Bring back mage tower

They shouldnt bring back the old mage tower stuff cuz they never brought back other mogs like the ones from MoP. But they should do more things like this with different rewards.

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Not everything is for everyone. Congrats to those who put the effort in when it existed. You deserve your cosmetic rewards

Tough crap to those that didnt. Do more next time


I know they said it won’t happen this expansion but I was hoping for a similar challenge, maybe for class-themed transmog sets or something. I don’t think they should bring back old stuff though.


I’m sorry, so are you saying that the days of effort I put into a hobby should not matter? I’m aware that the olympics are different, but let’s see:

  1. Writing rewards.
  2. Science fair prizes.
  3. ANY sport at ANY level.
  4. ANY competition or something you put effort into.
  5. Plaques.
  6. Employee of the month.

The fact that you’re saying “yeah but there’s a different amount of work put in so you shouldn’t get trophies because it’s lesser” is quite telling.

I know I’m not getting Olympic prizes. I’m not in the Olympics. But the concept is the same.

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This is a realistic request. I too hope there are more challenge like it in the future that offer new and exciting rewards. But OP asking for them to suit their own selfish desires is wrong


Wanna justify that those earning elite in any season of pvp should have every season elite pvp xmog set next for all classes since apparently it sucks that you can’t get those anymore even if you were r1.
Or ask Blizz for one of those slayer of ghuun/BoD equivalent titles that only the world top 100 horde/Alliance had after you killed it 1-2 expansions later on mythic
Exclusive content rewards exist, try your argument for any other game its the same, like asking for a kickstarters reward because you thought it was cool for a game that’s been running for years.

I think there’s something to be said for why BfA feels so bad. Everything this expansion is locked behind RNG. The biggest affront being islands, which still do not feel rewarding because of the sheer amount of rewards and the inability to work towards them.

But besides that, there is no challenge here. In MoP and WoD it was challenge modes, in Legion it was Mage Tower. Not having any of these challenges I feel really cheapens the expansion. So rather than asking for old ones back, we should be telling Blizzard how badly we want these types of challenges back to participate in.

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And i should be able to get cutting edge argus even though I didn’t beat mythic when it was current content. Oh, wait, no i shouldn’t, because it’s time is passed.

I agree. Additionally, the success of the prior challenge shows us that single player challenges work well.

My question is to anyone is how would having anyone getting those appearance affect your game play? Do you sit and character watch in dalaran? do you find yourself looking at someone in a raid to see what they transmoged an item with? Do you look at peoples achieves consistently to see when they completed it? No, it will not affect anyone and it should be brought back into the game. Removing game play that was a large part of an expansion should never be taken out.

If people thought they could just roll over the challenge by waiting until a subsequent xpac it would defeat the purpose of challenges. Why is this so difficult to comprehend?


Next you’ll be saying that everyone should be able to relive gates of an’qiraj on retail
It’s getting old of the same argument.


I already answered this for you. Making everything a participation reward with no motivation is bad for the game and would make me not wish to play. Time sensitive rewards are good because they keep me invested. Just because you believe you should have it with zero effort doesn’t make you correct.


so you’re saying that if I got an appearance you’d quit the game?

The opposite. If everyone got an appearance for zero effort and Blizz went back on their word, then there’s no investment because I can quit for 2 years, come back, and get everything I wanted with zero effort. There’s no fulfillment there.


Or are you stating what I am by saying sensitive rewards keep people interested and invested?

If they opened up all the exclusive stuff to people that didn’t earn it at the time, yep. I would. they’d have lied in that case, so why would I bother putting effort into anything anymore if everyone can just go ahead and get it at any time.

Why trust their word for anything anymore if they turn trophies into participation trophies, as a matter of fact, and why do any sort of AOTC or gladiator at all. Or challenge modes. It’d remove much of the content that originally had a point to do.

So, the answer to your question is, yes. And I’m sure many would follow.


Ain’t time sensitive if you can go back and get it whenever you want.


The ONE thing I’ve wanted since vanilla was the tiger mount from ZG. Did I ever get that mount?? No. I was never high enough to raid until Wrath because during vanilla and BC I was constantly playing catch up because I played more casually back then, and character boosts weren’t a thing at the time. But by the time I was ABLE to run ZG, they went and revamped it for level 80 and removed it. I was livid at first, and later sorely disappointed. But you know what? As badly as I’ve wanted that mount, I know that it would somehow lessen the sense of accomplishment of everyone who managed to get one prior to Wrath era ZG. But here’s the thing though…with the advent of classic WoW coming out this summer, I’ve got another shot at it!!! So in the end it’s a win win for me…I get the ZG tiger mount when it drops, and everyone in retail can still feel special for being able to loot one when it was still available

Well I think they’ve lost a large player base already I dont think a few more will matter