Bring back mage tower

Yes I said this ages ago they should have had scaling. Most people just waited to over gear it and 1 shot it devaluing the challenge

Blizzard should charge for mage tower appearances as a character service…yet more easy money for blizzard and the countless crying and whining threads on GD would make great comedy reading. :smile:

You shut your filthy mouth when you are speaking to me!

Charging people extra should NEVER be an option.

Get it done with your own skill or don’t, it’s entirely up to you.

If they were brought back with an ideal scaling that made them equivalent in difficulty to what they were from April 2017 to before Tomb opening then I would be down for that (if the old appearances were on the table).

However I 100% believe they should just bring back the challenges back into the game as a capstone tutorial scenario for playing a spec. From the few times I’ve done proving grounds, they don’t capture that life/death sense of urgency that I feel should be part of them. Mage tower did. Putting them in would allow people to play test how they perform in a spec that they have never touched or are unsure how it plays if they have come back to the game. Ensuring that they can repeatedly complete the scenarios will give better confidence to people before they jump into groups. Rather hard to practice something with ever changing variables, weekly affixes and different party members. Perfect practice makes perfect. Also the forced tutorial scenario whenever you play on a trial/boosted character is a joke. I don’t know who those are designed for but they leave almost everything to be desired. Show don’t tell unless it is absolutely needed to do otherwise.

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Agree 100%.

Beating Mage Tower or some sort of proving grounds should be required to do keys higher than 9.

We had that and people lost their mind. I feel like a more upstream approach would better suit that problem. Make leveling more difficult, not tedious as it is now. Additionally Blizzard needs to put less of an emphasis on max level being the requirement to access content. Those two things will slow down people after a time and will subsequently remove the need for there to be lfr or additional barriers to content once players do reach cap. And they will stand to have better learned how to play rather than having to crash course the experience while at cap.

It’s no different than old pvp titles or tier gated raid achievements they exist as a trophy reward for those who complete it in a given time frame. They ain’t coming back, ever. All the hand waving and foot stomping is in vain, not happening.

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Naxx40 is coming back and they told us for years that it wasn’t.

Mage tower from legion is never coming back. Now a new challenge in that manner is certainly and option and a really good idea.

Still haven’t heard a valid reason why the scenarios sans rewards, shouldn’t be reimplemented immediately, barring adjustments cause of lack of artifacts. Mage tower was a better learning than anything I have seen in years within this game. I believe that putting them back in will increase the average skill level of players.

That’s the reason right there. Even with the incoming necklace traits, the artifacts changed some specs so dramatically (Guardian is my favorite example, RoTS and the major traits were amazing for Guardian) that it would require more than a number scaling; it would take redesigning the encounters.

If they brought the challenges back without the rewards, I would have a lot less of an issue with it, to be honest.

But, as it were - the Mage Tower grind was probably the most fun I had in WoW and possibly any video game in the last 5-6 years. It really is my favorite content in the history of the game for me (even more than the little actual raiding I did during WoTLK) ; if they brought it back the SAME (but adjusted to the lack of everything Legion) it would feel off, and more than likely overstay its welcome.

Thus - new challenge from blizz, please.

I question that. You have had access to something that some folks were locked out of for over a year.

Sounds like your argument is the only reason mage tower was worth doing is because it was time-gated. Not for the challenge, not because it was ‘fun’, etc.

I don’t think anyone is arguing to be given the item for free.

I have no problems with them adding them back in (and I have all appearances on all classes and all specs).


lol i was joking that the arcane mage tower gave you zero arcane mage skills

while I personally would also like another shot at them, I see them as being the legion equivalent of the pandaria and wod legendary questlines - you just can’t do them after the window closes. shrug

That said, I think it would not hurt anything to open the scenarios back up without the appearance rewards.

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Part of the issue with this is it’s not just lack of artifacts. It’s lack of tier set bonuses, talents were organized different at that time (example DPS warrior specs no longer have shockwave; Lot’s of other classes have had talents moved/removed from specs), classes have been pruned, trinkets were different, and legiondaries. Recreating it to what it would have been like pre TOS would be a nightmare.

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I am aware of that. But I believe that would cause blizzard to then do a bit of introspection on their game design of wow and thus start to shift away from rent-a-systems, pruning and shuttling of prior abilities into talents. And thus adopt a more permanent/stable view on how classes should perform and feel. I can understand how they feel the need to make things exciting and unique to differentiate between certain points in time but leave that to the gear and encounters not class design.

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Definitely not disagreeing with you on this; I just think it’s more work than it’s worth for them and seems like it’s something very unlikely they would bring back. The amount of disclaimers they had saying it’s time sensitive and literally gave a countdown to how many weeks players had left to complete it.

I guess I’ll keep hoping. I know that there is a high chance that they won’t go past wrath for legacy servers and even if they did I just know that I’ll be burdened to do MoP/WoD CMs or mage tower by then. So that’s why I’m so passionate about keeping in the high points of the later expansions, and disappointed at blizzard’s insistence at effectively scuttling their own work. I know that if I made something for others to enjoy, I would want it to last as long as possible.

IMO removed content and a seasonal approach to game design plays only to hype with no lasting draw. Sure you want to spice things up to prevent stagnation but eventually after a period of time you run out of novel ideas to continue to draw in people. Thus that’s why lasting and permanent game design should take center focus. And forbid you generate apathy or burnout in your community, that’s when things really go bad.

Right now I’m looking for something to help me better hone my attempts at trying to heal (the 5 appearances I didn’t get, and I’m looking for a reason to want to play this game). Playing whack-a-mole with randoms in lfr or being voluntold to heal for a guild m+ while having no prior experience isn’t exactly the most inviting of situations.

That they haven’t replaced that trinket by now is an insurmountable dedication to being a terrible player. The level of willful decisiveness to be that terrible in any other person I would attribute to being a troll, but in Rastlin’s case I give no such allowance. This is just an awful player being really awful.

The problem there is that masses didn’t want to get better and even the incentive of unique cosmetics weren’t enough to entice them in to try repeatedly until they “got better” and succeeded at the content. Removing the only incentive (because let us be honest the masses don’t consider getting better an incentive) won’t draw people in through some magical process.

They released “hard” dungeons with Cata with the exact premise that the “players will rise to the level of the difficulty” and you know what happened to those dungeons? They got nerfed because the average players raised an unbelievable stink because the content was too hard. The masses aren’t looking to improve their skill level so much as they just want the rewards from doing those harder things given to them for not having to play better.

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