Bring back mage tower

New solo challenges with new rewards, please. Don’t bring back the old ones.

8.2 doesn’t look like it’s going to have anything like this, so I’m hopeful we get something in 8.2.5 or 8.3. If not it will be the first expansion since Cataclysm that didn’t have time-limited cosmetic rewards.


they should have good solo challenges in every expansion. it’s something to work towards and feels good when you earn it.

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The issue is they can’t scale it properly because it was tuned around tier sets/legendaries/artifact abilities/trinkets/talents. If they were to bring them back now it would probably be more difficult because many classes were pruned + losing artifact abilities/legendary abilities.

The other issue is do you tune it around their initial difficulty or when they could be roflstomped in Antorus gear? I did mine on this character in nighthold gear and I have to say doing it on alts in full Antorus gear was a night and day difference.

End of the day everyone had a year + to get them. If you didn’t get them tough luck.

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Just excuses really.

They have the initial tuning algorithms, which they project in terms of relative class DPS and survivability kit: -> In the same way they get their internal raid test team to clear mythic raids then bump its difficulty up by 10-20%.

If in terms of fights like affliction where they no longer have a slow, spell modifiers can be applied like arcane mage’s polymorph mod in their mage tower.

We have time walking raids. no one’s crying about timewalking raid tuning.

A lot of effort’s been invested in classic, more so than main game balancing.

And despite people having a year to do it, people quit games for good reason.

I say this ‘limited edition’ nonsense is designed less for the player and more for fearing the population to stay subbed, so i disagree with the ‘tough luck’ stance.

I say let the strong returning players or those that practice earn it during timewalking windows.

I want more people playing the game and coming back to it, not less.

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Not really. You just dont like the answer so you are quick to dismiss wht you really dont know

Time for new CMs. The old ones are gone

I’ll spell it out:

It’s old content. There’s no need to look back.

The social good is worth considering, but the thought of over investing resources to make the game feel better isn’t enough.

Delete timewalking from the game right now, how does that feel??

I would get bored leveling alts in the regular/ content specific dungeons.

It isn’t difficult to code and tune this quickly by scraping off a kit. There is a lot done to achieve this in timewalking already. And you can use legendaries e.t.c in timewalking relevant to that expansion aka legion legendaries which mage tower people would farm for.

You are quick to dismiss the possibilities by deeming it impossible.

It’s a simple business decision.

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You seem to be reaching for validation, and it comes across as desperate

They havent brough back any of the CMs. So keep hoping i suppose.

Nope. Mage Tower deserves to stay locked out, and it will continue to be. Limitation drives a large portion of this game, bringing back the mage tower would kill the thrill and satisfaction of having something you can’t get anymore.

Mate, you’re reaching to read intent behind my points.

I’m saying that it’s possible.

I’m also saying that i wouldn’t invest resources doing this if i were current blizzard.

In the past, sure, maybe. You earn less money for more effort but make the game more fun. Or perhaps even people would stay subbed for old challenge modes, i don’t know.

Maybe so, maybe not

We will never know, because Blizzard already stated it was a time sensitive matter and that time has come and gone. Congrats to those who bested the challenge and i hope they enjoy their rewards

Hopefully in the future when they do more of these challenges people will take advantage of the timeframe given so as to avoid missing out again

If people are confident the previous challenge modes won’t be making a return why are you bothering to respond to the thread past the initial no?

Its one of two things. Gloating in other peoples faces or nervous this would gain enough traction to be brought back (which I doubt anyway).

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Or just out of pure fun.

Whats fun about it? If lording it over others makes you happy, I can’t help but feel sorry for you.


Whos lording? i only got three of them. Theres plenty more that i wanted. But in the end its my own fault and i wont diminish the efforts of others for my own selfish gain. Good on them for accomplishing more than me

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If it’s ‘not possible’ blizzard needs way more competent coders.

It’s a solo instance.

As for time sensitive matters, so are their race change sales, and 6 month boat mounts.

Titles and mounts can be expansion exclusive, but IMO a solo challenge should always stay open to challengers, for the health of the game and its community.

If you care about new and unique appearances, you should lobby for and request new CM options.


I only ever got one, (afflock) and I agree with this. While it means I won’t be able to get some I wish I had. I knew at the time it was time sensitive and thus prioritized the one I wanted most.


Maybe they should. You should apply and show them the way

And so can weapons and armors Theres is so few things in this game that arent wide open to the community at any given time. The CM items are really in the minority of mogs that an expansion presents, so i find it hard to believe that bringing back the CM items would do anything for “the health of the game and the community” when it would probably end up angering as many people, if not more, than it pleases.

They’d have to be like 10 and say ‘not fair’ to be angered or jealous that people are running around with challenge mode skins.

It would be upsetting if it got easier to complete the challenge, but under the same conditions if they earn it, they earn it. (I remember the community being toxic about how the power creep made CM skins useless late legion and they were upset)

That’s just like being upset in a MOBA for the skin someone is wearing…

No theyd just have to be people who dont appreciate being lied too. Blizzard said it was time sensitive so they put in the work to obtain it in that window. Just because you dont like how they react doesnt mean its wrong to be bothered by it

Its all a moot point though. Because theyve never brought a CM back. Now im just hoping and waiting for the next one so i can work on that since the rest are gone. (including that MoP one i wish i had)

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