Bring back Mage Tower as a seasonal limited time event

  • Plays a game not because they enjoy it, but because they don’t enjoy it

Isn’t this basically what Torghast sets out to do?

Create a new method of play centered on a single player challenge that persists into the game’s future.

We don’t need the old stuff back. It wouldn’t fit at this point, the rewards have already been fought over and won by those who qualified. Let it go and move on.

I don’t enjoy the game itself but I do enjoy the game I pretend it is.

So…you’re delusional? Is that what you’re saying?


Nope, I’m saying I have a better imagination than you. Also better hair.

That’s bizarre, and actually saddening. You’re really out here playing a game you don’t have fun playing when you could be playing games you enjoy.


But i don’t need to imagine the game is something it isn’t to enjoy it. Seems like you should be playing something else if you have to do that.


This is all it is, as far as I can tell. I’m actually amazed. Imagine coming back to a game day after day because you don’t like to play it.

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Ah, the cringy insults begin.

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That was unnecessarily rude. I have not called you any names this entire time, while you have been insulting me throughout it.

Insulting your taste is not the same as insulting you. Whereas calling something I do “saddening” in internet speak is 100% a hostile action. So…pull the other one.

You, literally, just called me 2 different names with intent to insult.


You started it. I was simply letting you know that I don’t take that sort of thing lying down. Not to mention given this is an online envirnment and I don’t actually know what you look like my insults are hardly the most eggregious in this situation. Your insult however is psychological and thus in an online environment inherently more malicious than my own.

You could stand to use a bit more conditioner Caelus. Its how you get nice and silky hair like I do. Look at Voxplaga’s beard.
After one day’s work, its become the worlds most cushy, and yet MANLY beard.

Seriously, when he flexes, it flexes, and looks.good.doing it.

Conditioner? I go for a swim in the Stormwind ravine and shake the water off my fur.

ah yes, here we see two forum dwellers in their natural environments. Rolling in mud flinging insults at each other because they have nothing useful left to say

Also bring back MOP Challenge Mode Armor Sets.

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They should be back OP, but they won’t.

The “you weren’t there excuse” is very feeble since these are digital items that could be allocated to different, new challenges.

They should also add, if it’s not there already, some indication (for challenges like Mage Tower) of when the skin was obtained, since getting them at Mage Tower’s launch was a lot harder than getting it after a few weeks of Argus raid, which made them pretty much a cakewalk by then.

I’d have them all (all 36 specs) if my PC didn’t die right after my first normal Argus kill back then, since I was planning to get them with easy mode gear, which essentially invalidated most of the challenge aspect.

At least I got my Pandarian Phoenix.

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The whole idea is that it is a limited time item so it makes people play during that time
The benefit is that next time there is a limited time thing people like myself (who missed the mage tower and now regret) it will stay/resub and get them.

my making the available all the time you kill that off entirely.

I agree. Bring back the retired content in the timewalking events.

Timewalking Classic: The raid theme is AQ40, with Naxxramas and Zul’Garub available to raid.

Timewalking Burning Crusade has Black Temple. Amani war bear from Zul’Aman raid available again.

Timewalking Wrath of the Lich King with Icecrown Citadel, and Death Knights can get Frostmourne as a legendary/artifact level mog that can be used with ALL specs, so a DK can even appear to wield a 2h while as a dual wield Frost DK.

Timewalking Cataclysm make the Rogue legendary daggers available for mugging, and Sulfuras reborn.

Timewalking MoP make the Siege of Orgrimmar heirlooms and the mounts available again.

Timewalking WoD make it possible to get the retired WoD mounts.

Timewalking Legion, let us have access to the Mage Tower, all rewards brought back for mogging only, and restore access to mounts.

Basically, timewalking should give us a shot at the retired rewards. Make a hidden achievement called “World of Warcraft veteran” which unlocks the WoW tabard in the tabard tab, or an heirloom toy that lets you double current experience gains in lower level characters.

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