arguing the entire time though o.o

Ok, regardless. I think a lot of people agree bringing another challenge mode or MT-like thing would be fun. Brawler’s guild for example is great, but the rewards this time are… gross, in my personal opinion (speaking for myself) except for Bruce, which took me 3 hours or less.

Come to think of it, I wish more was put into Brawler’s.

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Arcanite Ripper wasn’t challenge mode content, but it’s yet another example of an item being in the game for a LIMITED TIME. Therefore it still applies to this discussion. That was only obtainable during the scourge invasion event for the pre launch of Wrath during BC and those who didn’t get one likewise missed out when Wrath went live

It’s not at all unusual for them to lock content. They’ve been doing it for years.

Many of us have said they should bring back the scenarios, they were fun. The rewards aren’t coming back though.

I’d be perfectly fine with the competitions and challenges coming back with different rewards.


Not going to read 120+ replies to see if this was posted, but there’s nothing wrong with time limited content. If they brought it back then they are clearly telling the player base that “our word means nothing”. Also, like the MOP & WOD Gold Challenge Modes they were all designed around the abilities and talents we all had at the time it was live. In order to keep content like this around they would have to re-tune it every single time they updated the classes for a new expansion, which they are not going to do.

Yeah it’s not fun for those that missed out, but there was plenty of warnings to get the Mage Tower done when it was available so it’s on those that were playing at the time if they missed out…

I’m aware. But challenge mode content is just that. Challenge mode. A challenge implies a sense of urgency. There was no sense of urgency for Arcanite Ripper, just like there wasn’t one for the BFA pre-patch event. A time limited reward isn’t something new, but just because something is time limited involving reward doesn’t mean it’s challenge mode content, much like the mounts from previous expansions heroic modes, etc.

Point being: The challenge mode Mage Tower rewards were advertised from day 1 as being time sensitive. This makes it so they shouldn’t be brought back. Arcanite Ripper never was. I have mine because I played back then. It means nothing if someone else goes and buys one off the BMAH because it wasn’t challenge mode content.

Arcanite Ripper has been available on the black market auction house, which did not make me too happy.

I meant the Arcanite Ripper was never advertised as challenge mode content.


If it helps? I’m not happy about BMAH either.


This is what I would like to see period. New Appearances, new challenges, more end game solo play. I’m all for it.


So it seems we’ve established a definite correlation between the mage tower appearances and the arcanite ripper. Why not just add them to the BMAH?

This would eliminate the need to rebalance the scenarios and still make them available for everyone to collect. It would also have the tertiary benefit of reducing inflation.

Really an all around win.

We’ve done no such thing, and I at least would be heavily opposed to this idea. Like full no there.

The appearances should remain gone. The challenges should return with new appearances.


Id be ok if they just never came around again and only exist for people active during the time. Oh hey thats where were at now.