Bring back mage tower

Arcanite Ripper wasn’t challenge mode content. Again, stay within the scope. The Mage Towers were advertised as Legion’s form of challenge mode content.


I work 12+ hour shifts.
I have a wife and kid.
I maintain some semblance of a social life.

I’m also 36/36 for the appearances.

I didn’t have much time to play, but I used it efficiently. And if I could get them all, virtually anyone else could have.


It’s an item, not an appearance. Appearances aren’t a BMAH thing.


I applaud you for your accomplishments in life go you… But wow isnt all about you its about the player base and game play and actually enjoying the game. I think the player base now a days is very toxic… Who cares if someone is able to try something in the game that was a part of it.

Just to touch on this a little further.

I thought the appearances were character specific, not class specific. I tanked on my druid our guilds alt Antorus Heroic runs with no issues. I was equipped with BIS legendaries for a tank, well had them all actually haha, decked out in Antorus Heroic gear. The works.

After some pulls to grt used to the challenge j am sure I could have done it easily. Will never know though. I knew my druid would be shelved in BFA. It was on my old server, and I knew I would make a Zandalari druid.

So. I didn’t bother with mage tower on da bear(s). Then, only after it was done, I learned the appearances were class specific. Do I wish I had gotten the Werebear skin. You better believe it. Do I want them to bring it back so I can get it now? Nope. Diminishes the efforts of those that did get it.

All that said, do I hope they do a new one with a cool skin similar to that. Oh you know it.


Sounds like you should have been more about the game play in legion then.

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why not play on a private sever if you just want everything placed in your bags for you LMAO


As one of those that slogged 36/36 appearances from mage tower.
You missed your chance, maybe you can wait for something lesser to be released, like the order hall xmog set vs the MoP cmode set. Its similar, but less effort and made avaliable to all. But of course, everyone knows the original is better.

Id be all for opening the mage tower again for these lesser rewards or for just memory runs.

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Its not about what you want as an individual, its what the playerbase as a whole wants.

5 seconds later:

The playerbase is toxic and you shouldnt listen to them.



My only problem with the Mage Tower back Then was once you completed it, you couldn’t rerun it. I did the Resto Druid challenge at 890 and would’ve loved to see how easy it was by the end of the expansion. Or to just…do it again for the sake of the challenge.

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Exactly. Good point, right here. It isn’t all about you. You’re not going to get everything if you don’t put in the effort at the time. I think you answered your own issue right here.

Which as demonstrated in this thread, many enjoy having exclusive things. An extremely small amount of content is exclusive. Many people also say the lack of MT or challenge mode this expansion leaves it dry. There’s nothing to go for.

I agree, it would be nice if people actually had the mentality that effort needs to be put in to earn something, but people want things handed to them nowadays.

We’ve answered this about five times now.


I never said it needed no effort. It was a solo challenge.
There’s just no reasonable justification for removing it.

Worried about the challenge disappearing due to increased levels and gear?
Use a level-sync and item level sync system, something like Timewalking.

Spec changes negating the challenge or making it impossible?
Stop rebuilding the classes from scratch every expansion.

There are solutions, surprisingly simple ones.
So long as the content is still there in some form, that’s all it should be.

Carry-on effects, it destroys the morale of any player to see an awesome weapon… only to be suddenly told:

"Nope, you can’t have it.
~Neener, neener, neeeeeeener!~"

So yes, what is the point of playing the game at all if that’s what you run into. Find something else you like?

Same problem.
Same jerks rubbing it in your face.
Repeat ad nauseaum.

Same problem.
Same jerks rubbing it in your face.
Repeat ad nauseaum.

I did get them.
I still think it’s a load of BS.

This is true… but I’m not about to kick people off the cliff just so I can be the only one on it.

And I’ve plenty of struggles myself, along with plenty of success.
I just see no reason to keep the same success to myself.

Same problem.
Same jerks rubbing it in your face.
Repeat ad nauseaum.

Same problem.
Same jerks rubbing it in your face.
Repeat ad nauseaum.

You…you do know there are hundreds, if not thousands, of weapon transmogs in game, right? Can’t make your weapon look awesome one way? Make it look awesome another.


How does having a cosmetic appearance exclusive affects you?

It goes both ways.


At the end of the day it doesnt matter who has an appearance. Someone should still be able to get the appearance it was part of the game. Im opposed to taking game play out of the game that existed in it. Hence why they are bringing back classic because people want to experience what it was like…

Yeah, you need to stop insulting everyone who holds an opposing opinion by calling them “jerks”. No one here has done that to you.


So there should be no olympic medals or trophies for competitions? I’m just going to keep bringing this up, because the concept is the same.

Which is extremely easy to do, most people have those mounts now, they’re not rare by any means aside from the one locked by RNG, and do not bring back the difficulty of how it was at the time because the game changes so much anyway.

Unrelated issue. :slight_smile:

This has been explained so many times over already that I’m not going to repeat myself as to why it isn’t in fact simple.

…You’re acting like every single bit of content is locked like this. There is such a small number you can’t have that this argument makes no sense at all.

So you’re jealous that others have what you don’t, got it. Go for the new content then, put the effort in to get something not many have, then you can make them just as jealous as you are. Otherwise, again? Let’s just get rid of any and all trophies in any game or sports event, because oh no… it makes people jealous.

Which I never said at all. I said people should earn it. And if they don’t get it, go for other content that pops up.

Cool, and that’s you. If you want everyone to win everything at any given time? Good luck. Once again, that’s not how life works, you have to put in effort.


Honestly, It doesnt really effect me because I’ll still play regardless. Im simply stating my opinion to bring the mage tower back.

So then it’s gonna stay exclusive, not affecting the people that worked for them and you won’t get affected either.



You keep talking about the Olympics and giving out gold medals I really think there is a huge difference between a transmog appearance.