Bring back Mage Tower as a seasonal limited time event

Right and wrong is subjective because I think it’s okay to remove small bits of each expansion.

Opinions are subjective. Like your opinion is wrong.

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What makes it wrong?

I think those small bits eventually add up. But like I already said…if the removal was seamless I’d have less issue with it. If they straight up replaced it with something else equally as interesting every time that also seamlessly fit into the hole left over so much the better.

Well in the span of 15 years of course they add up. There are things I’ve missed that I would love to be able to have but am okay with not being able to obtain them because I either didn’t play during those xpacs or I couldn’t be bothered to even try.

None of that matters because the mage tower was time sensitive. We were told it was time sensitive. That, in and of itself, means no mage tower return.


I’m of the opinion that if you don’t have the time to put into the game then no, you don’t get exclusive rewards in the game that require you to actually have played that content.

I had RL issues in MoP and WoD that caused me to miss the challenges from then but I’m not upset over not ever getting those things. You can’t get upset in life over people having special things. They completed the content so they get the rewards.
Nothing wrong with being rewarded for playing the game and doing content while it was current with something that didn’t even have to be put in the game in the first place.

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I honestly want to agree with you…because as you said, everyone has their own RL situation going on. Things can be so hectic that there is no time/ability/desire to play during that period. Why should some of the nicest models in the game not be available…where is the logic to that?

Though I think there is good to limited time stuff like this. I sometimes see old elite PvP sets and think about how much I’d like to get my own elite set (has yet to happen). Regardless, it’s what motivates me to try to put in the effort for a future one.

And that’s what I think the solution is: a future mage tower experience. The equivalent in reward quality, the equivalent challenge. It sucks missing out on something…but it’s less bad when there is a next something.

For me, this was my Legion goal…get the flame glaives. The picture was on WoWhead before Legion was released. So I can’t agree with there being no way of knowing it existed. I missed out on the WoD challenge weapons due to a lack of awareness (and a cancelled account for 8 months), but I feel that was on me. Had I not missed those WoD weapons, I would not have pursued the Legion ones to the extent that I did (15 weapons total…possible future characters in mind). As much of a missed experience it might’ve been, it’s also a carrot on a stick.

Edit: I don’t know of any future mage tower challenge or equivalent happening, so unfortunately, it’s not a great situation right now. Currently, you have something nice or you don’t–that sucks. I think a future challenge would be a solution…but unfortunately, my saying this is not a solution in itself in any way :\


I wish Blizzard would consider that. They have this habit of releasing something good and not trying to emulate that, but then releasing something bad and doubling down on it. I think every expansion having a Mage Tower like event for really cool weapon skins (or, hear me out, back piece skins that aren’t just cloaks!) would have been a great idea. I know it takes work to design, draw, animate or whatever the rewards but I think having solo challenges where you can get cosmetic rewards for mastery of your class is a great design choice. And if it were expansion themed a bit more, the exclusivity of it would be a good way of saying “I mastered this character in this expansion.”

I think I posted somewhere in this but I want to reiterate that this is the way I see time sensitive rewards, too. It motivates me to want them, and I worked my tail off to get all 36 skins. The time sensitive nature of the reward is what drove me to complete all of the challenges, and I think that’s important to have for some parts of the game that are strictly cosmetic.


How does that actually fix any of the problems that the people in this thread are having? That only really dismisses the worries of people who believe that the artefact skin removal came out of nowhere.

It doesn’t fix the botched surgery or the fact that only the last ten levels ever contain anything to strive towards. Or the fact that a whole zone is inaccessible because of Blizzards permanently indelicate touch.

It’s all well and good for that other stuff not to matter to you. But you are not the only person playing this game.

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The problem the people in this thread are having is, based on the OP, they want the mage tower to come back. It is not. And Blizzard does not need to fix that. We were told it from the mage tower’s implementation. That is more than good enough.


let’s just cut the crap shall we. If mage tower is still available the conversation you people will be saying isn’t about bringing it back but nerfing it because “it’s too hard.”

Certain rewards, I can agree with. Little sad I can’t get the MoP Cloaks on my new characters but that I can deal with. It’s just one cloak, one appearance that is overall insignificant. But there was just no way I was going to be able to collect EVERY alternate appearance for the weapons on the 8 characters that I played Legion. So I settled for working towards just those one my main. So I had to do EVERYTHING myself because the ExPac was so dead that I couldn’t raid or do much of anything outside of LFR. Then Life Happens and I can no longer even play for 9 months. All the work I HAD done suddenly wasted.

I’m not asking for a Mount or Special Titles. Just the right to continue working towards something on my own time, at my own pace.

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I think there’s more than one way to fix a problem. I mean sure would I like Sparkle Cat? Definitely! Is not having Sparkle Cat my only problem with time-limited content? Hell No!

Would I be happier with not having Sparkle Cat or MoP cape? But having permanent replacements for those things that give older zones some more reason to exist outside of nostalgia or questers trying to futilely piece together the (often broken) story ? Absolutely.


Limited time content is meant to be limited time. If you implement replacements to the rewards, there’s no point. There’s never going to be another sparkle cat to replace old sparkle cat. That’s the point behind a trophy.


That’s silly, you already have Sparkle Cat and no one else is getting Sparkle Cat ergo you should have no objection if Sparkle cat is Replaced with IDK Poison Spore Cat and Mage Tower is redone as Mage Tower 2.0 The revenging. Because technically you still get to show off your limited edition: “I was playing when this expansion was live” thingy. It’s just that there’s more to do and HECK you get to earn another skin. This time at your own pace.

I’ve already dealt with the one objection ya’ll have to the idea. Now you’re just wilfully playing hard to get.


Speaking of past legendaries–isn’t it possible to continue the WoD legendary chain if you were up to a certain point? If someone already started attempting the challenge in Legion, I’m not against them being able to continue trying…as long as the challenge remains.

What’d really sway me over to your side would be if Blizzard added expansion-specific colors. Base model still there to obtain–but a color tied to completing it in Legion, another for doing it in BfA, another for Shadowlands, etc. And then they’d have to allow us to return to it once complete. I know this isn’t at all what you’re saying, but the model would remain available for those who missed out…and there’d be a reason to repeat it every couple of years…and a sense of accomplishment tied to obtaining a limited edition color.

(unfortunately, Blizzard already took the opposite route: base colors gone, additional ones still obtainable. Another potential solution that is not really a solution :\ )

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You and I are never gonna agree on this, so we’ll agree to disagree and move on.

Mage towers do not need a replacement, in my mind. They don’t need anything. They’re done. Retired. Over. Their time has come, and gone, as we were told would be the case. Asking for a new challenge is fine. But new challenges require totally new rewards.

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Okay but the only reason time limited content and permanent content can’t co-exist is because time-limited content leaves unsightly gaping holes everywhere. My solution would get Sparkle Cat hunters off your back and ultimately improve the game as a whole. There is very little to actually object to except maybe your belief that time-limited content is perfect just the way it is…which it really isn’t. The way it is, it’s a sloppy unsightly mess.

That’s all I’m wanting. I mean, 8 characters, I know I’ll never get those sets but my main, I worked so hard. All I wanted was what we got in MoP and WoD. The Right to finish what we started.