Bring back Mage Tower as a seasonal limited time event

You and I disagree here. I have zero issue with the implementation of time limited content in its current form. I have multiple elite mogs, all 36 mage towers, mop challenge modes, cloak, wod ring, etc. I did those things because I knew they would be time sensitive, and I didn’t wanna miss out. I hunted them actively. And that’s how it should be, in my opinion.


I think you misunderstand what I mean by sloppy, there are quests in the game that you can just TELL weren’t the way they are now. The build up vs the reward is just wrong or a storyline just ends abruptly when there’s something in the quest that suggests otherwise. Not to mention the content tailored to mechanics that no longer exist. For me this is all objectively a huge problem. One that Blizzard taking the time to design replacements for would really fix a lot. It would improve the quality of the game for me. Rather than taking me out of the experience every time that sort of in your face incongruity comes along.

Blizzard is fixing that major problem, by nerfing the levels to 60, making a brand new starting experience, and then having you start right at BFA for a new player. If you on an alt, they said 10-50 is essentially you pick one expansion zone and go level in it, it’ll get you to 50 to move into shadowlands. Also the mage towers dont play in real part into the lore of legion, so you miss nothing in the story anyway.

Do miss out on gameplay though which is another issue I generally have with timed content. I also think that Blizzards current plan while actually pretty good in some ways would have been better if they also did another whole world overhaul. In fact they should update prior timelines to have area changes that were missing for whatever reason when released. Updating cities to reflect unique timeline circumstances and such. Adding in some quest lines as well so that people can relive older zones and have something interesting to do. Plus Redridge and Westfall Cata-style are an abomination that needs to be buried in a previous timeline under new content.

There isn’t a problem to fix. It was very known that it was limited-time. Some people didn’t get the rewards. That’s not a problem.


Honest question, if other people got the weapon skins, how would it affect you? You’d still have them, it’s not like they’d get taken away from you. The only difference is they would “feel” less rare or special to you and that’s about it. Do you think feeling special is really worth other people missing out on cool weapon skins or druid forms?

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Well lets flip that question. How is me having transmog affecting your gameplay?


Do you think it is worth Blizzard going back on their word for the sake of equality? These were released in advance as a challenge for a limited duration.

How would it affect me (not that you asked :slight_smile: )? It would mean I wasted a tremendous amount of time unlocking skins in advance for classes I may one day play…as I could just get it whenever. It would mean that I stayed up late doing certain challenges to beat a timer for no reason.

I would not be affected now…but I’d have wasted a lot of time rushing. And I would not be happy about that.

I’d like the chance to get some transmogs, too. Would me having those same transmogs affect your gameplay?

You wouldn’t have wasted any time at all, because you have them, that was your goal. Other people having them doesn’t mean you wasted your time to unlock them, you still have them.

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I unlocked warlock skins–a class I don’t at all play–just to have. I unlocked the DK unholy weapon despite hating the spec just incase one day. The bulk of the weapons I unlocked have never been used. I only unlocked them due to pressure…so I see it as a complete waste of my time.

I feel good having accomplished something with a limited duration. I feel like I would do it one day if I ever cared, otherwise. And I would have spared myself.

Well again, how does my transmog affect your gameplay?

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So you unlocked them because you wanted them to use “just incase one day”, that’s the reason you just gave me. Nowhere did you mention anything about “I wanted them to feel special/unique”, so people also having them wouldn’t diminish your ability to have them to use “just incase one day”, so no time wasted.

Here’s another example: I unlocked void elves because I wanted to play one. If other people could just enter the game and make a void elf without putting the same work in, I wouldn’t care, it has 0 affect on me. I can still play a void elf, which was my goal. No harm, no foul.

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Immediate difference. They weren’t advertised as time exclusive.


Alright, here’s a better example: I’ve got many time exclusive raiding mounts for the final boss of an expansion. If Blizzard decided to open those up again even though they originally said they were limited time only, I wouldn’t care, I’d still have mine which was my goal in getting them in the first place, and other people having them would have 0 affect on me.

Other people having the same things as me, whether limited time or not, doesn’t take away from me having played the game at the right time to get them. I don’t really feel like it’s much of an achievement that I was playing the game at a specific time and someone was not, anyway.

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Some events are bound to specific expansion and probably will never change . I don’t understand people who cry about when someone gets something easier , but they had to grind for it .

Chill out it’s a game , something that was created for people to have fun . If you made this game you priority in your life that means you addicted gamer and need to seek help.

Comparing a game to real life it’s absurd. Chill out guys . It’s a game … made so that everyone can have fun . You still have plenty of stuff that no one has , who started to play late in the game .

Exactly!! But try to explain this to cry babies

But had there been no limited time, I would not have.

Limited duration = incentive to get what I can while i can.

No limited duration = get it if I need it.

I understand that I have extras now. But I took the time to get them for only 1 reason: they won’t be around forever. If they were to return, just as is, I would have spent my time elsewhere–not countless hours rushing to unlock things.

Perhaps if you spent hours unlocking them when they were up every few days, you’d understand how much pressure there was to get it while you can.

No matter how it is reworded though, my time had value. The moment they return (without any changes in reward or challenge), that time spent rushing is made pointless. I would’ve conveniently gotten any I wanted 2 years later…like now.

If there had been no limited time, you would have just got them at a later date whenever you decided to play a warlock or DK. You wouldn’t have had to gone through all that pressure that you describe. And also, if they make mage tower available again, people won’t have to suffer that same pressure you did. I’m assuming you’re a kind person that doesn’t want people to suffer as you did, am I right in that?

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I’d care. Because that would mean they utilized FOMO to lie to the players to get them to feel a sense of urgency only to give it out to everyone. That would mean Blizzard lied. And I don’t like being lied to.

It was advertised as a time exclusive. For Blizzard to say “Ha! Gotcha! Here you go everyone” after saying that it’s going away forever is a bad move by them. If people wanted the exclusives they should’ve done the content.