Bring back mage tower

Brawler’s Guild isn’t “Challenge Mode” content.

They will not bring the Legion Mage Tower appearances back. They will most likely bring some type of solo challenge back in the future with new rewards.

Awful logic. This game is neither a job nor an olympic sport competition. If you need that kind of validation, go out into the open world to get it or if you can’t then enter gaming tournaments to receive such accolades.

To compare a simple weapon transmog to an olympic runner who spends his entire waking life training for a single moment to win, is completely lopsided thinking…

No they weren’t. Not a single challenge requires your artifact ability to beat. Just power is required, all you’d have to do is scale it, just like the Brawlers guild (as I already said, but someone didn’t read).

Thats wrong

But its doesnt matter. They arent coming back

Well according to the post I was just reading I think they are working on bringing it back!

I think that the appearances should remain legion specific. However, I would like them to bring it back, just for the sake of doing it. It was like a Dark Souls fight, that you play just to see yourself get better and better.

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They said theyre interested in making more MT like content, just not every expansion

Its gone gone gone


It wasn’t a large lart of the expac. It was a fun challenge that was always marketed as time limited. The challenge modes in pandaria and WoD were the same. No time limited rewards will be coming back in the future. Best to move on with your life and hope they bring out new ones for this expac.

Thank you, a voice of reason and critical thinking in this swamp of selfishness called GD.

This is the very definition of MMO game design though and always has. Everyone wants to feel special. It’s not like a single-player game where you don’t really care much what your character looks like or what they wear or how much dps they do. It is everything for an MMO. It’s what motivates people to do tasks. This is why BFA has been such a failure. Nobody feels special. There’s nothing to strive for.

Part of the Mage Tower success, in my opinion, was making it time sensitive and exclusive while also Increasing success chances by having the Power of the Artifact increase exponentially during the summer.

A big failure was the vast difference in difficulty each class has in completing the challenges. One class would be a cake walk (kitty) and another a much more involved experience (outlaw, fury)

The finality of the event had many, including myself, midnight running the challenges. I prioritized and got not all that I wanted, but much more than I expected.

The day after it was over I didn’t feel like playing the game. So much learning each of character and how to integrate them into the mechanics of each fight. It was a lot of effort and energy. Then suddenly gone and replaced with an expansion that wasn’t quite ready for prime time.

I have to vote no on bringing back the Mage Tower and their mogs for one main reason. The timing and exclusivity of the event forced many of us out of our shells and we learned to play the class better, at least for the scenario. Our choice was to attempt it or never have the option later. Taking away the time sensitive would just incentivize players to wait an expansion or two and then steamroll the challenge later. The event and participation wouldn’t have been as successful if players knew they could just wait it out.

I applaud Blizzard for making the event. I hope they make similar ones in the future. Just spend some more time balancing out the encounters among the classes.


That’s actually not why BFA failed and flopped. Classes, loss of tier/artifacts/leggo abilities, azerite armour and traits and the loss of a targetable BiS reward structure are way worse problems over “feeling special”.

And if you did want to feel special, there’s still high rated pvp sets and current mythic sets. Not sure why you need to constantly “feel special” either…maybe a whole lot of you dissenters have actual low self esteem issues :man_shrugging:

Its a pretty common concept, so thinking its bs doesn’t make it actually bs. Exclusivity gives things value, people like having things that have value. It doesn’t matter if its a virtual achievement, a physical achievement, an academic one, a personal one, etc. Value is usually determined by the individual based on effort, reward, and yes, exclusivity. Am I proud about ashes of al’ar? Eh not really its just a mount anyone can get. Am I happy about my classic pvp mog or mage tower stuff? Yes because it showed that i was there and did the things necessary. On the flip side do I wish i had the MoP challenge mode? Yes. Do I want it to come back? No, because that would take away from the people that earned it, and I’m not going to try and do mental gymnastics around basic concepts to try and open it up for something I want.

Is that better or worse than the extreme entitlement issues the people that want this stuff back have?


Can I go with option C and just call anyone who asks of me something an elitist?

I already have all mage tower appearances, so which entitlement do you speak of?

Maybe just stick to the argument buddy.

Im just glad its not coming back. I wonder what the next appearances will be. I look forward to the people who beg for that handout in a few years


This is what toxic behavior of the detractors looks like. gg

Sure it does. But only because you say so right?


Bring back the mage tower after alliance defeats sylvanas and horde and alliance work together, kirin tor come and the mage tower is void themed.

And add a new reward to obtain. Keep old exclusives exclusive. Period.