Bring back mage tower

I loved doing the mage tower, and I love the exclusivity of the rewards. The Legion-era mage tower’s rewards should remain exclusive, but I’d love it if there was a BFA equivalent with its own mog rewards. The challenges themselves were pretty fun too, and I was hoping BFA would offer something along those lines.


They should stay exclusive alongside pvp elite sets, mop challenge sets, and wod challenge weapons. There was TONS of time to earn these while they were current. If you didn’t get them that’s your own fault; You clearly didn’t try enough.

The issue with bringing them back is that they were tied to how specs/tier sets/trinkets all worked during that point in time in the game. They would never recreate those conditions just so people that were too lazy to try then could get them years down the road.


It was definitely not a lazy thing. There were many people who just simply could not get them because they were too challenging on such and such a spec. I think that’s a good thing.

Maybe when the MT first dropped. But by the end it was a complete cakewalk since it didnt scale and you could flat outgear it. As far as CMs go the MT was the easiest to obtain.

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if it means more content, add it back. there’s no logical reason to remove content from a game, ever.

wanna retain the feel when they were relevant? level and stat sync.

I understand the feeling. I have all 36 and wouldn’t care if others could unlock them granted they are still challenging.

That being said I used werebear for like a day before going to something else. Its goofy looking. I personally am a huge fan of the pvp bear skin.

Not going to happen and shouldn’t happen.

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Why are you taking pleasure and gloating about it? Its one thing to say no, its another to put your thumb on your nose saying “nee-ner nee-ner” while wiggling your fingers.

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^Look above

Seems like I’m not the only one who is disgusted at your attitude.

They did say that they’ll never bring them back, do I agree with that, hell no. What if someone stopped playing legion because they didn’t enjoy the expansion and completely missed out on it? Bad for them. I don’t like that “approach” with a game - especially a mmo. But then again there are so many things in this game that can no longer be obtained.

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I’ve deleted accounts with all CM appearances (armor and weapons) and MT weapons. It doesn’t matter that much in the long run. It’s just a look. The satisfaction was in getting them, not wearing them. Showing off has never been a big thing with me, but I get that for a lot of people that’s about the only thing they have left in the game.

I’d just like to see them have good challenging content for people. If it takes appearances to get people interested in doing them, then so be it.

Pretty sure the Disc challenge was the freebie they gave all the specs that would have struggled with the “real” challenges, or if a more popular spec within that class already was assigned the appropriate one.

I agree. Bring it back. I also want back the Saberon forms.

The issue with any of these challenges is that if done at the item level attainable at release they weren’t that easy. Even the disc challenge was not a pushover with nighthold gear. By Argus it was a joke, but so were most of the challenges. Try doing any of the tank challenges in nighthold gear. It was a struggle. By the end of the expansion you could just, “Hulk Smash” most of it.

To be fair, Feral only became a joke after they got buffed. That wasn’t until roughly halfway through the lifespan of the tower anyway. Agatha also turned into an aboslute joke in general when the Command Center buffs lined up with the Mage Tower being up too. Realistically, those specs with her scenario had more advantages than any other.

I’m hoping in the future they do solo challenges as more class oriented instead of spec, since they clearly can’t do that very well across all 36.

old exclusive items should never be brought back.

make new stuff for people to earn. that way the people that earned the old stuff can also earn new stuff


Because i dont want it to come back. There are plenty i want too but im happy Blizzard is sticking to their word on this for those that did put forth the effort when it it was current content

ok? The majority in this thread dont agree with you. I hope that doesnt sway you from your opinion, because i can assure you that you not agreeing with me doesnt sway me from mine one bit. Its called discussion.


A large chunk of the playerbase is only staying subscribed because of an unobtainable transmog? I’m pretty sure you’re wrong and that’s also sad

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I did a few of them sub-885. Most with ~910. And a select few, I overpowered with 925ish. I feel that most of them were 80% mechanics, 20% gear. Only Agatha could be purely facerolled, and Twins if you cheesed it.

I recall having a ton of trouble on my Enhancement Shaman main at 915, but once I learned the encounter? Two-shotted on my Ret Paladin with no spec legendaries and 885ish gear.

Some of the encounters were of some difficulty until you got the right legendaries and a high enough ilvl then you could bypass mechanics and just faceroll. Others you had to do mechanics but having a certain items made it way simple so the feeling of achievement I dont even want to hear. Its almost in the same sense as the green fire of locks when it first came out it absolutely sucked to get. Honestly I think that is was the basis for the mage tower. But you can still get the green fire and its so easy to get now compared to when you actually had to try. So any who says they dont want to bring it back is purely selfish. Let others get items they havent had the chance to obtain it wont affect your game play at all. I find it funny because some of you say I want to feel self gratification for something. Its a game Its not real life, you want to achieve something and feel the gratification of something do something in your life. Play the game for fun… a lot of you take this way to seriously…

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