Bring back mage tower

Yeah you’re not going to win this argument there was plenty of time to get these appearences and by the time antorus gear came out they became easier to do there is no excuse stop with the handouts. Oh and if I remember correctly the warlock green fire thing you’re referencing did have a time exclusive reward it was a title if you got the greenfire before the next expac. I am not against blizzard making something similar for bfa with new transmog appearences but leave the old rewards people have earned alone.

If we are going to make things exclusive then fine strip everyone of prior expansions items they didnt participate in or get during. Its the same thing no different. Take away your mounts, achievements, mogs everything that you didnt earn during the expansion…

You know youre looking bad when your arguments are this desperate


It’s not desperation when you want something back in the game for game play or something to do. The reason for the post is to get them to bring it back and allow others to get the appearances that they didnt have the chance to get. Even if they swapped out colors or enhanced the appearances as rewards.

They had the chance

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What I found most annoying about Agatha was visual. I mean if she managed to block out your field of vision at just the right time, imps, dangerous ones, might get missed. That said, I did get her down. Victory is bittersweet, however. The appearance looked way less cool once obtained.

You’re missing the point… I want the mage tower to come back I dont even care if they change the rewards they give. It was something to do and was enjoyable, and its not hard to make something to scale with the current content.

Theyve already stated that they plan to do more things like the MT just not every expansion. I too agree more challenges like the MT should be in the game. But never again should those rewards ever make a return

It was timed content. Heavily advertised as timed. Meaning once it was gone that was it. What right do you have to insult and disparage other players for doing it? Absolutely none, and in all honesty I find your commentary counterproductive and crafted to cause offense.

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The only thing that irritates me with the “never should be brought back” is they keep bringing back items that were not obtainable anymore. It’s a double edge sword. There are things I’ve obtained that others didnt at the time that have been brought back or kept in the game.

I mean the previous CMs havent been brought back

MoP CMs remain exclusive
WoD CMs remain exclusive
Legion CM remains exclusive

They seem to be pretty firm on this

Did Blizzard state that they were time sensitive? Because with CMs they were very clear in stating its going away

Most people who are going to disagree will be people who unlocked them and want to feel special. I got like 8 of them and I wouldn’t mind if they put them back out and scaled up the fights.

…But! In exchange, let me unlock the MoP challenge sets somehow. If not then screw it, let me feel special with my weapons.

I only got 29 of 36. My own damn fault for not boosting or capping a priest and learning any healing specs to tackle blackrook.

Again, my own damn fault. I knew I was gonna miss out forever. I gunned it for the other 29 challenges like it was a passion project.

New mage tower with new appearances: yes.

Repeat of the legion challenges with the same skins: no.

Ps: warlock had one tough challenge (aff) and it could be cheesed.

Pss: no kids but 50 hour workweek and disabled spouse here.


Two of the best appearances weren’t even MT. They were hidden and Balance of Power (Ret pally, Balance druid respectively) and still obtainable.

100% disagree.

During content draughts such as this, people go back to do xmog runs, level e.t.c.

Stuff like challenge mode / mage tower should be available during timewalking with level scaling in a couple years.

Maybe a different tint. I’ve sort of done a little of both, my pals quit WOD unfortunately and we called challenge mode before we got our skins (also comp locking yikes).

Whatever though, hope your clinging to ‘exclusivity’ with you out-gearing mage tower skin late legion pushes out returning or old players that want a serious challenge such as level scaling to when it first came out.

I have druid and monk skins and demo lock and for one would hope that more people would get to experience the fun that we did.

I agree.
For most classes/specs i dont care that much, but for some it feels like a really big deal.
I seriously think ill never make a druid knowing the guardian mage tower appearance is unobtainable.
I only played legion before the broken shore patch, i had no time to play afterwards.
It should be the same as with old pvp sets, maybe you have a timed unique recolor, but the design itself remains obtainable.

Absolutely not. Mage tower must remain exclusive and the ability to earn those appearances should be gone.

With that said, I’m 100% for a Mage Tower 2.0 with new challenges and new cosmetics.


Never advertised as time sensitive, nor did Xelnath want it to be. It was later determined that the title would be the exclusivity for completing the event during MoP.

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The problem is Blizz can not bring back the same rewards with out offering the past ones first.

Then you have to wait out the same length of time for the mage tower rewards.

And if you didn’t do the fight as expected, interrupting within a certain timeframe, etc., it was quite easy for her to enter an unwinnable state (assuming a lower item level) when she’d spawn umbrals during her channel right before you could burn her shield. A lot of RNG with her timers that could really screw you over if you didn’t just overpower it.

But should I ever go Elemental, I’ll be glad I did it.

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