Bring back mage tower

The time limit is part of what made it a challenge and made it fun. They were hard. They took a lot of people dozens of tries to beat. The time limit added some urgency to that that made it feel like you were racing the clock, and made the feeling of accomplishment that much better when you beat it.


Maybe if you waited for the last week. It was up for months and months. I don’t consider that “urgent”.

A couple of mine were in the last week, i got a late start. That being said, they said they weren’t coming back, so they shouldn’t be, just like MoP and WoD challenges and appearances. What would be nice is if they worked on new challenges.

I would like magetower back for two main reasons:

  1. There are quest chains you still get prompted to pick up that just halt where they would send you to the tower. The loss of the magetower storylines, as well as the loss of the ring and cloak storylines, diminishes xpacs that are already ghost towned by not being current endgame.

  2. Magetower builds. We were already playing outside of the spirit of it to pass the challenges. You were supposed to go in and learn the fight and win with your normal getup, not a special build. And not with the difficulty of some fights being very heavily dependent upon which legendaries you’d been lucky enough to find.

I also want it back for more personal reasons:

  1. The magetower was limited access for me, not only by when I could play, but by when the dang thing was even up. Those didn’t overlap very often.

  2. I was not proficient with or even done leveling several class/role I liked the magetower skin of. I’m fine with getting better to go do the tower challenge, but proficiency is not acquired for 12 specs in two months.

  3. Some of those fights were not appropriate to the spec being sent into it. The challenges I did start and could’ve done with more practice were often so freaking contrary to how I was supposed to play. Didn’t win one till I played a healer like a dps.

  4. Removed content in general bugs me. It diminishes an xpac already depreciating by not being current content, and we need all the reasons we can get for new and old players to go back to and enjoy the vast majority of the game.
    “See this cool thing? Does it speak to you even though it is outdated and people are chasing new pixels? HAHA YOU CAN"T GET IT. You had to be there, newcomer!”

Removing this sort of thing only means wonderful content gets retired or forgotten as the people who did have or experience it all move on from the game. Put such things behind a lengthy chain one has to commit to, yeah, but don’t remove it.

Make a new mage tower type event.

It was a timed event, people had a year to obtain them.

If you didnt do it or didnt play, you lost out. It’s the same with challenge armor from previous expansions.

I agree with you 100%…I just want it back. It was fun and rewarding simple as that.

I was disappointed when Mists challenges went away. I was disappointed when the WoD challenges went away(but less so). I was determined not to be disappointed when Mage tower went away so I made an effort to get the ones I wanted. We had tons of advance fair warning that this challenge would go away, much in the manner of other xpac specific challenge modes. This challenge took up two raid tiers of time and that’s considerable.


only if you bring back cm sets in the process too :joy:


No ,keep mage tower cloesed… people earned those skins during the time they were available. Dont take away how special they are by re opening mage tower. You shoulda done them all when it was open. You had plenty of time to do it

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I’ve been meaning to make a thread about mage tower. Is it the building we’d build with war supplies on Broken Shore? The one with all the portals, that even if we build it now, is empty? If it is, I’ve used those portals once or twice, and it never seemed like anything more than a portal room with portals to all zones.

Only complaint I have as someone that prefers time gated content is the mage tower bear form. That needs to either have a new texture released for people or be brought back in the same manner the class hall sets were. I got the bear form and it’s sick as hell, I do not feel like others shouldn’t be allowed to have something so cool.

This makes sense for most specs, but for some of us, not so much. For example - the Disc one will teach you NOTHING about how to heal as disc. It was a dps race, also, who were these people one shotting these encounters? I tried to get my shadow one but was just not good enough at the spec to manage it. Course, I didn’t bust my balls on it like I did for holy and disc because it wasn’t as important to me.

No. That would cheapen the rewards for the players who did them while the content was current. You had a year and a half between 7.2 and BfA prepatch. If you didn’t get the skins during that timeframe, that’s on you.

Blizzard should make new mage tower styled challenges going forward, but the Legion mage tower should stay gone.

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So disappointed we didn’t get one this expansion. I loved the mage tower. Hopefully in SL?

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You had your time. You didn’t get them. No. But they should make a new version with different transmog apleareances.

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Hopefully. I hope Feral gets a cat-man skin similar to the Guardian mage tower skin from Legion. I’d probably main Druid if that happened.

It should come back, just scale the challenges to make them harder and only available to do for like a week once per year

That way not only you get the old rewards but also new ones that get added

Agreed. Druids did have it for a bit via the shirvallah talent back in… Wod? But they just took it out.

I honestly wouldn’t have a problem with Mt returning (I got 24+ my skins so I’m not hurting) BUT only if players had the equivalent gear scaling to what was around 885 ilevel then. Not sure what that would be now but it should still be really damned difficult. Some people did it lower but 885 was absolute minimum you could expect to do it.

Exactly, i dont care if they make it even harder, its just sad for returning players or new ones to see stuff like this and know that they will never be able to get them

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You don’t deserve it. You won’t get It.

Notice how it’s all the druids who were too lazy to do it when it was current?