Bring back Mage Tower as a seasonal limited time event

God! What choices do we have as druids !??!?! Why must we suffer with the limitations that Blizzard has chained us down with! Oh the agony!


I care because my friends and guildmates care. I myself wouldn’t be affected because I wouldn’t even do the Tower. I have no reason to. None of the stuff in the Mage Tower is stuff that i want for any of my characters. The things that do look really cool are for classes i don’t like or don’t have.

Come back to me when Druids have as many forms as there are transmogs for swords or staves.

Because compared to the variety of choices offered to other classes Druids are indeed severely limited in their choices.

We’re so limited guys! Look at all these limited forms they gave us in Legion for both Feral and Guardian! What were they thinking!??!!?

 the MT appearance wouldn’t add or help this “problem.”

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It’s another option for them so I would consider that an improvement. But thats besides the point.

But why are the entitled to the opportunity? Are they entitled to the challenge mode mogs from WoD? Are they entitled to CE Titles? Gladiator Titles? Black Harvest title from the past?

So why don’t you ask for new appearances instead? No one would disagree that extra mogs are great. I wouldn’t mind if they gave druids more options for their forms so long as they are new/unique forms.

A note on there being no effects if they made the MT challenge with the old skins as rewards:

  1. If Blizz set up a TW Mage Tower (either cakewalk or rescaled/instanced, as I posited yesterday) that would take anywhere from some work (just a cakewalk TW) to a ton of work (actual instancing or rebalancing/reworking the encounters to work without artifacts) which would detract from work in other things. So it in fact affects everyone, indirectly at least.

  2. Admittedly, if someone got the werebear or the flails during the last day, when concordance was insanely high and you could buy 1-2 targeted legendaries per week, that does not affect me in the slightest. Nor does it undermine my own achievement. Nor would it if someone were to attain it now as a TW. What would have an impact, retroactively anyway, is that I at least worked hard to get the ones I got when I got them. I have a huge backlog of games - I get to them when I get to them because the games are still waiting for me. The MT wasn’t going to wait so those of us that got our challenges done boogied, knowing we had a year and change to do it. There’s stuff I’m delaying on doing until later in WoW, like the Mechagon and Naz meta. If I read they were going away, you can bet I’d be working on that RIGHT NOW, but seeing as how I know I can take the load off, I’m even taking a break from WoW at this time. I made decisions with my time and money at the time with the information we were given by Blizz.

  3. If they did a new challenge where you could opt to attain the old skin, sure, that could be cool. If it were ONLY the old skins, I can’t speak for everybody, but I would imagine participation would not be nearly as high as the MT. If it offered old and new rewards, cool. I guarantee you though that in 2022 or whatever, there would be people complaining they didn’t have enough time to do the MT 2.0 and asking to bring it back as TW.

The MT was up for a long time. Some people had legitimate reasons for missing it (Saw a post yesterday that someone was caring for their ailing parent, that’s really sucky, but that’s real life) but I was here in the forums and watching genchat and tradechat: Some people were giving up early. Some people were asking for a nerf (which we got). Some people just decided to take their ball and go home after a couple of tries (and some of the challenges should only have taken a couple of tries) Some made excuses about just being bad and resented the challenge as some personal indictment. And then you had people getting back on the horse, going into the triple digits for attempts. And, at least in the forum threads I participated, the community was overall trying to be helpful and encouraging. In the end some got their skins and some didn’t.

I missed out on the Grove Warden because 
I’m dumb? I missed out on the greenfire quest title because I didn’t try for long enough. I gave up early. I took both those lessons to heart and made sure to heed ‘limited time’ warnings.

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I already did exactly that? Did you not just see where i said that I hope they release reskins of the druid forms at some point in the future so people can have access to the forms while the people who did the MT can still have their extremely vital and desperately important exclusivity.

That way people can still get the forms and nobody can complain. (Though I’m sure some would still complain anyway)

I didn’t say reskins. I said new mogs, so no confusing MT wearbear with something else.

except druids can still xmog thier weapons they just dont show while in form is all they have more options technically

If they do the reskins properly then nobody will get them confused. Problem solved.

That’s fine.

Did I just agree with rastlin O_O

Nah nevemind

  • Mountain dew bear
  • Ursoc form bear
  • Skull armoured bear
  • Kultiran bear
  • Zandalari bear

Yea you guys are hurting for customization

Hey guys how about this. People want seasonal. Let’s make it seasonal.

It only come up on Legion timewalking when it’s a thing. Then people get the “seasonal appearance” and the appearance disappear after the “seasonal” legion timewalking finishes. Afterall it’s just a tmog right :wink:

I don’t mind limited time challenges. But I do mind limited time challenges that ask for too much. Given about the same amount of time these where what the other 2 limited time items required.

MOP - 1 armor skin per class attached to a achievement. This one was tough it required you to do the achievement for each class you wanted the skin on. It was tough but reasonable to get them all. This event was up at all times.

WoD - 17 skins, Same challenge type as MOP however you simply bought the weapon skins with your achievement and thru the mog system could use them on all your alts. This was super reasonable and you could get everything if you played a hunter. (every weapon is a hunter weapon :stuck_out_tongue:) This event was up at all times.

Legion - 36 total skins, Required all classes to be made and all spec’s for those classes to be geared out and mastered and you had to run it at least 36 times (if you could one shot it every time) it also required regents to run. The event was also up only about a 3rd of the time until the last 2 months.

When compared to the other 2 limited time events legion went over board with its requirements. This is why players don’t really complain much about MoP or WoD but do actually feel upset about Legion’s limited time reward.

I recommend that Blizzard never put more then 5 limited time rewards up per year. It will avoid complaints like these and allow the players that enjoy such events to get more of them.

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Do you know the definition of entitled?

believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.

Getting handed the challenge mode appearances without earning them, and outside the window to get them, fits that definition.

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Here you go you left a artifact appearance, and some races out. Fixed for you

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